Ash stared coldly at Gou Hao, who had a tree fruit in his hand and gave Ash a very bad feeling. Immediately Ash opened the heterochromatic pupil, through the red left pupil he felt a strong sense of crisis, through the ice blue right pupil he saw a line connected to the forest.

Gou Hao was frightened when he saw Ash's heterochromatic pupils: "You... What do you want to do? This is my fruit, don't even think about it. Through

the heterochromic pupils, Ash knew very well that Gouhao was lying, and because this matter would cause problems for him and even the entire summer camp personnel.

Ash wasn't used to this dog at all, and his eyes were fixed on Gou Hao: "Where did you get this fruit?" Don't tell me that you brought or picked it, I don't have the heart to make such a low-level joke with you."

Gou Hao was furious by the heterochromatic pupils, but he still stiffened his mouth: "This is my own fruit, I want to eat it and buy it myself!" Before

Ash could speak, Xiao Chun on the side took the lead in interrupting: "Xiao Hao, when did you bring the fruit? Didn't you come empty-handed?"

Seeing that his lie was exposed, Gou Hao glanced at Xiao Chun, thinking that she was nosy. Continue to stiffen your mouth: "This is what I just picked on the road." "

Ash has no interest in a liar at all, and the violent sense of crisis is getting closer and closer. He took Xiao Mao's hand and left, reminding him before leaving, "Everyone, stay away from that liar." This man is full of lies, and he will be discouraged when he is around. Gou

Hao didn't know what to do: "Who are you talking about? Xiaochun felt that what he said was excessive: "Xiaohao, calm down."

But Gou Hao didn't appreciate it at all, pushed down Xiaochun, and scolded Xiaozhi by pointing at him. Xiao Mao couldn't bear this anger, scolding Ash was scolding him, and just as he turned around and was about to scold, Ash threw him down.

A group of ironclad rhinoceros suddenly sprang out of the forest, and if it weren't for Ash's waveguide, Ash and Shigeru would have been blown away.

Ash looked at the angry group of ironclad rhinos, about three or four, and a small one in the middle of the group. Ash opened his heterochromatic pupils and found that the light of the fruit on Gou Hao's hand was pointing at the little ironclad rhinoceros, and there were palm prints on the little guy's face.

Ash roared: "You still said that it was the fruit you picked! That is clearly the fruit that you stole from the little ironclad rhinoceros." You're not only a liar, you're a robber!" Ash despised bullying the most, and because Gouhao's actions could cause injuries to others, this kind of selfish person really wanted to slap him to death.

The top priority is to ensure everyone's safety first, and Ash and Shigeru reacted first and began to evacuate the children. At this time, the ironclad rhinoceros also found the tree fruit in Gou Hao's hand, and they roared loudly and rushed directly to Gou Hao who was holding the tree fruit.

At this moment, Koharu, who was standing close to Gouhao, was also innocently lying down, and was taken into the forest with Gouhao.

Ash saw that the ironclad rhinoceros had taken away the dog and Xiaochun, and he didn't care if it was dangerous, so he chased after him directly. He doesn't care about the safety of Gou Hao's life, he just wants to save the innocent one named Xiaochun now.

Along the way, Gou Hao was not honest, and actually covered the eyes of one of the ironclad rhinoceros with his hands, causing the ironclad rhinoceros to collide east and west.

Along the way, there were a lot of Pokémon nests, first knocking over the nests of Bibi Bird and Flaming Sparrow, causing a large flock of Bobo and Flaming Sparrow to attack them, and later trampling on Rada's nest, causing Rada to clear the nest.

"Oh my God, is this black skin a scourge? Xiao Zhi searched for the waveguide of the ironclad rhinoceros, tracking along the way, helping the Pokémon who had destroyed their homes to repair their nests along the way.

Although there was a lot of delay along the way, Ash still caught up with them with a light pace. As soon as he caught up with Xiao Zhi, he saw the shameless dog number, and he actually blocked the girl in front of him, and he shrank under the tree.

Ash couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't care about the iron-armored rhinoceros on the side, so he stepped forward and punched Gou Hao in the face. You know, Ash exercises every day, which is the dog's small body, which can stand up.

The ironclad rhinoceros was stunned, he thought that Ash and the villain who beat his child were in the same group, and he was just about to attack, but he went up and gave the villain a punch and flew dozens of meters.

Ash used the power of Tokiwa to reduce the ironclad rhinoceros's hostility, and then asked Pichu to find a new fruit to make amends to quell the conflict.

Later, Ash also helped Koharu heal his wounds very carefully, and walked back with Koharu on his back. Along the way, he encountered those Bobo and Flaming Sparrow to seek revenge, and Pichu also refused to accept these experiences, and soon evolved into Pikachu.

Soon, Ash carried Koharu back to the camp. When Sarina saw Ash, she hurriedly ran over to greet her. At first, he greeted each other with a smile, until he saw Koharu behind Ash, and his smile instantly froze.

"Ash, who is this behind you? Ah, why is she injured?Hurry up and let him go for treatment, can you go for a walk

with me?" "If that's actually okay, Ash, can you stay with me for a while?"

At this moment, these two women are in one play, and only a certain wood is still outside.

When Dr. Oki heard the news, he immediately called the emergency team and looked at the returning Koharu: "Hey, didn't you lose two children, a man and a woman? What about a little boy?"

It turned out that the dog had been forgotten.

At this time, Erzhi replaced Ash.

"Anyway, he's a member of the summer camp, I'll look for it.

Xiao Mao tilted his head, looked at Xiao Zhi who turned back and walked towards the forest, and asked loudly, "Hey, Xiao Zhi, what are you doing with a steel water pipe?"

Dr. Oki asked, "What are you doing with a sack?" "

I just saw a tree full of fruit on the road, and I want to bring it back, okay, don't worry about me, I'll go and go back." "

It's worthy of Erzhi, lying, not blushing, not panting, as normal as eating.

Back in the forest

, Gou Hao had just been punched into a tree hole by Ash, and finally got out. At this moment, he was scolding and rushing to the camp, and he was bound to sue Ash.

He was scolding, but he didn't know that danger was coming behind him. Erzhi caught the sack in an instant, and Gou Hao's half-cut body kicked him to the ground. This was followed by a stormy beating, which was changed after five minutes, and the remaining three people took turns knocking. One of them felt that the knock was not enough, and bought a hammer from the system store at a good price to continue knocking.

But I have to say that Gou Hao can't be called Gou Hao, this vitality is really tenacious. His life stinks worse than a cockroach, no more stinky and harder than a cockroach. The four people took turns to knock for more than 20 minutes, but they didn't knock to death.

The four of them suddenly felt that their abilities had been insulted, followed by scissors, wrenches, and hammers, except for the chainsaw that was afraid of being found to commit the crime, all the tricks were used on Gou Hao.

In the end, in order to prevent Gou Hao from dying in the summer camp, the four souls summed up, and after crippled Gou Hao's lower body, they found a poacher and kicked Gou Hao from a high place.

Then he called the police, thinking that the poachers should be able to help kill the dog Hao, so that Dr. Ohki would not be held responsible.

Although their plan was perfect and there was no loophole, they still underestimated the world, the bandits didn't kill the dog in time, and Junsha and Joey's abilities. In just a few minutes, the group of police came much faster than usual, and the dog was rescued.

But fortunately, under the tapping of the four people in turn, it still has some effect, and the lower half of Gou Hao's body should be completely wasted, and his head has become a vegetative person because the place where it fell is too high. Fortunately, the poachers took all the blame, and Dr. Ohki was just a victim.

But the four souls didn't plan to let go of the dog, after all, in the future, the dog would continue to be a demon after waking up, and even endanger the world, but that was in the future.

System: Congratulations to the host for completing the three major tasks in one day, getting rewards x4, rewarding strengthening heterochromic pupils, rewarding strengthening physique, rewarding "eternal memories" for having the ability to evolve, and rewarding the host for the ability to materialize souls (time is determined according to the host's ability)

Ash was stunned that day, he just rested in the soul space for a while, and he received so many rewards, which made him embarrassed to take it.

Xiao Chun is completely disappointed in Gou Hao at this time, is a person good to you? It depends on how he treats you at the moment of crisis, Gou Hao is already a scumbag in his eyes, he and his childhood sweetheart, but he treats himself like that, he deserves it!

In the final analysis, the reason why Xiao Chun played with Xiao Hao before was just that the two families were relatively close. He doesn't like Xiaohao's arrogant personality.

It's just that because of her tutor, she has always been very friendly to Xiaohao. And Ash, who is polite and saved her life, is basically not a boy like a girl.

But now Ash didn't know it, it was supposed to be a rest, and the day turned into a happy day. At the official end of the summer camp, he says goodbye to Koharu and Salina, and inadvertently promises to visit Carlos when he has time. He didn't know that just because of such a simple sentence, it would soon cause him more trouble.

"Alas, Ash's body is still too weak after all, and everyone can't fight for five minutes." Tomorrow we have to train.

"You're too cruel, aren't you, but I agree with your point, let's train for an hour or two tomorrow, and it won't take too much."

"And Pikachu, I've finally evolved, but I have to train well. "

“......... It's a pity, I wish I had known about chainsaws. "

System: Due to the host's commitment, the host is invited to travel to the Carlos region tomorrow, remember, it is enforced.

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