(This book is linked with the author of Pokémon: Dark Wisdom, skip the part to go to Dark Wisdom to watch, please forgive me if it causes inconvenience to your reading.)

Erzhi and Dark Wisdom were teleported by the system to the original world.

Ash (original) stepped forward: "Brother, you're here." Dark

Wisdom touched Ash (original)'s head: "I haven't seen you for a few days, but I've grown a little taller." By the way, what about that guy?"

Ash greeted politely: "Hello, I'm Ash from the dimensional world, and Brother Erge has returned to my soul."

Dark Wisdom looked at himself in front of him, who was better looking than when he was a child, and couldn't help pinching Xiao Xiaozhi's face: "Wow, I didn't expect that I haven't grown up in the dimensional world yet, not only that, but I was born so good-looking." This pendant is the object you are connected to, right?", and when he picked up the "Eternal Memory" again, he found that this object actually had a trace of power that made him a little frightened, but when he thought of this thing, he carried the souls of five people, and he didn't think much about it.

True Wisdom: "Otherwise, you will also divide your soul into a small part, and we can only give him the power to evolve, and we can't teach him certain knowledge."

Erzhi: "Allah, are you going to settle in as well?" Chizhi: "

I think it's good, and since you are considered to be reliving a lifetime, then your knowledge reserve must be very rich, so I want you to serve as Ash's cultural class." Youzhi

: "It's just that you don't want to go to class, why do you still say such righteous words?" Chizhi: "I don't

care, I just think he's very good, since they're all brothers, let's come in and teach this kid together."

Dark Wisdom looked at the four people who had such a good relationship, and couldn't help but smile, and then injected his soul power into Xiao Zhi's body.

When Ash (dimension) felt that a force that did not belong to the four souls and himself entered the pendant, he subconsciously opened his heterochromatic pupils and released all the soul power.

Dark Wisdom was also taken aback, because the power released in Ash's body was really beyond his expectations, he originally thought that this child's strength would be at most touching Ash in the original world, but he didn't expect that this power was almost the same as a third-level god. But when he thought about it, the power in this child's body was not only himself, but naturally there were connections that the other four souls passed on to him.

I guess if a strange soul breaks in, it will be directly torn apart by those four people.

Hanako's voice came from inside the house: "Ash, there are not enough dishes, go buy some and come back."

Three Ash: "Okay, I'll go right away." The three of them looked at each other, took a look at each other, and then got up and went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Although they also wanted to go with them, they were rejected by Dark Wisdom on the grounds that they wanted to talk to the two of them about some intimate topics.

Dark Wisdom: "Do you need me to help you get rid of that bunch of garbage behind the screen?"

Erzhi: "I want to kill it, but it doesn't matter." Dark

Wisdom: "With your personality, it can't be indifferent. What's the matter, the heart of the Virgin is overflowing

?" Erzhi grinned, "Do you think it's possible? You're outrageous at home, okay

?" Dark: "Then you don't plan to take revenge?"

Erzhi pouted, not caring about it: "Didn't you say it? I won't care about the affairs over there anymore, what are they willing to pollute, what are they willing to pollute, anyway, I'm not in that world anymore." Besides, I'm leaving with you, who will supervise this kid, I'm different from you, this younger brother of mine has a lot of room for improvement.

Xiao Zhi (Yuan) on the side was anxious: "I'm also strong, okay? I can also become stronger."

Erzhi helplessly explained: "It's not that you are weak, it's just that Ash's power will only be inherited from us, and you can only be inherited from Dark Wisdom."

Dark Wisdom twitched the corner of his mouth, this kind of person is sure to be revenged, how can he give up the idea of revenge.

Erzhi also saw Dark Zhi's speechless expression, and explained slowly: "That world is simply incurable, during the time when I went out as a general, that group of ignorant people actually wanted to capture the divine beast and use it for their use, which also led to the destruction of a large number of ecological balances, so that there was the existence of mutant Pokémon." In other words, as long as the environment does not recover and human beings do not protect nature, then such disasters will continue to occur. What if I suppress it?"

Dark Zhi also understood, and the feeling was that he had long known that the mutant Pokémon had not disappeared: "I understand.

Erzhi: "Don't talk about those bad people, let me introduce you to this is true wisdom, this is wisdom, they also have a strange way of evolution, oh, you will like their ........."

After sleeping in the open for so long, Dark Wisdom regained access to the food made by his mother, and he could lie on the soft bed, feeling extremely happy in his heart, and he also had a polite and sensible brother, that is, there was a group of women who had been making him feel hairy.

System notification: Tomorrow we will continue to broadcast content from other worlds, but the content of tomorrow's viewing will be a little uncomfortable, please sharpen your knives, not please pay attention to the audience, do not let children and other people watch it with fragile spirits.

Erzhi: "What's the situation?Is there anything more annoying than my world

?" Dark Zhi was also puzzled: "What kind of situation is this?No matter how depressed my own incident is, there are no such words?Could it be that the next movie will be disgusting?"

"Ash (dimension) and Ash (original) are just silently nibbling on watermelons on the side, watching movies or something, and they have little to do with them. One is already aired, and the other is not yet there.

What they don't know is that they'll learn how to sharpen their knives starting tomorrow.

The next day, the system started playing content.

A new world has been added to the live broadcast room, with the name of the world (Traverser).

Dark Wisdom: "Traveler, is it the same as me, Ash, who traveled back in time and space?"

"Erzhi: "Not really, maybe there will be something interesting."

Youzhi: "Whoever it is, let's see if it's going to talk." "


screen: [A boy who is the same as Ash in the original world has appeared, all the stories are similar to the original world, all the stories are developing in a good direction, this Ash is also fighting everywhere, constantly getting stronger, and subduing new Pokémon. True

Wisdom: "Isn't this the same as Ash in the original world?What's so disgusting?" System:

Please be patient and read it, by the way, all of you Ash who are watching the movie, you can start sharpening your knives, this system is dedicated to making up for regrets.

[The screen continues to play, this child has grown up quickly, although his appearance is not weak, the four souls are generally handsome, but they are also very sunny young people.

In the same way, he was the Four Heavenly Kings who defeated all the alliances and became an archaeologist.

Suddenly, the picture turned, and a greasy uncle with a bearded face appeared, and an introduction was put on it.

This uncle's name is Kawashima Supervisor, and he is a hooligan ruffian in a small country with a small life, who is lazy to eat and do things on weekdays, gnaw at the old at home, and mess around outside.

Later, because he was cursed by the enemy, he crossed into the body of Ash, and has been fighting with Ash for sovereignty.

No matter how Ash says it, he is also a person with the favor of the divine beast, and he will definitely not let him snatch it, and has been trying to eliminate his consciousness.

But because it is the existence of another world, Ash has no ability to kill him for a while, which also allows the prisoner to obtain the system of that world, and under the prompting of the system, he has strengthened his soul power step by step, and has been notified that as long as he breaks the body of Ash in that world, he can take over the body.

Since there were many girls who liked Ash to contact Ash, the trash of the prisoner actually relied on the system to raise Ash's desires, trying to use this method to break Ash's body.

But Ash still relied on amazing perseverance to carry it again and again. Erzhi

: "Tut-tut, what a man." I would like to call him the strongest in this kind of perseverance. Dark

Wisdom: "The arrogance of this other world, he is quite awesome, my knife has been sharpened, when can we pass?"

Ash (dimension): "I'm also ready, I must press it into my soul space for a while, and hit it repeatedly." "

Seeing this, I have cured many people's low blood pressure. But it's the last paragraph that really makes people feel disgusting and resentful.

[This Wang Ba Lamb actually purchased an experience ticket from the system, which can control Ash's body for a short time, and this beast actually hit Hanako's body with the idea.

In order to prevent his favorite mother from being insulted by a scumbag, Xiao Zhi would rather be a jade crush than a whole for Waquan to send his body to the hospital at the last moment. But his soul was also weakened by the power of the rules, and he could not appear. At this moment, with Zhiye's terrifying physical fitness, the prisoner quickly had the ability to move, and wanted to find those innocent girls as Ash......... Damn, I can't sow it anymore, you hurry up and prepare the knife for me, and I'll send you over in a while. It's too late to go. The

system can't be broadcast at the moment, even if he doesn't have a body, he still feels sick to his stomach.

Not to mention the system, all the people in the world watching are also disgusting to the extreme, snatching other people's bodies, and NTR people, disgusting!

Although there are some worlds that also have seizures, the system is unwilling to let other world hosts be taken away by this kind of scum, and let people take advantage of it.

At this moment, the world also realized that "Ash" was no longer the Ash of the past. All the girls were prepared.

This made the prisoner angry and ruined, and he was about to succeed, and he could be refreshed for a while, but suddenly such a thing appeared, which ruined his good deeds!

But when he turned around, he saw a very terrifying scene, and at the moment when the system could not broadcast it, he had already transmitted those three small words to that world.

The three Ash looked at the person in front of him, who was not a ghost or a ghost, and the thing that occupied his own body in this world, the fire in his heart was rising.

Begin their violent beatings.

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