Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 12 Pharmaceutical Field Planning

After listening to Junsha's words, Su Yu finally decided to step forward and get in touch with the tropical dragon.

After all, this is a powerful fighting force. If it can be conquered, Su Yu will have a Pokémon that he can handle. In particular, the Tropical Dragon was well suited to his ranch.

The only question is whether Su Yu can be recognized by Tropical Dragon. After all, some Pokémon still have very high requirements for trainers, and trainers who are too weak will not be able to impress them.

Seeing Su Yu step forward, Tropical Dragon meekly lowered his head and let Su Yu touch it. For Su Yu, Tropical Dragon still had a good impression, after all, Su Yu treated its injuries.

Tropical Dragon, the bad guys have been driven away now. What are you going to do next? Do you want to go to my ranch for a while? Su Yu said, patting Tropical Dragon's neck.

Hearing this, Tropical Dragon shook its head sadly. It lowered its head, probably thinking about something.

This... Su Yu expressed confusion.

Jun Sha on the side explained:

It must be missing its fellow tropical dragons. As far as I know, this group of poaching gangs just captured a whole group of tropical dragons, and their companions should be among them.

Hearing this, Su Yu understood. He said:

Then you can also come to our ranch. There are also many Pokémon in our ranch. Like you, they want to become stronger.

You should also want to become stronger, right? Only by becoming stronger can you save your companions, and I will help you.

Woof! (Su Yu is right)

The Kati dog on the side also echoed.

After hearing this, Tropical Dragon thought for a moment. Then, its eyes became firm and it nodded towards Su Yu.

Seeing this, Su Yu was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that it actually happened!

Then come in here. Entering here means that we have officially become partners, and I will definitely help you. Su Yu took out the red and white elf ball.

Tropical Dragon didn't hesitate, he just hit his head and turned into a red light and entered the elf ball.

Jun Sha on the side also smiled when she saw this. She said:

Let's go, don't you want to go back to your ranch? Dabi Bird and I will give you a ride.

With that said, Junsha released the big bird. Its wide wingspan was three meters long, and it was full of oppression.

However, at this time, Tropical Dragon ran out of the elf ball on his own initiative and shouted urgently at Su Yu:

Hoo ho ho ho!

It seems that your tropical dragon wants to carry you more. Seeing this, Junsha also said with a smile.

Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Tropical Dragon! Su Yu also said.

Flying out of the mountain was much faster than Su Yu walking into the mountain.

In just a few minutes, Su Yu returned to the pasture from the forest. He didn't even know how long it would take. After landing, Junsha also briefly said goodbye to Su Yu:

I still have some matters in my office, so I won't stay with you for a long time. If there is any new news about the poaching gang, I will inform you and leave first.

After saying that, Junsha turned over and rode on Big Bird's back, and left.

Later, Su Yu also returned to the long-lost ranch cabin.

At this time, Yang Hao's head poked out of the sheepfold, with some grass clippings in his hair. He looked at Miss Junsha's leaving figure and asked doubtfully:

Su Yu, what's going on? We haven't seen each other for just a few days, and now you're provoking Junsha?

And why did you come back so soon? Didn't you mean to at least... Hey, Misty Grass, Tropical Dragon!

At first, Yang Hao didn't take a closer look. He only looked up when he heard Su Yu coming home. Only then did he notice the huge thing next to Su Yu.

Compared with humans, tropical dragons are still very large. Not to mention it has a long neck. When you raise your head, the huge height difference can easily make people nervous, as if they are being targeted by some predator.

Okay, Tropical Dragon, don't scare that fat guy, it's almost scaring people! Seeing Tropical Dragon deliberately staring directly at Yang Hao, Su Yu said with a smile.

After talking with Tropical Dragon along the way, Su Yu became very familiar with Tropical Dragon, and this was the benefit of learning a Pokémon language.

Pokémon like Meowth that can communicate with humans are also popular everywhere. Su Yu thought that if the ranch could no longer operate in the future, he might as well become a translator.

Humans who can speak Pokémon language are still very rare in this world. The original person finally learned it because he was very talented.

After hearing Su Yu's words, Tropical Dragon also dispersed his eager eyes. While making a strange and sharp laugh, it shared the fruit on its neck with Yang Hao as an apology.

In response, Yang Hao retorted angrily:

Who are you calling chubby? I'm just a little stronger. I'm 1.85 meters tall, so I'm much taller than you!

Hmm...it smells so good. Where did you find this top-grade dragon? This fruit can be sold at a high price in the town.

Really? Su Yu didn't pay attention. He only knew that this tropical dragon was not weak and could escape from poachers, but he had never tasted the fruit of a tropical dragon.

It seems that I found a treasure.

At this moment, Su Yu was sorting the collected medicinal materials into categories. He looked at the grasslands and farmland in the distance that were becoming more and more fantastic due to the environmental modification fluid, and thought to himself that these medicinal materials might be able to be planted in the fields.

At least the environment here is definitely not inferior to that in the mountains, right?

Well... there are two vitality roots among the herbs collected this time. You can try them.

If this thing comes to pass, Su Yu will no longer have to go into the mountains to collect herbs. He can harvest a large amount of medicinal materials at home, and these medicinal materials can be sold at a good price.

At this time, Yang Hao also came out of the sheepfold. Seeing Su Yu sorting, he asked curiously:

How was the harvest this time?

Hmm...it's pretty good. I plan to sell some of these medicinal materials first and try to grow the rest.

By the way, do you have a way to sell medicinal materials? Su Yu asked.

It's easy. Couldn't you just ask Grandpa Liu about this? Yang Hao replied.

After hearing what he said, Su Yu also had an impression. The so-called Grandpa Liu is a man who travels around buying agricultural products in the pastoral area.

To put it bluntly, he is a second-hand dealer. He purchases agricultural products from everyone and then sells these agricultural products through his own channels, earning middlemen's money.

It's not that Su Yu is unwilling to sell it himself, but it takes a lot of time, and his shipment volume is also small.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Su Yu decided to contact the so-called Grandpa Liu.

By the way, when you were away these past few days, I specially trained your braided sheep. They are now very high-spirited. They said they wanted to have a battle with your Kati dog, and they said they wanted to watch. See who is grazing whom.”


Have they learned to be round?

Yang Hao nodded.

Seeing this, Su Yu just laughed out loud and said:

Then let them find the Kati dog by themselves. I'm too lazy to get involved in this. I'm busy.

By the way, I have something to ask you for. I don't have money to buy a smartphone. So, you can help me find someone online. His name is...

After asking Yang Hao about this matter, Su Yu went back to the house and started preparing dinner. There are a few more mouths in the pasture now, and fortunately, they are not difficult to raise.

It seems you are the most worry-free.

Su Yu said this while looking at the tropical dragon by the window.

That night, the dog returned home in a very embarrassed state. It seemed that it had failed in the duel with the three lambs.

You're back? Let's eat steaming crab porridge tonight! How about it? It's delicious, isn't it?

As soon as he came back, Su Yu threw down the crab claws of the hairy crab that he had picked up before and made porridge. Onion, ginger and various seasonings are also added to the porridge, which makes it full of aroma.

However, at this time, the Kati dog had no intention of eating. It roared at Su Yu several times, looking very dissatisfied.

Why, after being defeated by the braided sheep, do you want to become stronger?

Well, let's eat first, and then I'll think about it with you after we're done, okay?

In response to this, Tropical Dragon also poked his head in through the window and echoed.

Hoo~! (And mine too)

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