They set out from the empire, according to the map they got, first they want to go to the human world. That place is said to be hell. Along the way, Zi Nan and Lin Xiao did not speak tacitly, as if they did not know each other.

They kept walking. When approaching the evening, Lin Xiao suddenly realized that they had to stop and rest. He was anxious and forgot that there was a beautiful Eldest Young Lady beside him.

"She didn't even suffocate. Didn't she feel tired and thirsty after walking for so long?" Lin Xiao thought.

"Let’s take a break, there should be an Inn not far in front."

Zi Nan was not tired at the time, but was still thinking about something. There was no came back to his senses. Lin Xiao didn't hear the answer he wanted, so he stopped to see what happened.

Suddenly, Zi Nan felt a huge pain in his forehead, which turned out to be hitting his chest. Zi Nan is a bit taller than ordinary women, but standing in front of the tall man Lin Xiao, just to his chest.

"Why did you stop?" she muttered.

"You still say me, do you know that I'm talking to you, or which man you want to be so absorbed, I don't know when I stop." Lin Xiao complained, but still looked forward See Zinan's head hit red.

"What's wrong with me, I blame me for thinking about things, and saying that I want a man, it's really machismo."

After making such a fuss, Lin Xiao just wants to be fast Hurry up and find Inn. Along the way, the original coldness was restored again, and finally there was an Inn in front of them, and the two of them stepped up.

Before we got to the door, Xiao Er was greeted outside: Are you eating or staying in a restaurant?

"Stay and eat too." "Okay, two guests please go inside." The two entered the store one after the other. Zi Nan felt that something was wrong, but Lin was impatient. Xiao didn't care about anything, so he opened two rooms and went upstairs under the leadership of Xiao Er.

"Finally, anyway, my two cities martial arts, what can the trifling shop do." Then he went up. Each entered his room. "This Lin Xiao didn't know to wait for me, so he went in, really." Zi Nan complained in his heart.

Zi Nan put down his burden and prepared to drink a glass of water, when the door rang. Lin Xiao's voice came from outside the door: "Zi Nan, open the door." Zi Nan said slowly, wait, I'm changing my clothes.

"hmph, let him wait a little longer and tell him to ignore me." Zi Nan figured that the time was long enough, and opened the door. Before I saw the silhouette, I was covered by a towel. Zi Nan thought it was something and tried to remove it. Lin Xiao seemed to be annoyed and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble!"

Zi Nan was taken aback and stayed there.

Carefully feel: It turns out that he wanted to apply bruises to himself, too, his chest is really hard, and now he still feels a little bit painful.

"If it doesn't make enough, I'll always be red. It's ugly at first, so I can't see people even more." A voice came from the top of his head. Zi Nan eagerly argued with him: "You are ugly, you are ugly, and your whole family is ugly."

Zi Nan is one of the very best beauty in Ziyun Empire. It is naturally annoying to be said that Nevertheless.

"Okay, I'm ugly, don't move, stay at ease". Lin Xiao helplessly said.

Little girl is just trouble. The two suddenly became quiet again, only to hear the sound of Lin Xiao swaying the towel. After changing the wash several times, Lin Xiao felt that it was almost done, so he let go.

Unexpectedly, this little girl actually fell asleep. It seems to be really tired. Lin Xiao looked at the beauty in front of her, her long eyelashes fluttering, her mouth moist, she was really beautiful, and said She is also playing ugly. Unable to wake her up, she let her fall asleep on the table.

Lin Xiao called Xiao Er and asked him to prepare a few dishes for her to eat when she woke up. Zi Nan's sleep has always been very light, but this time, when she slept on the table, she slept for a long time. Maybe she felt that there was someone to protect her, so she went to sleep with peace of mind.

Lin Xiao saw that the time was late and she was not awake, so she whispered to her: "Zinan, Zinan, get up and eat." Zi Nan was disturbed in sleep and waved impatiently. But didn't wake up, Lin Xiao had no choice but to wait.

Wait and wait, he saw that the wick was almost gone, so he took a new one and prepared to replace it. Just after the change, Zi Nan woke up, maybe because the light dangled his eyes, or maybe he was full, this time he really woke up.

"Lazy pig, you won't wake up once I called you" "I..." Zi Nan bowed his head in shame.

Lin Xiao looked at her tired look, and couldn't bear to blame her. He said, "Go wash and get ready for dinner."

Zi Nan was happy when she heard about eating. Extremely, I slept. I was really hungry. After washing, I ran to the dining table. Picking up the chopsticks and stuffing rice in his mouth, Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, there will be more, no one will grab it with you."

Zi Nan stuck his mouth and opened it Looking at Lin Xiao with big eyes, he didn't move his chopsticks: "You eat too." Lin Xiao suddenly remembered. After her tossing like this, he had been on the road for a day, and he felt hungry when he watched her eat rice. .

The two quickly settled the table thoroughly. Zi Nan was very satisfied with his food. He patted his stomach and lay on the chair: "Good support." Lin Xiao did.

The two looked at each other and sneered at each other. Zi Nan leaned against Lin Xiao and surprised Lin Xiao. "Don't move, there is something at the corner of your mouth, I will wipe it off for you."

Lin Xiao didn't think much and let her mess up. When she got closer, Lin Xiao found that there was also a piece at the corner of her mouth. After she wiped the rice grains for him, she raised her hand and wiped it clean for her. Zi Nan didn't react, and the two looked at each other.

Zi Nan felt that this scene was a bit familiar, so he was stunned. When she reacted, Lin Xiao was already far away from her.

Lin Xiao realized that he was too momentary, so he said: "Miss, take a break early, I'm back to the room." Then he walked out of the room.

Zinan was left alone, she was thinking about what happened today, he put her face on her face, he waited for her to eat together, and she wiped off the rice grains from the corners of her mouth...Zinan Not being moved in the heart is fake, but Lin Xiao doesn't seem to feel anything there.

Zi Nan is upset again. Without clearing the table, he lay down on the bed and walked for a day. After a while, he fell asleep again. It seems that the previous sleep didn't make any difference.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao also found something wrong with her behavior. How did she feel that these things were from the heart, as if she was injured, she was more anxious than her, and those behaviors didn’t go through the brain, naturally. I just want to do it for her.

Lin Xiao fell asleep after thinking about it. This evening, the two seemed to have a good time. ..

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