Dong Shen was agitated by this look, "Damn it, I gave you a face, I am your blessing to see you, so please don't give me a blow on my nose, several brothers Take her down for me, and use it when I’m done."

"Brother Shen, this girl is Patriarch’s Adopted Daughter. Let’s move it. The consequences..."

"What are you afraid of? My father is the role of Second Elder second only to patriarch in the clan. I really don't believe it. For an Adopted Daughter, he dares to move me even if he is not his own." Dong Shen dismissed it.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me up."

I gave the order, and the few people around did not hesitate anyway. Anyway, someone was holding on to it. Let’s have a good time today. Let's talk about other things.

When I looked towards Qing Wu again, I already felt a bit of a wolf staring at the sheep.

A man with a scar on Qing Wu's left face quickly shot to catch Qing Wu, but Qing Wu only flashed slightly and changed into dodge.

When the other people saw this, they also started together, ready to win by number.

However, Qing Wu's feet are like Yufeng, her skills are extremely agile, and her body moves continuously, making her enemies unable to touch her body at all.

However, this situation did not last long.

"I still don't believe I can't catch you, Ghost King locks." A small man yelled.

Immediately, his whole body emits a black energy light cluster, which slowly compressed and deformed, and finally turned into a lock. Although it is not very clear, it can be seen vaguely. To the hideous skull printed on the lock.

Ghost King lock, yellow-rank middle grade Spirit Art, can restrain the enemy and make it impossible to move.


The Ghost King lock is very large, but the speed is not slow, and it came to Qing Wu's head in the blink of an eye.

Qing Wu is also browsing slightly wrinkle at this time. It seems that the Ghost King lock is also a trouble for her.

"little girl, my Ghost King lock is a Spirit Art of the Yellow Grade intermediate rank. Unless you meet someone with more energy than me, I don’t want to get out of the trap, and the energy of this Ghost King lock is It's corrosive. I don't guarantee that your clothes won't rot. When there are so many people in front of you, you may not be able to get off the stage." The little guy said with a smile.

"Then you can try to see if your Ghost King lock is as useless as your height." Qingwu said with a sneer, a serious expression with a perfect face More Attract.

The little man was also annoyed when "you..." was poked in the pain.

"Since you fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, don't blame me." the little man shouted.

"Ghost King locks, the soul locks the sky."

Suddenly, the black lock in the air, Bzz Bzz sounded like countless souls crying for their lives.

Suddenly, countless Black chains were shot from the lock, moving towards Qingwu entwined.

Qing Wu immediately retreated, but the speed was slightly slower, and a corner of her clothes was corroded. It seems that the power of the Ghost King lock is really name is not in vain.

One hit failed, the little man actually became impatient, and continuously urged the Ghost King lock to attack Qing Wu.

Qing Wu at first was also a little embarrassed, but gradually adapted to it, no matter how fierce the Ghost King's offensive was, she had never been beaten again.

"This, how is this possible." The little man was incredibly authentic.

"It's my turn now." Qing Wu suddenly stopped, she was slightly smiled, and then she rushed out.

"Ling Yan's flying technique, Xiangfengwutian." This is the realm that Qingwu has only recently reached. I saw that Qingwu quickly passed by the people around him like a swallow, and the speed was faster than before. It's more than three times faster. ..

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