Yue Yan gently put Saffron's forage into the trough, and gently patted it on the horse’s head, as if to say: "Horse, eat, or you will be hungry. . I don’t have any better fodder, this is already the best."

The next scene made Ling Xiao scolded in her heart.

The dark horse bowed his head docilely, and ate with keen interest pleasure. After a few mouthfuls, he snorted slightly, as if saying: "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Ling Xiao clenched his hands, really wanted to rush up to beat the black horse, and thought to himself: Sema! To say that you are a sex horse is really worthy of your name, and you are not wronged.

Seeing the dark horse eating vigorously, Yue Yan jumped up excitedly: "hehe, it ate, it ate!" When Yue Yan jumped up, her body was touching The curve is more prominent, the extremely beautiful face and the lithe and graceful curve of the whole body make the peng peng jump in Ling Xiao's heart.

Yue Yan also noticed Ling Xiao's expression, slightly Stomping Tantrum, her face blushing and her head bowed slightly: "Hehe, I was so happy just now. I felt this sense of accomplishment the first time I fed the horse. "

At this time, the dark horse made a big sniffle in great cooperation, and then focused on eating grass.

Ling Xiao really wanted to give that dark horse to Ka-cha, this dark horse simply despised him and laughed at his incompetence.

Controlling the excitement in your heart, Ling Xiao Chaoyueyan said with a smile: "Hehe, yes, look how happy it is to eat. If it weren't for you, how would I feed it, it will not take a look I don’t even bother to take a bite."

Yue Yan said with a smile: "Hehe, you really can laugh, maybe it’s not hungry before and just had a big appetite. Maybe it eats very regularly. It just happened to be in time for it to eat. Hehe, I can pinch the time so accurately."

Ling Xiao smiled in his heart, this quiet and lively Yue Yan made his heart move.

"Are you also a third-grade student of Dzi Bead Academy?" Ling Xiao realized that it was wrong when he said it. After all, he was a third-grade student of Dzi Bead Academy, and he was already on the Academy in name 3. Years of learning. If Yue Yan had also said that she was a third-grade student, how embarrassing it would be, she would have left a bad impression on Yue Yan: If she didn't come to school, she would be a rich kid and be embarrassed.

"I am a student in Class 1 of the third grade. I came to Nar City 3 years ago." Yue Yan said sincerely, with an Attract smile on her eyebrows.

"hehe, we are classmates, but I didn't know you before." Ling Xiao said with a smile, and laughed happily in her heart: hehe, Yue Yan did not show the slightest on her face just now Of disdain and contempt.

"We know now, and we will keep in touch in the future." Although Yue Yan tried to control her mood, she still turned up the waves in her heart, and her small face turned red, like a ripe apple.

"Of course." Ling Xiao said and looked towards the dark horse: "hehe, Yue Yan, look, that horse is pitifully looking at the empty trough, waiting for you to feed it."

Yue Yan Yanran smiled: "It's really a greedy horse!"

It's time for lunch, and Yue Yan and Su Qing met in the cafeteria.

"Hehe, are you talking with Tuozhong okay?" A deep smile overflowed in Yue Yan's eyes.

"You really, dare to leave me alone. Fortunately, I and Tuozhong talked very well. I didn't feel awkward, otherwise I can't spare you." Su Qing finished speaking and took a mouthful of fragrance. Of rice.

"Hehe, it's a good chat? If so, didn't I do a good thing?" Yue Yan deliberately joked, teasing Su Qing. ..

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