As the video plays, even though the system has coded a lot of violent episodes. But many of these scenes, even if they are coded, you can see how pathetic they are

, "What's the matter? Guys, weren't you still trying to persuade me to turn back? Are you scared? Do you still want to contact me?"

Human heart and human nature are the two most important parts of human beings, human nature will always be selfish, and human hearts are a strong shield exercised in the process of growth. But people are separated from each other like a mountain, no matter how hard they try, they are always difficult to move.

Although Ash slaughtered Team Rocket to protect those Pokémon in the forest, it was also a fact of killing. No one wants to be friends with a murderer, and that's where Reborn sees through the hypocrisy of human nature.

"Why kill someone? Isn't there a better solution?" Ash (Hara) was already stunned, and he couldn't care about comforting Hikaru and Koharu, who were vomiting on the side. All he wanted to know now was why he was doing what he was doing in the other world, and in his mind, killing people had always been wrong.

Ash (Reborn) looked at the Virgin's speech and his molars were about to burst: "Shut up, what qualifications do you have to criticize me? Do you want me to be killed by that group of scum of Team Rocket like before?!In that case, either I killed them or they killed me, to put it nicely, the Alliance made the law, but you see when they, a group of innocent wild elves, were slaughtered, where was the Alliance? Listen, if you don't make up your mind, you can only be hurt by yourself!"

Reborn Zhi is right, but many people are still extremely disgusted by killing.

The two worlds of the plank, at the same time, the face was cold. They could see that Reborn Zhi was a ruthless person at all, and they originally planned to capture Xiao Zhi and extract that power, but the consequences were estimated to be unimaginable.

Once the arrest is revealed, let's not talk about whether it will be wanted by the alliance. Anyway, Reborn Wisdom will definitely kill their lair and kill them one by one, completely ignoring what others think.

Sakaki (reborn): "Ash, yes, I'm the leader of Team Rocket, and I apologize to you for what this subordinate did in my previous life, and I sincerely invite you to join Team Rocket." "

At this moment, it's time to be nervous about the alliance. After seeing the video, the alliance more or less found out something about Ash. It can be seen from the previous video that this teenager has saved the world countless times, and once he defects to Team Rocket, the consequences are unimaginable.

Dama Lanqi (rebirth) was anxious, and he didn't care about discussing it with other heavenly kings, so he immediately proposed benefits: "Xiaozhi, don't forget that you are still a member of the alliance, don't be deceived by those evil guys, don't you like those girls in the video very much? Anyway, those things are from the previous life, didn't you say it, it's over, as long as you want to open Chrysostom, now I'll immediately go to raise funds, and give you privileges, marry as many as you want."

At this moment, Dama Lanqi was also in a mess, completely ignoring what he was saying.

But instead of being angry, the girls were excited.

"Ash, if you want, I want to marry you, I really don't know that you came to me, I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you. Sarina was the first to take a stand, he was afraid that Ash would say something refused.

"Ash, I like you too, and I've always kept the ribbon that symbolizes your bond with me. I didn't agree to Xiao Xian's marriage proposal at the beginning, I have already missed you once, and I don't want to miss you again. "

Ash, me too, I don't mind serving you with these sisters, as long as you want, as long as you are willing to marry me, it doesn't matter at all, please." "


Ash (Reborn) frowned, although he said that he would rely on force to solve the problem now, but he had a feeling of being kidnapped.

He did not find anything wrong with the terms proposed by the president, on the contrary, it was a compromise with the president. Even if it's a disguised transaction, he doesn't like to be involved with women who have betrayed him.

Reborn Zhi took a deep breath, suppressed the restless emotions in his heart, and said, "I won't join Team Rocket, Team Rocket's theory is contrary to me." Although I will rely on force to solve the problem, I will never harm those innocent Pokémon. Then there is your proposal, you really took great pains to win me over, and you can even give me this kind of shameless privilege, but you give me a long face. But I don't want to have anything to do with these women, that's all. Hearing

this, those who were originally excited to hear this, those originally excited girls, were suddenly poured a basin of cold water.

But there are still some girls who secretly have a crush on Ash and take the opportunity to start confessing.

Lila (reborn): "Ash, do you remember me? You didn't read my heart when we separated, in fact, I already liked you before we separated, would you like to marry me?"

"Ash, I lost to you at the beginning, I was very unwilling, if we meet next time and I win, you will have to date me." Water

Lotus and Mao (reborn): "In the last life, we gave you away, but in this life, we want to grasp you. Ash, please give us a chance. "


Many seductive remarks appeared on the barrage screen, and Ash also had some impressions of the girls he had helped, and the girls who spoke later did not hurt him, so he did not speak ill of him.

Passerby (Red World): "What does this story have to do with our world after telling it for a long time? "

System: Your world is a four-dimensional world, made up of multiple parallel small worlds. Your world's Ash is named Chichi.

As soon as these words came out, the people of the entire red world were boiling.

Everyone is familiar with it, the league's six-time champion, the righteous grandson of Dr. Ohki, the strongest Pokémon trainer deservedly, and a man with a full picture book.

Not only some female gym owners, but also Zhulan and Karunai are very close to him.

System: His story will be played out for you to watch later, so please be patient.

Chichi: "Sure enough, I still don't want to see what happened before. Qingmao

(Red World): "Don't sell me a good boy, where is that kid?" Do you know that we are in a hurry to find him!" System

: The ban is on, please don't be anxious to play rebirth, the story of Chizhi will be played after the world is over.

[As soon as the screen turned, Ash was Xi to living in Pokémon, but due to the operation of a certain dog, the dark Pokémon that was originally sealed by Arceus was released. The world fell into darkness and everyone was killed, Ash and the remaining Pokémon resisted, and finally entered the time tunnel under the protection of the beasts, and at the same time, his companions also found out about his death, and their thoughts and remorse, preserved the memories for Ash and started a journey of rebirth.

"You all know the cause and effect, then I won't talk too much nonsense, I tell you, I'm going to kill that bastard Gouhao, it's all because of him that he has caused the whole world to fall into darkness, if you dare to stop whoever stops who will die!"

Reborn Zhi warned coldly, and suddenly realized something: "What about me in the original world? Do you still think I did something wrong? Answer me !!

". After hearing that one thing from the original world, Ash was already stunned, and Xiaoguang and Xiaochun on the side didn't know what to say.

In another world, those friends abandoned Ash and chose to forget about him when Ash was most painful.

Hikari was the first to react, pulling up Koharu and coming to Ash, regardless of Ash's rejection of her resistance, solemnly promising that no matter what happens in the future, he will always cheer for Ash. Just as Ash had helped him, Haru echoed him.

However, Ash is in a very bad situation now, the joy of becoming a champion and the sadness of knowing what may happen in the future makes him feel a serious breakdown, he doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, if it weren't for Pikachu who has been using 100,000 volts to keep him awake, I'm afraid he would have gone into shock by this time.

Ash knew that escaping was not the way to go, so he stretched out his trembling fingers and launched a barrage: "I, what can I do to avoid a tragedy?

Reborn Zhi was silent for a while and said, "In the final analysis, as long as you are strong enough, you can not be abandoned. No, you should strengthen your strength, so strong that no one has the right to despise you and spit on you! The winner is king, and the loser is the villain. Remember, only when you have the strength can you have the right to speak and protect everything you have. I already have another chance to protect what I cherish, so I will hold my future tightly in my hands, and you must quickly become stronger so that you can protect yourself and what you want to protect. Your future is up to you, I've already said what I need to say, you can think for yourself.

Ash (Hara) pondered for a while, and roughly understood the other world, what he meant, in short, is to be strong enough, and only if he is strong enough can he have the ability to change the future.

In fact, he was not the only one who was nervous, many people were nervous at the same time. They saw Ash's infinite potential, and were afraid that like Ash in the reborn world, they would take the route of blackening, and they were even more afraid that Ash would hurt them after blackening.

So all the people who were attached to Ash persuaded Ash, but Ash didn't care about them at all.

The heroines of those original worlds have put down what they are doing and go to Xiaozhi's house, hoping to make up for the regrets of another world. Hanako looked at Ash from another world, and her painful look couldn't help but be sad, so she was ready to call Ash to express her condolences. Even those girls who once had a crush on Ash but didn't dare to say it plucked up the courage to talk to Ash.

Ash (Original) thought for a while, and then said, "Is the system right? Can you let me go to their world?"

System: What do you want to do? (눈_눈)

Ash (Original): "I want to fight with that world myself, as long as I have a battle, anything can be solved." "

Chairman Dama Lan, who originally thought that Ash was going to leave this world, breathed a sigh of relief, the alliance can't afford to lose this top talent. The other Heavenly Kings also clenched their fists, looking forward to the battle that followed.

System: The teleportation mode is turned on, allowing the world channel to be connected, please prepare the original world Ash.

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