Looking at Li Kun, who had just recovered his self, was uncomfortable. He was visited by several groups of old ladies and daughters every day, and he didn’t know what to do with those eyes. How to chop firewood and saw wood, people laughed heartily in embarrassment, and the kind laughter seems to represent that Li Kun has finally merged into Xiaowang Village.

These curious people came to the carpenter's shop. After visiting the shy apprentices, should they always go empty-handed? You have to buy something, right? As a result, the washboards, rolling pins, panels, pot covers and other small items in Wang's shop were sold out of stock for a while.

Wang Dashan is happily happily all day long, he can’t close his mouth, wishing that all the old Young Masters in the village, all the ladies of all sizes come to the carpenter’s shop for a walk, then he can earn something. .

As for the feelings of a shy, embarrassing, uncomfortable little student from head to toe, he was nakedly ignored by the good guy.

Wang Carpenter’s daughter-in-law from a hometown is actually doing her duty. Seeing that the business is booming in the shop, she knows that she has been exposed to the light of this new apprentice. Kun's bowl was full, compacted, filled again, compacted again, and then passed it to him with a smile until it couldn't fit anymore.

The boy Wang Tiedan, the 10-year-old son of Carpenter Wang, was full of displeasedness, complaining about his mother’s partiality, and even having a child's temper that ignored Li Kun.

Li Kun, whose diet has improved a lot, has been very moisturized during the past few days. He goes up the mountain and cut wood during the day, returns to the shop to chop firewood, and exercises his body, which he hasn't exercised for a few years. In the evening, Calm Mind was full of fighting spirit. I woke up early in the morning, ate some good buns, meditated, and then strolled around Mangshan comfortably. The days were so uncomfortable, a few days later. At the same time, he was yellowish and thin before, and his body gradually became fatter, and the color of his skin gradually became paler, not as malnourished as before.

The body gradually becomes healthy, and the cultivation speed of Confusion is also increasing day by day. Only then did Li Kun understand that a healthy body is the guarantee of cultivation. As the physical condition improves, the body absorbs the vitality of the weather much faster at Calm Mind.

The Confusion in Sea of ​​Consciousness has accumulated a lot, but it is still gaseous, and it seems that it is more appropriate to call it Nianqi. In addition to feeling that his energy is becoming more and more energetic and his eyes are getting better, Li Kun still has no idea how to use Confusion, and he is really depressed.

"No way, why would there be no response?"

At the end of Calm Mind in the early morning of this day, Li Kun was really a little bit unable to sit still, always accumulating Confusion like this, but I don't know how to use it, what's the use?

He tried to mobilize the thoughts deposited in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but let him try, those thoughts still stayed there quietly, ignoring his summon.

"Ai, what can we do about this."

Li Kun was discouraged and started to meditate to regain his strength while thinking about what to do.

The body meridian keeps absorbing World's Essence Qi, the World's Essence Qi at dawn is exceptionally pure, turning into True Qi at his dantian, and starts to swim in the body along the meridian. Dissipate the soreness of the muscles.

At this time, however, Li Kun's mind has been on how to mobilize the Confusion in Sea of ​​Consciousness. The trajectory of True Qi in unconsciously had to be subconsciously guided down to his brain, just like the impact in the wolf cave at that time. Sea of ​​Consciousness, like a barrier, went straight to Sea of ​​Consciousness.

But now there is no Sea of ​​Consciousness barrier. True Qi rushed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness without any hindrance. The gaseous Confusion that was originally quietly staying in the seabed department was hit by such a shock. It moved all of a sudden, was wrapped in True Qi, passed through the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and flowed around the body along the meridian. Because Li Kun was in a state of meditation, the Confusion that entered the meridian could not return to the Sea of ​​Consciousness cycle, but entered the empty dantian, slowly diverging from there, and disappeared.

One hour passed by, and Li Kun also woke up from the meditation state, but this time he was surprised to find that he was extraordinarily sleepy, his head was dizzy, dizzy, and everything looked at everything. Fuzzy and spinning.

"What's going on?"

Li Kun was anxious. He didn't understand how this happened, so he closed his eyes and checked, for fear of physical problems. , And throw away this hard-won opportunity for cultivation.

"Where is my Confusion?!"

After checking, Li Kun, who was found to be wrong, screamed, and his Sea of ​​Consciousness was empty. All the accumulated Confusion has disappeared.

Li Kun, who couldn't figure out the reason, was anxious and endured the severe headache and dizziness. He was going to go to the wolf's den and read out the strange book to check it again, and got out of bed in a hurry. Putting on his shoes, he ran to the door anxiously.



With a muffled sound, Li Kun's forehead swelled up with a big bulge, which hurt him. Tears. He sat on the ground with his forehead, opened his eyes and was shocked for an instant.

It turns out that he actually hit the door with one head, but he was still wearing his shoes by the fire kang just now. How could he hit the door with just a small step?

Weird things happened one after another, Li Kun was puzzled, and quickly sat in the lotus position again, took a deep breath, and checked his body with breath-holding.

After a while, Li Kun opened his eyes in surprise and couldn't believe his discovery. ..

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