Where is the warmest and softest place in this world. It's not another place but home! When some children had returned home from the Warren Academy, Ling Feng was also very busy.

Because I have to cook a good meal for my Teacher.

Smelling one after another fragrant delicacy at the dinner table, how can I bear it? He immediately took care of the actual situation, and stuffed one after another fragrant dishes into his mouth like a rice bucket.

While the stuffer said, "Well, it's still...you...this little fellow...the food is delicious." Swallow's just popped out.

"Aiya, by the way Teacher." Ling Feng quickly opened the ring as if suddenly remembering something, and found a book whose skin was Yellow.

Ling Feng hurriedly said: "Teacher, I almost forgot about this." After that, he quickly handed the book to Yan Lao. Then he said: "Teacher, this is the Heavenly Rank low-level claw battle skill last time, and Teacher, when will you teach me this?"

Lao Yan slowed down his meal at this time and then, He hummed earnestly: "Heavenly Rank battle skill I also have it. Well, let me go to Chamber of Commerce tomorrow to sell those things. When you get better, I will start teaching you this." The speed of eating has increased a lot.

"en." After Ling Feng complied, he hurriedly said to Yan Lao: "Hey, Teacher, it's bad for the stomach and intestines."

Where is Yan Lao now? Just worry about this, eat desperately. Although Yan Lao had eaten a lot of delicious food before, he used to be busy with cultivation and avoiding being drugged. You should know that after you become famous, you will have more respect on the continent, but you might as well have some sinister villains go back and frame them.

The first thing I did during return to house was to quickly open the Heavenly Rank low-level battle skill. It may be rare for Yan Lao, but it is invaluable to Ling Feng. !

If you really want to be on the continent, the Heavenly Rank battle skills are all Top Grade treasures. Of course, besides finding them yourself, you can also participate in the auction to get them. Naturally, you can also inherit the battle skills handed down from the family. .

Of course, among the three, the probability encountered is the smallest, and the highest probability is the auction. Auction, hence the name, means that some auctioneers give the auction items to auction and let their items auction out, and they get money, but the auctioned items will be higher than the original price. Otherwise, where did the auction get the money?

And if the family inheritance is obviously not a member of the family, outsiders are impossible. But even in the family, it doesn't necessarily pass to whoever is the heir. Only clansman who has innate talent in the family can have the opportunity to learn. It can be seen that this continent is ultimately an innate talent and strength is the most important thing.

Ling Feng opened the book, and suddenly an old voice sounded from the book, which sounded older than Yan.

"The battle skill is the battle skill created by the old man when he became famous. The old man has been in existence for a hundred years, but no one can learn it. Destined person, this battle skill is the Present given to you by the old man. ........" Gradually, the voice became smaller and smaller, and then disappeared from the room.

Ling Feng naturally knows what it is, that is, Soul Power can create a soul message when it reaches a great realm. Such Imprison will appear in the book if someone opens it. Sound, but fortunately, this sound is only the first time it is turned on. Otherwise, Ling Feng doesn't want to have this sound every time it is turned on.

Slowly, Ling Feng read it several times by himself, and understood the approximate cultivation method of this battle skill, but he didn't know where to start.

This battle skill was created a hundred years ago, so it will be different from the present. This battle skill is called Vajra Wolf Claw. Although it sounds less domineering, Ling Feng pays more attention to its formidable power. There is a brief introduction in this book. Vajra Wolf Claw is a Heavenly Rank low-level battle skill, which is a kind of Eight Rank's Vajra wolf was adapted from the body after learning it. And if this battle skill is practiced to the extreme, it can wear anything thick. Anything is insignificant in front of it and can be easily penetrated.

Ling Feng naturally listened to this introduction, and he was also a little bit passionate in his heart. The penetration power of this battle skill is the strongest in the claw battle skill, and the Eight Rank Vajra wolf! That can be comparable to human Battle Venerable! Moreover, the person who created this battle skill can obtain and adapt it from the Vajra wolf, which is obviously not a waiter.

But Ling Feng just read it hastily, even after the basic instructions, he quickly put it away. You must know that this kind of battle skill is far more rare than gold! If you want to circulate outside of it, you might as well have some experts like Lingfeng Snatch. And my understanding of battle skills is obviously not as deep as Yan Lao, so I should wait until I get better and start teaching Yan Lao to teach himself.

Although he said he was injured now, he did not stop cultivating Battle Qi. After a while, he saw Ling Feng sitting on the bed, and then began to enter the Calm Mind state.

The night is quiet, but the cold night is lonely, but when the lights of those big cities are all over the city, there is only one teenager sitting cross-legged in a small wood house. Obviously It's at Calm Mind.

And the cold and silent night was quickly blocked by even the cold sunlight. Winter mornings are bed-ridden for others, but Lingfeng wakes up early.

With a sound of "huh." I was already out of the early repair state, I slowly stretched myself, and then started getting out of bed after putting on my shoes. ..

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