Ash was startled by this cold voice, and at this moment, his little heart fluttered: "You... When did you get

here?" Nazi hugged Ash from behind and gently rested her head on Ash's shoulder: "I was here from the beginning when it was played, so Ash, are you like that Mr. Wisdom?"

What's worse is that those five brothers are not there, how should they deal with the current situation?

Nazi saw that Ash had not answered, her eyes began to become cold, and her pupils slowly turned bloody. It seems that as long as Ash's answer dissatisfies her, then in the next second, Ash will have no good fruit to eat.

At this moment, lightning appeared in the soul space.

The lightning bolts become more and more, leaving Ash at a loss. Suddenly, lightning turned into thunder and filled the entire soul space. In the exclamation of two people, the entire field of vision turned into darkness.

It turned out that it was Pikachu who slept between Nazi and Ash, because Natsu kept hugging Ash, which also made Pikachu very uncomfortable, and subconsciously released 100,000 volts.

This is the first time Ash has been awakened by Pikachu, and it is also the first time that he feels so comfortable after being electrocuted so many times.

Because of the different physique, he was directly corona on the bed by 100,000 volts that time, and Ash still got up early to wash up like a person who was fine.

Ash picked up Pikachu and said gratefully, "Thank you so much, Pikachu." I thought I'd die there.

""Pika Pikachu" Although Pikachu doesn't understand what Ash means, he is still happy to help Ash.

At breakfast, Ash started eating at a breakneck pace, not forgetting to add some ketchup to the Pokémon food to Pikachu who had saved him.

Nazi's mother saw that Nazi didn't wake up and asked, "Ash, did our Nazi do anything yesterday?"

Excuse me from my uncle and aunt.

Seeing that Ash quickly went to pack his luggage, Nazi's father on the side came over: "Don't worry, nothing happened last night, but in the morning, Pikachu didn't know why he released 100,000 volts to electrify them." I just went to see it, but our daughter just passed out.

Nazi's mother also understood something: "It's really a poor guy, although I don't know what happened, I hope he wasn't frightened by yesterday's events."

After that, Ash found that his five older brothers in the Pokémon Center said that they would go to Hualan City first, so that he could run by himself.

Hualan City, Zhenzhi looked at Dark Zhi and Erzhi, who were leisurely fishing on the side, and asked, "Is it really okay for us to let Ash come over alone?" Erzhi

waved his hand and lowered the cap he just bought: "Besides, it's good to let him be familiar with the familiar road section, if the teacher lets us lead the way, then we will work too hard."

Youzhi also chimed in: "That is to say, children should also have their own growth space, I don't think he will be late because he is lost." Dark

Wisdom: "It should be fine. Chizhi

: .........The

four of them were still fishing leisurely, but they didn't know that soon, everything they did would be perfectly exposed to the live broadcast.

System (Hidden): My stupid hosts, your daily life is about to be live-streamed, please get ready, anyway, I said it, I didn't hear it was your business.

Ash took his luggage and Pikachu and ran to Hualan Blue City, but it was the hot season, and Ash and Pikachu really needed to rest after running all morning, and found that they had unconsciously run to the original Pokémon school.

Ash poured the kettle and found that there was not a drop of water, so he thought about going into the school to borrow some water.

As soon as Ash arrived at the door, he was stopped by four students wearing aristocratic school uniforms.

One of the leaders, who was a year or two older than Ash, stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing at our school?"

Ash replied truthfully: "I passed through here on my way, because the weather was too hot, and I drank up the water again, so I wanted to borrow some water." The

student on the left said, "Do you know where this is? This is an aristocratic college, not a shelter."

Ash and Pikachu glanced at each other and asked, "So your school is so poor that you can't even give saliva?"

The leading student suddenly got angry when he heard this: "What are these words, you're here to kick the gym, right? We just don't want to entertain people like you."

Xiao Zhi is too lazy to waste his words with this kind of person, he doesn't plan to give up the water source that he has found so hard: "Even if I kick the hall and entertain guests, I don't even give saliva, you are too rude, right? Is this a nobleman? Isn't it proper, a group of hooligans." The

student on the right was anxious: "You really came to kick the gym, okay, then I'll deal with you." As

he spoke, he released a large-mouthed bat, "Let's go on the large-mouthed bat, use ultrasound." "

Big Mouth Fu released a sanity-disturbing sound wave from that O-like mouth.

Seeing that the other party had already made a move, Ash and Pikachu hurriedly dodged the attack, and quickly began to counterattack: "Pikachu, speed a little, 100,000 volts." The

command was issued, and Pikachu crossed into the air, directly firing a large mouth of 100,000 volts of electricity.

"Damn, come back. The student on the right retrieved his Pokémon.

The other three saw that the big mouth man had lost, and they all pulled out their Poké Balls.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Hey, wait." You see that my Pikachu is already thirsty like this, is this kind of trick of taking advantage of people's danger also taught in the school?If you want to say that, this school is too rubbish, right?"

The students here are all from either rich or noble backgrounds, and when they heard that Ash was so provocative, they all put away the Poke Balls.

The leading student led the three people to the school: "Come in, I'll go get some water for you, and continue to fight later."

Ash secretly made a gesture to Pikachu, one person and one book, and followed in.

"It's really a noble school, it's really magnificent. Then again, I think there was a sundae that was this school. Ash took the water and muttered to himself.

As soon as the surrounding students heard Yuto Sundae's name, they all turned their heads to Ash.

Ash drank the water, looked at the strange eyes around him, and asked, "What's wrong

?" A bespectacled student girl asked, "Are you talking about Yuto Sundae-senpai?"

"It seems to be such a name, sorry, I can't remember." Ash thought about it, but still couldn't remember if it was the name.

"You're still so rude that you've forgotten the names of your opponents you've fought against. At this time, Yuto Sundae, dressed in a gorgeous school uniform, walked over surrounded by a group of students.

When Ash saw her, he finally remembered. It's really her, I didn't remember who she was in a hurry.

"By the way, it's you. So your name is Uteng Sundae. Ash simply apologized and continued to eat the rice ball bento he had brought with him.

"You guy, you have no one in your eyes. It's arrogant to the extreme. Youteng Sundae crossed his waist, and his tone clearly revealed unhappiness.

The students on the side also made dissatisfied voices at Ash.

Youteng Sundae was also not satisfied with the result of the last battle, so when he saw Ash again, the idea of wanting to fight again appeared in his heart, so this time, she did not hesitate to challenge Ash again.

"Okay, try it. Whether the rules are 1v1 or 3v3 is up to you. Ash ate the rice balls in one bite and accepted the challenge with great fighting spirit.

"Did you hear that, he actually wanted to challenge Yuto-senpai. "

That is to say, a civilian with a Pikachu actually wants to challenge the senior sister, it's really laughing to death.

"I heard that after the senior sister didn't know who she lost to before, she began to study Xi like crazy, and she also has a high-level Pokémon. "


There was a lot of discussion around him, and Ash didn't care at all, after all, it wasn't up to others to say what he was, and he had already cultivated a good heart under the training of his five elder brothers. And Yuto Sundae is different, she has a strong sense of self-esteem, and after experiencing being defeated by Ash, she worked harder, and now the sarcasm around Ash seems to be knocking on her heart.

"Come on, it's up to you, Leolu!" Ash chose Leo Lu as the outbound Pokémon, and it was also to train Leo Lu's actual combat.

"Haven't you seen a Pokémon yet, but it's okay, my Pokémon is definitely stronger than yours!" Yuto Sundae always looked down on Ash, so he sent a rumble.

Ash kindly reminded, "Do you really want to use Rumble Rock? My Leo Lu is a Pokémon of Sinnoh, a Pokémon of the fighting attribute.

"I don't need you to care, Rumble Rock, even if you let you make three moves, you won't be able to beat me.

Ash frowned, and Leolu screamed dissatisfied. I like to pretend so much, I satisfy you.

"Waveguide is with us. Use a wave missile!" Ash turned on the power of the waveguide, and the blue waveguide power converged towards Leo Road.

In just five seconds, the wave missiles converged and took shape. Yuto Sundae's expression also changed from contempt to shock to panic.

"Leo!" Leo's converging wave of missiles was sent out, and Rumble Rock was really hit by this move because the enemy was too weak to dodge.

When the powerful wave missile comes into contact with the rumbling rock, the powerful explosion sends the rumbling rock flying, and the entire back is embedded in the wall.

"Well done, Leolu! We won! Great!" Ash complimented Leolu without hesitation, and Pikachu echoed him.

Leo Lu also looked up and said it was nothing.

"No, there are two more rounds, we are three-on-three!" Yuto Sundae was very unwilling, this time she would definitely lose if she was careless.

Author's message: Due to the author's physical reasons, I may only be able to add one chapter today, and I would like to apologize to all the readers who have supported me. I hope

you !!will forgive


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