"Nine Yang Divine Art Law and Dragon Subduing 18 Palms Attribute conflict, whether fusion?"

Lee extraordinary suddenly understood why, obviously, Dragon Subduing 18 Palms belong to gold Attribute palm method, while Nine Yang Divine Art belongs to Fire Type cultivation technique, fire restrain metal, no wonder it is difficult to play a real formidable power Dragon Subduing 18 Palms, perhaps only Body Metamorphose Scripture so obviously no Attribute cultivation technique to manage. Thought here, Lee extraordinary selection without the slightest hesitation integration.

"fusion, inadequate conditions, failure of integration, Lin needs to fire a stone with a diamond and 20Integral Points."

Lee extraordinary hastened to open the Exchange System, and then query For more information on fire Lin and diamond stone, I saw fire and Lin stone diamond exchange conditions were 20Integral Points, since such a full forty Integral Points need to be able to fusion cultivation technique.

Then came the system prompt,

"Nine Yang Divine Art reached Perfection, whether the training body of Nine Yang Divine Art upgraded to Qi Refinement Stage cultivation technique. Integral spent points 50. "

Lee extraordinary without the slightest hesitation rejected the upgrade, I will not speak his own Integral points yet only 7.5 points, and even if there is, it will not upgrade, after all, Nine Yang Divine Art and Dragon Subduing 18 Palms integration cultivation technique was significantly better than the Nine Yang Divine Art. A good cultivation technique can significantly enhance your battle strength or even a couple of notches. even more how their own have their own ideas.

"can be integrated cultivation technique, hehe"

So Lee extraordinary again move out of the system took a four-point Integral Points are redeemed Great Heaven and Earth Shift and Surging Waves Subtle Steps, originally body Metamorphose Scripture would like to exchange to continue to improve their cultivation technique, but alert system

"host allows only learn a cultivation technique, whether learning body Metamorphose Scripture, and remove the body of Nine Yang Divine Art. "Lee extraordinary shocked and quickly choose to deny that he finally mastered the Nine Yang Divine Art Perfection, how willing to replace, and what is the Body Metamorphose Scripture better or much better Nine Yang Divine Art has yet to be debated. Thought here, Li Yu extraordinary will play Lightweight Art moved towards Setting Sun City snatched, with the support of Nine Yang Divine Art of Perfection, and Lee extraordinary speed has been significantly improved. (Great Heaven and Earth Shift Heart is not just an Yunjin capacity and know-how)

Lee extraordinary enter the city, stroll walking down the street, and now he has Nine Yang Divine Art Great Accomplishment, and integration cultivation technique of Integral Points landed yet, do not know where to find a baby, maybe Three have priceless treasure within Great Families, but not the killing of Lee extraordinary person, and not because someone else has it murdering to seize the baby treasures, and as for those cultivation gate to coach, or perhaps access to resources, but still practice their own peak body, has not yet reached Qi Refinement Stage, and ever will be people's attention.

Master Qi Refinement skill even ten layers only in the presence of an ordinary gate. Moreover, the Master's will did not mention any where cultivation gate, even to go to find no start, even more how Lee extraordinary to join Immortal Sect still some promise of conflict, after all, they have their own secrets. But in any case this is a chance to go down the mountain to ask the City Lord, after all, he is also considered a veteran of the Innate expert, and it is the Lord of the entire City, certainly more than they know the news, they might have their own hard to find clues to why people just want to help you, this is also a problem. By contradiction might be three great aristocratic families and the City Lord to exchange messages, but can not be so hastily to go, after all, hard to believe your motives, so it seems necessary to look to find opportunities.

Just such a state, Lee extraordinary in Guangzhao streets aimless until a shop next to go, says the shop Wang Family Auction House, and from time to time someone entered the shop, suddenly I patted his head, today is not that Wang Family auction House auction day thing. But I'm afraid this Auction House average person can not casually be able to enter in.

himself only valuable it ten tael of gold, I am afraid that is not enough. Does he really want to release their breath to potential deceptive about it, Lee could not help smile extraordinary about it, then I saw the Auction House two guards strapped to a young man wearing a plain came out and said a bodyguard; "the Young Master, if you really want to get into this auction House, or have our master's VIP Card, or be able to produce gold worth more than 50 objects to prove that you have the qualifications to participate in the auction, otherwise also requested to leave the Young Master. "the man wearing a plain face reddened, as if under a great determination, from the arms pulled out a ring, facing guards said, this is the ancestral ring before I left my father died, the value may be exceeded should 50 gold bar. "

very simple man said to have clout, but even he did not know the value of their own worth it. I saw that ring modeling simple, impressively similar to Lee extraordinary egg storage ring, the extraordinary Lee mind startled, but no action, just quietly stay in the side.

at this time a bodyguard looked at the ring, looked at the plain man, in a tone of disdain rather against the the man said; "you're breaking this ring, but also the value of 50 gold, also ancestral me five silver tael as people can give me a bunch of custom-made, or where would you go now, not here you can enter this poor fellow . "

The name of the simple man face reddened, mouth want to say something, but finally bow sighed, just going to recover the ring on hand. Then suddenly heard" Hold on, this ring Yes, this Young Master quite like it, I bought it two out of 50. "A white clothed man slowly came along behind him three guards. Consternation, that the fight in front of the Inn that day who Chen Family Young Master, naive teenager who heard this and immediately withdraw the ring pregnant , the sides also close his mouth, "I'm sorry, the Young Master, this is my father's possessions, I would not sell. "..

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