Zi Nan heard Lin Xiao’s question and was firmly nodded. Lin Xiao saw that Zi Nan was so firm in his own ideas, and finally decided to take Zi Nan to go with him, but in case he could get back In the world of Pokémon, what should I do with Zinan, in the Pokémon world of generations, or leave her alone in the Yunfeng Empire, this is another question.

So after thinking twice, he said to Zi Nan, "Can I take a step to speak?" Zi Nan turned to Lin Xiao nodded, then turned around and gave Zi Meng a look, Zi Meng was in the mood He was extremely upset, but he couldn't go against his sister's wishes, so fiercely gave Lin Xiao a glance before leaving the room.

"Zinan, it’s not impossible for you to follow me. Now there is a question. Don’t be too surprised when I said that. In fact, I don’t belong to this world. I think of Yunfeng Mountain in the Yunfeng Empire. Find an opportunity to return to my own world. Now the question is, will you follow me or stay alone in Yunfeng Empire? I don’t have enough energy to send you back again.” Lin Xiao Explained seriously to Zi Nan.

To be honest, the impact of this passage on Zinan is quite big. She thought Lin Xiao was just unfamiliar with this place and wanted to leave. Who knows that things are not developing like this now, Lin Xiao He wants to return to his own world, so what is the point of her following this trip? Zi Nan also became confused for a while.

Now Zinan can't answer Lin Xiao's question for a while, she has to think about it for such a big thing, because she can't just care about herself, she also has younger sister and dad, she can't So selfish, her mother told her father before she died, must take good care of her and Zi Meng, if she disappears in this world, then her father must not accept this cruel fact.

When thinking about this, Zi Nan began to hesitate because she couldn’t bear to leave her father and Xiao Meng, but he had a thought in his heart to follow Lin Xiao, and she couldn’t give up for a while. , His character is like this, Normal will not give up easily on a well-determined thing, even if this matter involves too much, the future will not be easy.

It’s a matter of great importance. Lin Xiao doesn’t like to force Zinan to make a decision. He just stands quietly in front of Zinan, waiting for her decision. He respects Zinan’s every decision, regardless of following Go, or just give up, Lin Xiao can understand. Now they two are like two blank sheets of paper, waiting for them to be filled with text or paintings. All of this has to be done by them.

After waiting for about half an hour, Zi Nan finally made up her mind. She wants to walk with Lin Xiao. In the past 18 years, she has never refuted his father’s most important arrangements for her life. She has always been obedient and obedient. Her father is also very kind to her and paved her a very good road, but life needs adventure. To be honest, she doesn’t like the feeling of being arranged too much, but such an exciting trip She hasn't experienced it yet.

"Have you made a decision? Don't tell me, let me guess for myself, you have to follow me, right?" Although there are doubts, Lin Xiao said it for sure, because he Knowing that Zi Nan would definitely follow him after hesitating again and again. He didn't know why the two were completely unfamiliar, but it was just feeling.

After hearing Lin Xiao’s words, Zi Nan gently nodded, "Well, now that you have decided, then do some preparatory work. Now it’s late, let’s start tomorrow. "Lin Xiao said to Zi Nan. Zi Nan knew that Lin Xiao had given her time to say goodbye to Zi Meng and her father, so he laughed gratefully to Lin Xiao.

Since the two have discussed it, it’s time to call Zi Meng back. After Zi Meng came back, Zi Nan asked Zi Meng to arrange a room for Ling Xiao, so that he could rest well. , Let’s start tomorrow, and then she will get to the point and tell Zi Meng the news that she is leaving.

Zimeng knows that her elder sister will not change her mind after the two of them have discussed it. Judging from the 17 years they have been together, there is no doubt that her sister will definitely leave. But he was making psychological preparations and couldn't accept this reality. How could Zi Nan ease his mood and told Zi Meng all the things Lin Xiao had told her, but he was rejected more severely.

"Sister, impossible, I'm impossible to let you go, and my dad doesn't know yet. If he knows, he will definitely not let you go," Zi Meng said firmly to Zi Nan, Zi Nan fully understands Zi Meng's thoughts, but this is also compelled by circumstances, when she got something, and she is afraid to go to her dad now. She is afraid that after seeing her dad, she can't help but change her mind.

"Xiaomeng, you have to be obedient. Since childhood, our father will finally put the future City Lord on you. You must not let him down. Will be back," Zi Nan gently persuaded Zi Meng. ..

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