Look carefully, the ice crystals are not formed by water. They are more like the dense entanglement of countless glittering and translucent silver white threads. Looking far away from the ice There is no difference.

"Ice silk pupa knot technique"

Ling Xiao muttered silently, the entire ice crystal suddenly emitted silver white rays of light towards all around. Let it go.

Suddenly, the figure of a white clothed woman appeared in Lingxiao’s Sky, but at this time a bright long sword appeared on her hand. It was sharp and sharp, and it came to Lingxiao. .

Ling Xiao looked up, but there was no panic in his eyes. He looked at the white clothed woman, trying to see her true face, but was blocked by a long hair, unable to see the true face.

The long sword on the head falls straight down, and there is no reason for it to miss. At the tip of the sword, there is even a layer of white whirlwind around the sky like a spiral. Ice crystals.

The violent and harsh friction sounded immediately, but as time passed, the expected like a hot knife through butter did not happen. The ice crystals formed by the ice silk pupa knot technique turned out to be So hard, the sharp long sword could not penetrate the slightest.

Ling Xiao snered and said: "Knot"

From the point of contact between the tip of the sword and the ice crystal, countless silk threads stretched out instantly, waving in the air like Insect's tentacles, and Close to the white clothed woman.

white clothed woman saw that the situation was far from good, immediately wanted to get away from it, but the long sword in her hand was like a normal death on ice crystals, no matter how hard she exerted her strength, it was not Move the slightest.

Seeing that the silk thread in the air is about to be surrounded, she instinctively feels that if she is surrounded and wants to escape, she is still a little difficult to do with her current strength. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the woman Decisively abandoning the long sword in his hand, jade foot tapped the surface of the ice crystal shield, but his body rose into the air. After a few flashes, he left the silk thread and fell back to Ground.

At this time, Ling Xiao was lightly exclaimed, and then a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

In the world where Ling Xiao is, there is a very special existence. They have no body, but they can let the lifeform see themselves. They also have thoughts and the ability to react to things around them. In most cases, they are in a free state and have a gentle temperament. However, they sometimes harm other lives for no reason. In short, their whereabouts can never be theorized.

In the eyes of ordinary persons, they are extremely mysterious, and most of them are terrifying, killing people only in minutes, and most of their deaths are very miserable, and because they often appear and disappear unpredictably, they are called For it is a ghost.

However, they have another name in the cultivator, Ghost Spirit.

What Ling Xiao is encountering now is a Ghost Spirit, and I am afraid it is still a Ghost Spirit that is quite cultivation, because Normal Ghost Spirit will not attack the cultivator, and what he encountered is obviously Is an exception.

Furthermore, after the woman landed, she didn’t make any offensive. It seemed that she was brought to Normal by Astonish, but in fact, if she was a Ghost Spirit, she would never know what she was afraid of. Meaning.

Sure enough, just when Ling Xiao was about to take a shot, the woman suddenly turned into countless Avatars, each of them exactly the same, and they quickly revolved around Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was taken aback by such a method, but after all, the temperament was so tough that he didn't get in a mess. ..

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