Geodude’s Rollout and Unique Ability can make it emit more formidable power in continuous rotation, which is the same as the Rollout of big milk.

Do you want to keep attacking and increase the formidable power of your Rollout?

Lin Xiao looked at Geodude who was constantly rolling out, and said to Bagon: "Jump up and use Earthquake!!!"

Earthquake can make the entire arena shake, slowing Geodude's Rollout, Bagon Although Earthquake cannot be used directly, its huge size allows it to use this Unique Ability at will.


Bagon immediately jumped up after hearing Lin Xiao's words, and then stepped heavily on Ground, "Touch!!" The huge power made Bagon's Both feet were caught in the Rock, and there was a loud noise in the arena, and then it began to shake.

"My Geodude won't succumb so easily, Geodude uses the Rock pillar to fly!!!" Roxanne shouted directly to a Rock pillar not far in front of him.

In Rollout, Geodude, who was a little overwhelmed by Earthquake, immediately rolled on the Rock pillar in front of him, flew up, spinning continuously in the air, and hitting Bagon.

It has already been Rollout for a while, coupled with the impact falling from the air, hitting the Bagon will definitely cause it to cause relatively strong damage.

It’s really a good way. It’s a pity that I underestimated my Bagon. Don’t forget that Bagon is also a little Pokémon known as Rock Normal, which means that its body can almost be mentioned on equal terms with Rock. It’s very firm. , Hard, and this Bagon was brought back by Lin Xiao from ancient times, and it will be stronger than the other Bagons.

"Don't retreat!! Use Crunch!!!"

Bagon is too big to avoid Geodude's attack. It is the truth to attack against attack. The best is Defense is offense. Although this is what Lin Xiao saw when watching movies in his previous life, it was very practical.

"ao!!!" Bagon immediately let out an immature roar, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, exposing the long steel teeth inside, and the sharp fangs light up slightly. The silver light without the slightest hesitation moved towards Rollout and the Geodude flying in bite away, without burping off his teeth at all.

Is he crazy? Let Bagon bite the Geodude in Rollout, no matter how hard and hard Bagon's body is. How sharp are the teeth, but you can't do this kind of thing! Or is he not afraid of Bagon being injured at all?

Roxanne stared at Lin Xiao blankly, wondering why Lin Xiao dared to do this.

Even though Geodude is a life, its body is made up of solid Rocks. Can Bagon stand a bite like this?

Soon the facts answered Roxanne, Bagon opened his huge mouth and bit Geodude in his mouth. "Crunch~~"

A huge cracking sound immediately There was a scream in Bagon's mouth. Of course, the scream was not Bagon's, but Roxanne's Geodude.

Like its Trainer, they underestimated Bagon's body strength and bite strength.

The fiercely Bite Geodude with huge sharp steel teeth plunged deep into its body, causing the Geodude body composed of Rock to crack a little. The huge pain caused Geodude to scream, wanting Break free of Bagon's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, but no matter how strong it is, it can't break Bagon's critical mouth.

"Use Flamethrower directly to charge ahead!!!" Lin Xiao wanted Bagon to throw Geodude out, but when he thought that Geodude was too hard, the damage caused by using Flamethrower directly would be higher. .

“bang! !”

Bagon’s mouth immediately Spit Up, a thick flame enveloped Geodude, and it Spit Up far away, that is, the high temperature made Geodude look like a The big Fireball Normal hit the ground a few times and was full of black smoke. Both eyes had already appeared in circles, and the combat capability had been lost.

Is this true? How could there be such a monster! ! !

Roxanne rubbed her eyes in disbelief and couldn't believe what she saw. A Crunch and Flamethrower made Geodude lose the combat capability.

But no matter how she rubs her eyes, she can't change the reality that Geodude has lost the combat capability.

"Geodude loses the combat capability!!! Bagon wins!!"

Roxanne would think that she was wrong, but the referee would not. Geodude lost the combat capability, and the referee immediately waved The small flag announced the result of the game.

Roxanne came back to his senses, reluctantly put away his Geodude, looked at Lin Xiao’s Bagon weirdly, and finally took out the Poké Ball and threw it out, “Steelix, it’s you !!!”

Originally, Roxanne was going to use her second little Pokémon Nosepass to play, but she was shocked by the baby, she hesitated and took out her little Pokémon Steelix.

It seems that most Rock Type Gym and Steel Type Gym have Steelix as the main force. On the other hand, Steelix is ​​relatively easy to obtain, and the strength is good, and the breeding is also very simple.

"ao ~~"

Steelix stands upright, the huge ugly head is flush with Bagon, and Bagon looks at each other.

Really a big guy. Lin Xiao couldn't help but jump when he saw Steelix. Every time he saw Steelix, he would involuntarily think of its great Unique Ability, Explosion, a Unique Ability that harming others without benefiting oneself. I have suffered too many losses, which caused Lin Xiao to think of Explosion when he saw little Pokémon like Steelix and Onix.

It can be regarded as explosive repercussions. Although I have full confidence in Bagon's defense, anyone who encounters that kind of unfathomable mystery will feel very depressed.

"Steelix vs. Bagon!!! The game begins!!!" The referee directly announced the start of the game without delay.

Fortunately, Bagon can use the flame system Unique Ability, and from the Attribute point of view, Steelix can be restrained. Lin Xiao immediately shouted: "Bagon uses Flamethrower!!!"

In Lin Xiao Under the yelling, Bagon opened his mouth to Spit Up and a thick flame was facing Steelix swept away.

Looking at the flames of Bagon sweeping over, Roxanne yelled softly: "Steelix! Use dragon suck!!"

Dragon suck Dragon Type’s Unique Ability, although there is a sucker Words, but Unique Ability does Spit Up. A green beam of light attacks the opponent. Although it is the Unique Ability of Dragon Type, Steelix can learn. ..

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