A huge Fireball dropped from the sky with a fiery temperature, just hitting the body of the amethyst and green-tailed scorpion who were moving towards Ling Xiao and the two were approaching. In just an instant, Fireball moved This hapless guy penetrated, and then there was a strong explosion, and the blast caused the two people and the scorpions to Whirlwind far away.

Ling Xiao hurriedly hugged Sha Morou and used his body to resist the strength of Tackle Ground. The two of them rolled for a long time before stopping.

"It hurts!" Ling Xiao secretly thought. In fact, he really doesn't have much energy to speak now.

Shameruo closed her eyes tightly, obviously frightened.

When she opened her eyes and saw Ling Xiao pressing on her body, she was stunned.

3 seconds later...

"Ah!" A harsh sound came from Shamerrou’s throat, and Ling Xiao directly covered her ears. This girl’s sonic power It is too strong.

"How are you all okay!"

At this time, a boy ran towards them, holding a cylindrical object in his hand, and the spout was still braving Bursts of black smoke.

"We are all right, you saved us just now?" Ling Xiao asked.

"Ah, I’m Xiao Gang from the Yan clan. I am in charge of the security work in this area. I noticed that there is movement here, so I just check it out. Those are my companions." Then Xiao Gang pointed. Refers to a group of people who are fighting with the Amethyst Bi-tailed Scorpion in the distance. Each of them has something similar to Xiao Gang's hand. With their operations, they continuously send out a crimson Fireball, a suppressed purple. The Jingbi-tailed scorpion is impossible to move even a little bit, which obviously has the upper hand, but it cannot be wiped out for a while.

Ling Xiao and Sha Morou thanked Xiao Gang, and focused on the battle in front of them.

According to Ling Xiao’s feelings, this group of guys who claim to be the Yan race does not have a high cultivation base. The highest seems to be only the level 8 of Stargazer Seven, but they rely on their unique weapons and The unique positioning and mutual cooperation can suppress the Spirit Beast of the Third Rank and cannot resist, which is really incredible.

Ling Xiao suspects that what they are holding should be some kind of formidable power attacking magic device, which is enough to allow them to exert an attack power far beyond their actual cultivation base, which is really a good thing. .

Although this kind of attacking magic device Ling Xiao has seen many, after all, the weapons in the hands of the planet standing army are all the same magic device, but as powerful as this, it can go beyond the level. The method of attack is unheard-of.

"By the way, why are you here? Few people will get involved in this area of ​​Normal." Xiao Gang asked.

"I was passing by, and I don't know this girl anymore. I came here after hearing her call for help." Ling Xiao said.

"so that's how it is, what about you?" Xiao Gang looked towards Sha Morou, and his eyes lit up. Such a Mitsumi girl attracts men's attention wherever she goes.

"I am..."

"Hey, Brock, this is done." A rough voice shouted.

An uncle-level figure came over, with a full beard face, a majestic body, a solid arm, and a pair of rough hands. At a glance, he knew he was a heroic man. Brock with slightly soft skin and tender meat is completely different.

"Brock, I'm talking to you, what do you plan to do with these scorpions?" Uncle walked closer and gently patted Xiao Gang's back, of course this lightly was in accordance with his strength Anyway, Xiao Gang was about to vomit blood after being photographed, but he was also used to it. ..

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