Like Lingxiao, Ye Family Third Young Master dug through the relationship, and raises it with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan a year, not including car allocation and house allocation. But Ling Xiao can't do two tricks under Murong Ling's hands, what kind of benefits will Ye Family Third Young Master know? That's why Ye Ziming said that Murong Ling could do it by herself. As for the security guard who covers board and lodging, that's really a joke. It is estimated that Ye Family wouldn't put him in such a bar anymore, that's really an inferior talent.

Therefore, Murong Ling's first job after arriving in Hangzhou is also his first job since he grew up, and it can be regarded as a real estate. At least for now, it is a security guard, able to support both heaven and earth. A security guard still covers board and lodging.

Qin Wangshan, Kuaiji County. It was named after Qin Shihuang came here when he visited the South China Sea and looked at the South China Sea (now Hangzhou Bay). The upright and towering mountains and the majesty of the outstanding peaks make Qinwang Mountain the best place to overlook the scenery in Kuaiji County.

The steep and dangerous mountainside, strange rocks stand in great numbers, and ancient trees towering into the sky. In the depths of the verdant trees, an ancient house entirely made of huge bluestone is hidden in it. The three-meter-high bluestone wall completely isolates the outside world, leaving only the two Chinese white jade lions at the main entrance, which vaguely demonstrates the wealth and mysterious of this mansion.

Here is the legendary ancient martial arts Aristocratic Family, one of the Three Great Families, where San'in Ye Family is located.

There is a rumor that "Wen Family Choi, Ye Family Boxing, Murong Invincible". Ye Family lineage, the historical inheritance is with martial proving the dao; it is said that the Hidden Scripture Pavilion houses many ancient martial arts secrets that have been lost in the world. And Ye Family's children who have entered the world through past generations are also known for their invincible Iron Fist. I think Ye Family patriarch Ye Xiaotian, who is now Ye Family patriarch Ye Xiaotian, joined the World at the age of 20, white clothed single, and tried to pick the Northeast Jeddah, fighting the Hongmen Third Elder alone; he fought 81 times in his life, without a single defeat, and made his name. , So-called "one punch, all people fall."

Unfortunately, the talents of the younger generations are withered, and because of the era of hot weapons, ancient martial arts has only become a fitness exercise technique. Modern children mostly rely on their ancestors for good fortune, either in business or as officials. Although it is called the ancient martial arts Aristocratic Family, it is mostly the general generation of Aptitude. As for with martial proving the dao, you can immortality and smashing void ascend to heaven after proving the dao, it is just legendary existence.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Ye Family mansion, sitting on the upper rosewood Imperial Tutor chair is an old man in his fifties, with a purple face and heavy pupils, who is born with a strange appearance. All Zhang, not angry or prestigious. This is the Ye Family current patriarch, Ye Xiaotian, who was famous at the time.

There are a few people sitting on the chairs on both sides. This is an impromptu family meeting. Most of the people present here are family uncles and nephews. And standing in the center is a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a cynical and clever face, a well-cut dark suit, shiny black patent leather shoes on his feet; with this classic and strict courtyard house and the same color of the green clothes present here. The gown is so out of place.

Ye Family has two sons and a daughter, eldest son Ye Lei, second daughter Ye Xue, and three son Lingxiao. Standing in the hall is Ye Family Third Young Master Ling Xiao. Elder in the Lingxiao family said that he was the most innate talent among the children in this life. He was talented and intelligent since childhood, but Pokémon was weird and stubborn. He started martial arts at the age of five, and had Small Accomplishment at the age of fifteen, but he used to pick quarrels and stir up trouble and fight with his arms. ..

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