Gougan turned his head and stared at the blue cold light on the top of the rock, recalling a passage when Long Huaiji scolded himself in the cave, and recalling Long Tian for the past 7 years Teng took care of himself in every possible way, and recalled the longing in his eyes when Long Tianteng said Charon Divine Sword... etc. "Thinking of this, Goudan turned around again laughed and said: "damned old man, I think you are very unpleasant, but you have been taking care of me for these seven years. It can be said that without you, there would be no My Goudan. On this day, or without you, maybe now I am still begging for food in a low voice, even if I owe you, it is also to prove to you that I am a real man, since I vowed to frankly accept your offer My challenge, I will implement it regardless of the consequences, even if it is really scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. At least I am worthy of my honor and my personality. Who is my dog? My dog ​​is a tough little guy than Xiaoqiang who can't beat him. "

Yi decided, the dog egg displays the elegant Lightweight Art of Danger Land, like a white shadow running straight to the huge rock.

500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters.... Dog eggs The figure is getting closer and closer to the location of the giant rock.

The distance of more than 500 meters is only close to the speed of the dog egg. In a blink of an eye, it has rushed to a distance of 10 meters from the giant rock. The dog egg stops. I lowered my body and looked up at the top of the rock. Without any extra thought, I stepped on Ground with my right foot and rose in the air, like an eagle, leaping straight to the top of the rock.

When the dog's egg reaches 10 meters, Step on a certain pit of the giant rock, prepare to use the balance point and then use Lightweight Art to fly up.

"Roar.... "Just as Gou Dan was about to fly away again, there was a loud noise, and then a huge fluffy paw patted over.

Fortunately, Gou Dan has practiced martial with Long Tianteng. In the past seven years, arts have frequently confronted Long Huaiji or Long Tianteng. By chance, Long Tianteng suddenly sneaked on the dog in the middle of the night, causing the dog to remain vigilant at all times when he was habitual.

When it is slow and when it is fast, the dog egg in midair suddenly felt a huge object hitting. In the unavoidable situation, the unthinking hands quickly gathered Inner Strength, raised both palms and took it forcibly Go up.

With a loud noise of "Boom...", the dog's body was blasted down by huge claws from a height of 10 meters.

On the occasion of falling. , Gougan quickly moves its internal strength, and the whole body rotates 360 degrees quickly in the air. With the help of the rotation, when it reaches the Ground, Gougan loudly shouted "Drink..." with all his strength, patted Ground with a palm, and then With the help of the palm force shot on Ground, hold up the body, and then perform a gorgeous 360-degree maneuver, standing firmly on the Ground.

"Wow...When will you run out of this dead animal? of? "The steadily landing Goudan intends to look up to see what was attacking him. Who knows, the huge thing that attacked him is the gigantic tiger guarding Charon Divine Sword. It's really a misfortune, Gouda will have to face him now. The giant-toothed tiger is an obstacle.

"Roar....should...." The giant-toothed tiger looked up to the sky and howled, and its majestic howling shook the entire Absolute Death Region, and even the large green belt outside the Absolute Death Region. The woods all echoed with the howling of the giant tooth tiger. In an instant, the green belt forest outside the Absolute Death Region, the birds and beasts walked away, and suddenly there was a large area of ​​silence. One can imagine how much the giant tooth tiger is in this life-threatening hell. Deterred.

"Hey, beast, you thought it was so loud, I was afraid of you, Lao Tzu? "Faced with the 6-meter-high and 16-meter-long giant-toothed tiger with a full ton of multiples, the dog's egg is not only not afraid, but also very angry. If it were not for the sudden appearance of the giant-toothed tiger, or now the dog's egg has grown from one trillion to one. The chance to stand out from the crowd, won the Charon Divine Sword, or has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, quietly waiting for another hero 18 years later. It is rare that the dog egg mustered up the courage to give up his life to take the sword, but forcibly got a giant tooth The tiger blasted in midair, can he not be angry?

The megalodon who is howling seems to understand every word the dog egg says, and his murderous aura eyes emit red rays. of light, as if an elephant saw a mouse, fiercely stared at the dog egg, as if to swallow it in one bite.

Seeing that the giant tooth tiger seemed to understand human words, the dog egg was not afraid Refused, like a shrew, pointing at the giant tooth tiger with her arms akimbo and yelling: "Okay, you beast, I can bear to prevent Lao Tzu from taking the sword, and I'm still yelling here, bullied the weak, bullying weak. Anyway, I am only 15 years old this year. How do you say I have lived for thousands of years. An old fart is only a few steps away from the coffin. Wouldn't it be nice to wait quietly and wait for death? I have to stand up with my old bones and come out to try with my little child, just like the old fart of Long Tianteng. Isn’t it shameful? If you have a kind, you can get back into your mother's belly, and then climb out to fight with Lao Tzu and me for 300 games, and see if I will roast you. "

"Roar.... "Suddenly, the giant-toothed tiger gave a loud cry, lifted the giant claw half the size of a dog egg, and slammed it.

"Mom, you won't really understand what I'm talking about. What? "Seeing the giant-toothed tiger attacking, raised its paw and patted it, how dare the dog daring to be careless, turned back and jumped a few times, and retreated more than 20 meters away, completely avoiding the giant-toothed tiger's attack.

With a sound of "boom...", I saw the flying sand running stone, and the Ground, which was shot by the giant tooth tiger, had a large pit with a depth of about 2 meters.

Seeing this scene , Goudan broke out in a cold sweat: "Have you made a mistake? Is it too terrifying? If accidentally caught by you, wouldn't I become a pile of shit? No, I can't keep hiding, I want to fight back proactively. "

I made up my mind. When the giant tooth tiger took its claws, the dog egg loudly shouted: "Weeping Ghost God Second Layer". ..

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