On the shore, only Long Huaiji was left alone, blinking big eyes and watching the two figures of Long Tianteng and Goudan disappear into his sight. She scratched her head blankly, and murmured: "Oh my God, who can tell me if it's April Fool's Day today?"

"damned old man, I won't worship you As a teacher, let me go quickly. You are abducting and selling children and forcing others to do things they don’t want to do. I will go to the yamen to sue you.” The dog eggs that escaped the many dangers did not escape the last one. Jie, was tied to a wooden pillar in the hall of the house by a generation of demon Long Tianteng, forcing him to worship himself as a teacher. How unharmonious this is!

Long Tianteng sitting at the side of the hall slowly sipped tea while slowly asking: "Boy, what do you want most in your life?"

Listen to the dragon When Tian Teng asked, the dog egg that was still in Struggle stopped suddenly, a pair of black, thieves staring at the roof above his head, and while making sweet fantasies, he said complacently: "What I want most in my life. What is it? A lot. Don’t be bullied by others, and I want to have a lot of money, a lot of beautiful clothes to wear, a big house, and a beautiful wife. No, it should be a lot. There are many wives, and I am barely satisfied with more than 5 of them. I still have to create a lot of incense. Speaking of which does not require a lot. I can barely accept 20 of them. Oh, and oh, I want to have a lot of chicken butts for every meal. Hehe .. I feel happy when I think about it. Haha ….. "Dogdan relishes!"

"pu …..." After listening to the dog's wish, Long Tianteng who was tasting tea couldn't help but pu' the sound, and sprayed the dog's face with the tea just in his mouth. Yes, with his fists clenched, I really want to rush up and punch him to death.

"Hey? Damned old man, this is the question you asked me. I just told my life dream according to the lowest requirement in my heart, and you sprayed my face with tea. As for Is my dream so vulgar?" Long Tianteng's dog egg sprayed with tea, while shaking the tea on his face, said angrily.

Long Tian paused for a wicked fiercely and stared at the dog's egg and said: "smelly brat, you are a big man, you have more than 5 wives, and 20 incense sticks. This is still your lowest dream, you The appetite is really big, but...!"

Long Tianteng stopped for a while, and suddenly haha ​​laughed wildly: "There is a future, it is too promising, even at such a young age, I used to The dream of this child can be taught, well, I decided that even if you crash and die in front of me, I will collect your body as a discipline."

"I, I, I.. Bah.. Bah....damned old man, when I haven’t said it, it’s better if I haven’t appeared before, and let me go quickly." Dogdan couldn’t think of his every move, every word was to plunge himself into enthusiasm. In the middle, still getting deeper and deeper, really helpless in my heart! I thought: "Dead, dead, it seems that my second half of my life will be ruined in the hands of this old fart. It's not worth it! Mother, father, if you are in the spirit of heaven, I will be caught by your son now. The immortal is forced to be like this. I beg you to blow him up with a thunder and save your son from the fire and water!"

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​a dog, and he will eventually become In a short period of time, he has experienced many miracles, but the idea that he is in the heart is impossible at all. If it does happen, it is really a "fantasy story"!

Long Tianteng, who laughed wildly, saw that he lost self-control at his age in front of a brat that was smell of mother's milk not yet dried, turned around and pretended to cough twice, perfect Cover up your lost self-control. Walked back to his seat, took a sip from the smoking tea cup that was still hot, and said slowly: "smelly brat, as long as you worship me as a teacher, you will definitely get what you want in the future. Even more." Just as Long Tianteng had just finished speaking, Long Huaiji walked from the door with a large plate of wild fruits and game in her hand. She saw the dog's egg tied to the big five flowers. The embarrassed look on the wooden pillar couldn't help but lower his head as he walked in and laughed. I walked to Long Tianteng's side, put the wild fruit and game on the table, turned around and looked at the dog Dan, who was staring at the wild fruit and game. The drooling dog Dan said: "Big brother dog dog, you promise grandfather Well, in fact, grandfather is a very good person. As long as you get along with him for a long time, you will feel it. If you promise grandfather to be his discipline, I will ask grandfather to help you loosen the tie, and then give you wild fruits Game, how about it?"

When Goudan listened to Long Huaiji’s words, it seemed that even if he agreed, there was nothing to lose. Then he said solemnly: "Okay, I will give Little Sister a face. I can agree to be the discipline of this damned old man, but I have a condition. If the damned old man does not agree, even if I starve to death, I will not agree to be his discipline."

Long Tianteng smiled and said: "Smelly brat, let's talk, if your conditions are not too excessive, I can promise you, as long as it is not against your conscience and morality, there should be no problem!"

Hehe said: "My conditions are very simple. Even if I worship you as a teacher now, I don't have to ask you to be a master. When I get along, I feel that you, a damned old man, are really as good as Little Sister said. I just considered whether or not to call you master. As for whether you teach me martial arts, I don’t care. Anyway, there are food and housing here, but it’s okay!"

Long Tianteng heard the terms of the dog egg , Her mouth was twitching with anger: "smelly brat, it seems a bit too much, right?"

Long Huaiji sneered while covering his mouth

Dougan turned his head and mumbled He said with disdain: "Did you agree or not?" ..

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