"Then what do you plan to do next?" Qing Wu opened the mouth and said at this time.

"Escape." Ling Xiao said calmly, "Leave the Gamma Clan."

"What did you say?" Li Hai startedled.

"Be quiet," Ling Xiao hurriedly covered Li Hai's mouth.

"As long as I leave the Gamma tribe, Dani and the others will be dead men tell no tales, and patriarch will take the opportunity to shirk them."

"But then, you The situation is dangerous." Qing Wu said worriedly.

"It’s okay, after all, I am the son of Lord Hope. They dare not chase me so blatantly, at most assassinations. As long as I return to the central city, no one dares to do anything to me. "Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"But..." Qing Wu was still a little worried.

"It's okay, I won't be okay, I will come back when I am out of danger," Ling Xiao added.

"Okay!" Qing Wu lowered her head, "Then you will be careful along the way."

"Don't worry!" With that, Ling Xiao bowed her head and kissed Qing Wu Forehead.

"Oh, it's numb to death, there are still people." Li Hai turned his head away, but tears flashed in his eyes, and the separation of his friends made him a little unacceptable.

Ling Xiao patted Li Hai, and slowly put Qing Wu down again, and then said separately, Ling Xiao turned around and ran away.

The two Qingwu stayed where they were, until they could no longer see Ling Xiao's figure, they were sighed and turned and walked towards the Gamma Clan.

By the way, Ling Xiao did not leave for the central city immediately. There are thousands of miles away in the middle. He is walking in a hurry and has no luggage beside him. He only brought a magic crystal card for the central city with him. The money that father Jingtian left for him is just going to come in handy at this time, so let's get a outfit first.

So, Ling Xiao came to the market again, and there were still so few people on the street. After all, it was almost evening, who would be here.

Ling Xiao walked into a side lane, turned left and right, and came to a door with red lanterns on. He stepped forward, first tapped three times, then tapped again. Three times.

After waiting for a while, suddenly, the Ground at Ling Xiao's feet was recessed downwards, and Ling Xiao fell into it.

Ling Xiao descended down a curved passage, all around is a hard stone wall, very smooth.

Soon, Ling Xiao fell to the ground, and there was a brightly lit corridor in front of him, not knowing where to lead.

Ling Xiao walked forward and came to a door with the word zero and eight printed on it.

Ling Xiao tapped twice.

"Please come in." A deep voice came from inside.

Ling Xiao just opened the door and entered.

The furnishings in the house are very simple. There is only a table, a chair and a table lamp using energy stones as energy sources. The light looks a little dim. On the opposite side of the table sits a person wearing a black cloak.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao was not here for the first time, and he didn't think it was any horror, so he sat directly on the chair.

"Hello, do you have any help?" The person opposite said, his voice low and hoarse.

"Of course, I need a set of equipment for long-distance travel, preferably more durable." Ling Xiao said.

"No problem, what else?"

"Give me a map to the central city, with the distribution of each race and the rule of the high-level Spirit Beast Scope."


"That's it."

"Please show me the means of payment."

" Here." Ling Xiao put his gold card on the table. ..

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