The sun is gradually sinking to the west. Looking from a distance, the sun sandwiched between the two peaks of Yangjiaofeng is like a bright topaz gem on the crown.

Liang Ren and Lucario work with a common purpose and set up a camp three meters away next to the Shiba tent.

Sheba cooked a big pot of stew in a tin iron pot and invited him to eat with him. Liang Ren did not refuse.

During dinner, he also saw Pokémon in Hiba’s hand:

Strength/Machamp, Hitmonchan, Shawarang, Poliwrath, Chaoda·Onix ——

Similarly, I only brought five Pokémons around, but compared with Pidgeot and Slowpoke, the aura of these five Pokémons by Shiba is much stronger.

Just standing next to them, Liang Ren felt a suffocating pressure, as if they were all Elite.

“Too strong, the five Pokémon in Hibata’s hands, I am afraid they are all well-know figures in the Elite class.”

Like Pidgeot, they stare at Xi. Liang Ren, who was looking at these few Pokémons, couldn’t help but sigh.

“I have heard from Ash, Brock, and Misty before that this super huge Onix is ​​the one that the master Hiba had conquered in Miacha Mountain before?”

When Liang Ren turned his gaze to Onix, Shiba, he was shocked even though he knew that the opponent was huge.

Among all the Pokémons in the world, Onix’s body size can be ranked in the forefront, and only a few Pokémons such as Wailord can beat it.

However, Shiba’s Onix has a much larger body size. Under normal circumstances, Onix has an average body length of 8.8 meters. Liang Ren visually observed that Shiba’s Onix is ​​almost 15 meters.

“This guy was conquered when I was in Miyacha Mountain’s penance. I remembered that he had a little trouble at the time. After I helped her solve it, he was with me.”

Seeing Liang Ren asking about Onix, Shiba, who was using a stiff brush to clean up the crevices of Onix’s body, couldn’t help but show a smile on her face.

As a Shiba who specializes in Fighting Type, Onix is ​​the only one after another in his hand, only Attribute Pokémon.

“As expected to be the master of Shiba, I listened to Ash and they said that you didn’t use Pokémon at all, and you took Onix with your bare hands.”

“hahahaha, they said too much It’s an exaggeration…” Xiba said with a big smile boldly. Although he said so, Liang Ren still saw a trace of contentment in his face.



The sun sank into the mountains behind Yangjiaofeng, the bright red sunset also faded, sky and The earth became dim all at once.

On the rocky beach of the river valley tens of thousands meters away from Yangjiaofeng, a pile of prosperous firewood was burning between two tents. Liang Ren and Shiba were chatting about Pokémon training.

There are five Pokémons next to Strength/Machamp, Hitmonchan, Sawarang, Poliwrath, and Onix. They also get along very well with Pidgeot under Liang Ren.

‘Thousands to wear, flattery not to wear’ this saying has some negative kitsch derogatory meaning.

But out of the psychological need to be respected, although compliments are said no, the ears still like to listen.

After being consulted by younger generations like Liang Ren with innate talent, Shiba also behaved generously.

The’big secret skill’ Shiba that Ash hadn’t been able to ask for, but she told Liang Ren generously.

How to get along with Fighting Pokémon, how to gain Pokémon’s trust and respect, how to train, the stages of Fighting Pokémon cultivation…

Although he has learned a lot from Master Kiyo I know, but there are others that Kiyo doesn’t know, and Shiba has a very insightful experience and know-how.

On the way to become stronger, the trainer must not only work hard to help Pokémon become stronger, but also the trainer’s own learning is also very important.

Of course, as a transmigrator, as a genius who has been studying in the library since the age of four.

Although he is not a master of all things, he still deserves the title Liang Ren, who is full of books and erudite.

Practical experience may not be as good as Hibatador, but Liang Ren’s theoretical knowledge and transmigrator’s overall perspective have made Hiba a lot of gains in the chat.

Originally, I came to Yangjiaofeng to make a chance encounter, and Shiba itself had the purpose of comparison, because of the evaluation of Agatha and Oak, and the big movement made by Liang Ren in Hoenn during the summer vacation.

Siba originally had a good opinion of him, and during dinner the two chatted about Pokémon’s breeding and exercise.

Liang Ren showed his three views, profound knowledge, and his sincerity and enthusiasm for Pokémon.

Hibba’s evaluation of him has risen to a point where it cannot be added.

“This kid is really a fine jade, I must find a way to absorb him into the Alliance, and I can’t be digged by the Hoenn Ever Grande Alliance.”

After extinguishing the fire, after taking a bath and taking Pokémon back into the tent to rest, Shiba became more determined to absorb Liang Ren into the Indigo Alliance.

“But what should I do if I want to absorb this kid into Alliance? What kind of conditions should the Alliance make?”

“Next half a month, with all my strength Coaching his Lucario cultivation? Then let the Alliance gift a Quasi-Legendary egg or Quasi-Legendary cub?”

Looking at the light from Liang Ren’s tent, he also got back into the tent to rest Shiba thought to himself.

He only likes to exercise and he is only good at fighting. He is not very good at things like recruiting talents. In the past, Mrs. Agatha, Kona and Du were doing things like this.

But when I met today, Xiba did indeed have a very strong desire to recruit Liang Ren into the Indigo Alliance.

For this reason, Shiba, who has always disliked such troublesome things, also began to turn his stiff brain, thinking about plans and solutions.

Liang Ren didn’t know that Shiba valued him so much. If he knew, he would be very happy.

As the Kanto Alliance’s high-level power, Shiba values ​​him so much. Even if he doesn’t at all, he is very helpful for his elder brother Momoa to compete for the Viridian Gym Leader.

And does he really have no idea? No.

Pokémon Alliance, as the official government agency of Pokémon world, is able to enter and develop among many trainers yearn for something even in dreams, even if he is no exception.

His hometown is in Kanto, and his family also lives in Kanto. If Kanto Alliance can open the green channel for him, he has no reason to refuse.

Even if Shiba does not recruit him, when he is stronger, he will enter the Alliance’s power center by collecting Gym Badge and participating in the Alliance Conference.

Of course he is still young, and he does not have much desire for work and power.

For entering the Pokémon Alliance, no matter how you have to challenge the Alliance Conference of the major regions, you will consider it after you get the championship trophy.

Liang Ren, who got back into the tent, took out his mobile phone and reported his safety to his parents and the head teacher Ayan and Sabrina.

After replying to the unread messages on the Penguin, as well as the Weibo private messages and comments, Liang Ren hugged Slowpoke and fell asleep.



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