Murong Ling rubbed his nose helplessly. Wen Family was so obvious that he could not tell. Wen Qingshan in front of him is also a martial cultivator with a bold temperament. He has also arrived in the Great Accomplishment Realm world as an Eight Extremes Fist. If he cooperates with the appropriate internal strength mentality, he can then open the realm of Spiritual Consciousness.

He has never seen his own shots. If her daughter told him, then he shot his hand at the elevator door. I believe that even the Ye Family brothers and sisters can’t see anything famous, let alone Gentle One. It looks like an ordinary person who doesn't have any background in martial arts. He thought about it this way, but he didn't know that his "teleshift" was so shocking that he had all the pictures.

After a toast with Wen Qingshan, Murong Ling looked at the Ye Family children on the left and right, and was embarrassed to say something. Wen Qingshan said first: "I don’t know where is Murong’s ancestral home? Where was he before? Gao Jiu?" He was just looking for words, so everyone started to talk about it, and took a casual look. Didn't expect this question to Murong Ling.

"This·······" Murong Ling hesitated, not knowing how to answer; is it possible that tells people that I am from an alien, Heaven's Chosen, do you know? If it was to make up a place, he really couldn't think of a suitable place name, and he still had to believe it.

Everyone was really curious when they heard Wen Qingshan's question, because for a long time everyone discovered that the Murong in front of him was not from Jiangnan Murong Family, but he really didn't know where he came from. Even Ye Ziming and Ling Xiao, who were now talking about each minding their own business, stopped talking and watched Murong Ling with everyone, waiting for the answer.

Looking at the formation, Murong Ling's head became bigger, "This...It’s really hard to explain..."

Xue saw Murong Ling's hesitation. She was so smart that she knew there must be some embarrassment. Laughed to help him out and said, "Uncle Wen, are you really ready to find a gentle son-in-law for your family? The account is here. Come, let me toast you a cup." Everyone laughed when they said that, and the gentleness made their faces even redder, gradually spreading to the crystal-like jade neck.

Wen Qingshan "ha" smiled: "This little girl, now has such a clever mouth? Why, don't my old Wen Family hire a son-in-law? Or do you have a fancy for Murong brother? But I look at you sitting like this, it’s really a good match, haha."

Although Ye Xue is also very smart, how can he be an old fox like Wen Qingshan’s opponent? Just listen to this. Then, it’s her turn to blush, said while playfully pouting: "Uncle Wim, I didn’t take you to bully our junior like this, huh, disrespect you." The Murong Ling next to her also blushed with old faces.

Now, everyone is first acquaintance, and how to talk about blind dates and recruit son-in-laws have all come out. He coughed, and quickly answered: “In fact, it’s like this. The sect in the next is more secretive. He grew up in the remote mountains and marshlands. It can even be said that he has never lived in such a city. This time it’s just The experience of entering the WTO has come. Didn’t expect something unexpected and lost my belongings and money when I got off the mountain, so now this step. As for where the sect is located, because of the sect rules, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Everyone."

As soon as these words came out, it was considered reasonable, and everyone had different mentalities. What Ye Ziming and Ling Xiao thought was that, sure enough, I don't think this Young Master is like a security guard. The relationship is difficult for Young Master. ..

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