"No, of course not! Zhong Shao don’t be so sensitive." Ling Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Lei Shao, I told you, don’t spread it anymore. It’s about Su’er. I’m doing it for your own good. Su’er has a very powerful backer, which is beyond your imagination. Su’er’s backer regards Su’er as pearl in the palm, just in case you hear of Su’er. If you say that, it’s possible to cut you down. Don’t say that you Qin Family, even if the Qin and Xu two families join forces, they are far less powerful than Su’er’s backer. Remember, don’t mess around anymore. I said, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Qin Lei heard Ling Xiao’s words as if he had been struck by lightning, motionless, and the strength of Su'er’s backing described by Ling Xiao was too strong. Too strong.

Takuzhong was also surprised.

One minute later, Qin Lei and Tuozhong broke free from the shock.

"Ling Xiao, you are so kind to me. If you didn't listen to you, I would really have to report to Yellow Springs. My father told me that most powerful people have strange personalities. If one is not pleasing to the eye, it will kill the other party. Ling Xiao, I, Qin Lei, thank you on behalf of my family. My Qin Family almost broke the incense." Qin Lei was so shocked that he should not say what should be said. All of his brains were said.

"It’s fine if you know it. Don’t talk about it anymore. Don’t mention the purple clothed girl again. I just missed my words and accidentally said Su’er’s name. You can’t even mention it later. The name Su'er." Ling Xiao asked.

"Okay! Definitely, I must be able to do it." Qin Lei replied.

"Shock! Extraordinary!" Takuzhong shook his head, trying to recover his mind.

"Shao Lei, before you said this secret, why did you ask me a serious question, what is the problem?" Ling Xiao asked.

"hehe, I dare not ask anymore. I wanted to ask you-if I didn't tell other people about the secret, should you give me some benefit? I charge a secret guard fee. I dare not threaten you now," Qin Lei said originally.

"Lei Shao, are you crazy. You dignified Qin Family Eldest Young Master, you want money and money, you want status and status, you basically have everything I have, and you expect to get it from me Good thing, dreamer?" Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"Hehe, the advantage of what I said is...Please stay in the dormitory for a few more days, otherwise there will be two people, me and Zhong Shao, and it will not be fun." Qin Lei laughed.

"Qin Lei, why do you plan to do so? Okay, I promised you to live in the dormitory for at least one month, but on one day or two days, I lived at home, neither It's a breach of promise." Ling Xiao just didn't want to see Yang Han, so he might as well sell his love to Qin Lei.

"hehe, this is very good." Qin Lei was extremely happy.

The night is getting deeper, and the three brothers who talk about everything fall asleep.

Executive Regulations on Dormitory Hygiene

(1) Qin Lei said: "Dormitory Hygiene is solely in charge of Tuozhong."

(2) Monday to Friday, Qin Lei cleans the dormitory;

(3) From Saturday to Sunday, in order to cultivate the awareness of hygiene and carry forward the fine tradition of the Genting Empire in caring for the environment, it is not allowed to litter all garbage such as peels and confetti in the dormitory. Violators are requested to clean up by themselves, otherwise they can only be left until next week for Qin Lei to clean up;

(4) If dormitory members have objections, please pay respects to Article 1 of this Regulation.


"hehe, Qin Lei, who owns it, who owns the right to clean the dormitory, who I can't take it away, no one wants to take it." Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"This Tuozhong, I didn’t expect it to be so slippery. Hehe, sooner or later, my young Master Lei will fix him." Qin Lei wanted to tear up the Dormitory Hygiene Executive Regulations, but he thought about it. Then dismissed the idea. ..

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