"Why are you so fast?" The sound is forced into a line, and even if the distance is a long distance, you can convey the message you want to express. Qingwu uses this method. You can still talk to Ling Xiao while running fast.

"You will know soon." Ling Xiao responded with a smile. In fact, his current speed is almost reaching the limit. After all, Tiger Leap is just a basic movement method Spirit. Compared with Lingyan Xiangkong Art, Art is far behind.

Qing Wu made a grimace in the back, but she was secretly delighted in her heart. Even though Ling Xiao's current speed is very fast, she wants to catch up with her, it is much worse.

Just when she thought she was holding the winning ticket, she only heard a "dragon rise" from behind

Then she felt a huge wave of air coming from behind, saw a flash , I bumped into someone's body.


During the two people's play, in the chamber of the Gamma tribe.

A huge conference table, surrounded by all Elders of the Gamma tribe and the warriors who won the title of heroes, the conference hall is not big, but it is much more spacious for meetings. On the surrounding walls are the portraits of patriarchs of the Gamma tribe, and in the middle is the tallest one in all the paintings. It is the leader of the Gamma clansman and the founder of the Gamma tribe, Sid.

At this moment, there is a middle-aged man sitting under the painting. His broad shoulders and thick black eyebrows give people a strong sense of security at the same time. , His eyes have been closed tightly, seeming to be thinking about something, but this state makes him more mysterious and majestic. He is sitting at the top of the long table. From the position, you can know that this is the contemporary patriarch of the Gamma tribe, the Adoptive Father of Qingwu, Shiro.

"patriarch, there are only more than three months left before the Ranran Star Race. Patrol Envoy sent by Central Metropolis two days ago has already handed us the invitation letter. What are you going to do? "An obese middle-aged man on the left hand side said, as he was sitting on a large chair, with Erlang's legs tilted, wearing a white Simatien, rather lackluster.

Himation is a kind of clothing unique to the Gama tribe. To put it bluntly, it is a long coat wrapped in a big shawl. Its appearance is known for its simplicity and simplicity. The blue flow patterns on the coat further show the identity and status of the owner, because only the elites of the clan can have the decorated Simatien. According to the different contributions to the clan, the number of blue flow lines is also different. Different, patriarch has 8 lines, Elder has 5-7 lines, and elite warrior has 1-4 lines. However, there is a special existence that they can have more than patriarch, reaching a maximum of 9 lines. , This is the honor of Supreme among the Gamma tribe, and only those who survive the life and death difficulties of the Help Gamma tribe or those who are respected by all the Gamma tribe can have it. Such people are respected as heroes by the Gamma clansman, although there is no He has real power, but his position is on the same level as patriarch, and the flow pattern on the slutty man in front of him has reached nine. He is Denny who has the title of hero of power.

Denny is sitting on the right side of the table now, looking at patriarch with an overbearing expression. ..

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