The energy little by little in the room began to converge towards the sky, and gradually, a vortex was formed around it, or it would be more appropriate to describe it as a storm. The energy factor continuously tackled in Lingxiao. Xiao's physical body made a slight noise.

Forging Body Refining Technique is a process of accumulated over a long period of time. It is easy to break when too rigid. This is the principle Ling Xiao taught him from the first day of cultivation. .

Just keep the same time like this. It takes half a day at a time. Ling Xiao’s left and right are bored, so he sinks his consciousness into his body and observes his body. This is called introspection in the cultivation. It is a means of supporting cultivation, which can only be performed by those who have reached stargazers.

A variety of meridian tangled and complicated in Ling Xiao’s body, he doesn’t even know a few of them, and at the source of these meridian, there is a beautiful crystal with lightly purple light exuding all over the body, Ling Xiao Xiao looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned.

This is Ling Xiao’s crystal nucleus. To be precise, it is the crystal nucleus that has been broken. The current form is the result of Jing Tian using his own energy to imprison. If Imprison is broken, Ling Xiao is immediately I was afraid that I would burst and die, but the method of death was really not that good.

Ling Xiao was secretly sighed, and his mind withdrew from the body, but the middle crystal nucleus trembled slightly at this time, and then returned to its original state.

It is said that in Ancient Times, there are seven-headed monsters exuding death. They claim to be from the undead family of ghosts. The purpose of coming to this plane is to come to rule and wait. The creatures, come to serve them.

At that time, the powerhouses tried to destroy these seven-headed monsters. Who knows, these seven-headed monsters seem to have infinite lives. No matter how they fight, they will quickly return to their original state. In the end, their opponent will be Was consumed alive by them.

The individual actions of powerhouses all ended in failure. At that time, the world gave these seven guys a terrifying name, called ghostfiend seven kings.

The ghostfiend seven kings continue to grow their power. At the same time, they have this a method to turn the corpses of the dead powerhouse into undead creatures, thereby forming an army of undead, trying to occupy the entire plane.

However, at this time, mankind finally stood up to the seven saints, known as the Seven Sages of Heavenly Heroes in history. Each of them has reached the peak of its cultivation base, and it is the Earthquake. Moving, the river flows backwards, with the power of Supreme.

They organized a group of mankind's most outstanding warriors to resist the aggression of the dead army together.

In the final battle, the Ghostfiend Seven Kings and the Seven Sages of Heavenly Sages made their best efforts, and they all had to kill each other. However, the Seven Sages of the Heavens Sages were more skilled and won the victory of the final battle. However, the seven ghostfiend kings did not die, but were picked up by Imprison, and the seven sages of the heavenly heroes fell sadly due to their injuries, so the victory or defeat of this final battle is hard to say.

. Ling Xiao finally stopped cultivation towards the evening. This time he can feel that he has improved a lot, but now it is only at the level of stargazer level 2, of course it is only formidable power After all, he lost Star Core, such a level standard is meaningless to him.

"Mr. Ling Xiao, patriarch would like to ask." A female voice came from outside with a clear voice, like the name of an oriole, which was especially nice.

"Got it" Ling Xiao replied complied.

"Here is a change of clothes. Can I bring it in?" ..

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