On the third day, Ash used the system to determine the location of a specific Pokémon, which was in the forest near the town of Futaba in Sinnoh.

Although it is said that it is quite fun to have fun here, it is necessary to part in life after all.

Ash whispered into Sharubia's ear before dinner, "Sharubia, after dinner, do you think it's convenient for you to come out?"

The hot breath exhaled by Ash stuck to Salupia's sensitive neck, and the boy's breath made her unable to come back to her senses for a while, and the roots of her ears turned red in an instant.

Ash looked at her weirdly, and didn't think much about going straight to dinner. Sarubia still had the picture in her mind during the meal, and the originally ordinary invitation picture was depicted by the love brain like this:

Ash gently held her face, and the stars twinkled in her eyes. Xiao Zhi hugged her waist and said affectionately: "My beautiful princess, can you talk to me after the meal, I want to discuss with you about our future."

Thinking of the hospitality, Salupia couldn't help but think of Ash proposing to her later, and couldn't help but say: "I... I do. Hehe~"

The king and queen on the side saw this scene and thought, what happened to this kid today? Why is the god chattering?

But out of intuition, they immediately thought of the relationship between Ash and this matter. Although Ash has no malicious intentions, he does have a lot of relationship with his baby daughter.

But when they looked at Ash, Ash was still enjoying the food on his plate. Even if the two of them are nothing, it is necessary to see what will happen between the two.

An hour after dinner, Youzhi in the courtyard

: "Are you ready for everything you should have prepared?"

Ash didn't look up, and continued to prepare materials: "I'm leaving, I want to leave her something." Erzhi

: "Just order, it's ...... to keep a child" Before he finished speaking, Chizhi beckoned with a fist.

Erzhi was in pain, touched the back of the beaten head, and said unhappily: "Is there something wrong with you?!Why are you beating me?!

" At this moment, not only Chizhi, but even Youzhi, True Wisdom and Dark Zhi scolded in unison: "Don't mislead people's children, hey!!"

Erzhi lightly headed, stuck out his tongue and posed playfully: "Slightly, isn't it a little joke." "

Where is the joke here, for children, this is all yellow, okay?!!

" "A group of innocent little virgins, at first glance, they haven't eaten meat." "

Don't you have one!! "The four of them began to beat up the unmeasured bastard.

Soon after, Princess Salupia arrived in a beautiful dress. "Ash, I'm here. Where are you?"

Ash appeared in a crisp white gown, shining with Pikachu's flash skills. "Beautiful Princess Salupia, I will invite you individually to enjoy my own performance. As he spoke, he handed over a moon season.

Salubia took the moon in a daze, not knowing what to say for a while.

Pikachu flashed with lightning, and Eevee used a charged flame attack. Then there was Pikachu in a blue performance suit, and Ibu in a red performance suit.

Pikachu's extremely fast speed caused the surrounding glow to flash, and with the lightning he carried, he outlined beautiful lines, and at the same time, Eevee also used the flame trick he learned from the four souls, the flames were not strong, but just rose in the lightning with Eevee's running figure.

Ash waved his arms and made a commanding gesture while inducing a waveguide to form a beautiful blue light. In this way, the three beautiful colors of blue, red, and yellow are intertwined, and Ash, who is in the energy, is like a swordsman, constantly waving a non-existent sword, drawing a beautiful scenery in the air.

Subsequently, Pikachu also increased the intensity of the flash, and at the same time, launched five huge power grids connected in the air. In one step, he released the electric system trick and stepped on it, and switched different attributes back and forth on the power grid, and the grass, fire and ice all appeared on it.

As the music reaches its climax, Ash releases a wave missile with his own hands, and shakes the wave missile back and forth in his hand to form a ball, yes, the wave missile sets off Ash's dance like a pearl.

At the end, Ash disperses the wave missile into five parts and drops on the five power grids, and has Pikachu stir up dust on the ground to block the power grids, and has Eevee use a treasure to detonate the five power grids.

The five power grids were ignited at the same time, causing them to circle around Ash, rising as they turned, and eventually exploded in the sky, forming flower-shaped fireworks.

At the end of the performance, Ash bowed: "I hope you like the show I prepared for you." It

was the first time that Salubia had seen a magnificent performance so close, and it was a wonderful performance, and it was a gift from her friend (the Italian person) himself.

The king and his wife, who were hiding in the corner to watch the play, were also stunned, according to the development of this plot, this kid definitely wanted to confess to his daughter, and he had to step forward to stop it.

Just when the king and his wife looked at each other, nodded their heads and decided, and were about to step forward to teach the two children a lesson.

Ash looked sorry and said, "Shalubia, I've decided, I'm going to leave here tomorrow to start my new adventure."

Sarubia felt her heart being pulled hard at this moment, and then asked loudly, "Why? Do you have to go? What's wrong with staying here

?" Ash could see that Salubia's eyes had become hollow, and hurriedly said: "I'm just leaving and starting my own adventure, we can still keep in touch often, don't I still have your contact number?"

"Woo woo woo (><) I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want Ash to leave me. Her mood changed so quickly that she was in a very unstable mood at the moment, and she ran back crying because she couldn't accept the facts.

"Wait a minute, Salupia, listen to me first........." Ash saw that he had messed things up, and he couldn't care about the props left behind, so he asked Pikachu and Eevee to clean up and chase after them alone.

At this moment, the royal couple was also stunned, this plot development was completely different from what they imagined. It stands to reason that the atmosphere and feelings have been set to that point, shouldn't it be a confession as the end?! Could it be that he can't keep up with the times anymore?

Soul Space

Zhenzhi clasped his hands to his chest and said seriously: "I have to be tactful about this kind of thing, the little girl's mind is the most delicate, you have to coax her well."

Erzhi smiled faintly: "Oh, Xiaozhi, you are a little woody."

Youzhi felt extremely pity: "Although the performance is good, it doesn't make the farewell cheerful, so this time it is not qualified, and I will continue next time."

Chi Zhi scolded: "Don't think about your performance, now it's goodbye, this is the first time Xiao Zhi has stayed with a girl for so long, let's say goodbye." Dark

Wisdom's dark color dimmed: "It's the first time, no wonder it's so rusty." If you put it well, there should be no problem. Nine times out of ten, he had to face the parting of life. "

The princess's dormitory

, Salupia, is very happy these days, because he rarely gets to play with children from the outside world. Most of the people who play with her are the children of those nobles, but they have to be very reserved when playing with those children, and they can't hear the wonderful adventure stories told by Ash.

Whether it's appearance, talent, or experience, in her eyes, Ash is the best. But at this moment, Ash was about to leave him, which made her feel extremely lonely and sad in her heart.

Ash took advantage of the guards' lack of attention and slipped in as well. When he reached the door, he heard Salupia's cry, but instead of going in at once, he said at the door, "Salupia, may I go in?" I want to talk to you.

Hearing Ash's voice, Salubia calmed down a little, but did not answer, and could only sobb silently.

"Actually, I'm also very reluctant to part with you, I'll leave sooner or later," Ash leaned against the wall, his heart was also empty, "Although I've only known each other for a few days, I'm very happy to have such a beautiful girl and be my friend."

Ash straightened up, pressed the brim of his hat down, held back his tears and continued in a voice with a slight crying tone: "I'm really, really reluctant to you, I've dreamed of becoming a Pokémon Master since I was a child, not only because it's my dream, it's because on the journey to becoming a Pokémon Master, I can meet more people and have more adventures." So there's no need to be sad, we'll see you again in the future.

At this moment, after hearing Ash's comforting words, Sharubia had stopped crying, but there was a surging feeling in her heart.

What should I do? I really want to keep him, I don't want him to go, what do I need to do to keep him?

Just when she was still thinking nonsense, she had already quietly walked in, hugged her from behind, and comforted: "It's okay, let's rest." At least I'll be with you tonight.

With Ash's relief, Salubia buried her head in Ash's shoulder, and for a long time, two slight snores came from the room.

Soul Space

Erzhi is still active: "It's really a vulgar routine that can't be trusted, only true feelings can win people's hearts." Dark

Wisdom lay aside casually: "This child's emotional intelligence is so high. Rao is also very much admired by me.

Zhenzhi didn't care: "Sincerity is an excellent emotion, and the child still retains what we originally had." Just hope not to be like us growing up.

Chichi closed his eyes: "I hope so." The

next day, Ash packed his luggage, his expression still happy: "Salupia, I hope I can say goodbye to you with a smile, in the future, we will definitely meet again, and then I will tell you the story of my adventure."

"We'll definitely meet again, so don't forget it then." Salupia swallowed the sadness in her heart, and a smile appeared on her lips.

At this time, a luxury car stopped in front of them, and at the same time, a young man of about ten years old came down from it.

"I've received word that someone is plotting against my fiancée, is that you?

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