"hehe, this girl hehe, after so many years, it’s still like this, good-natured, let’s see how good he is, thanks to him having such a responsible big brother like me Hahaha, otherwise this girl still doesn't know what it looks like!" The ratio has no lower limit, boasting.

"Brother Billy, wait for me, and I will change my clothes and leave immediately. Just after taking a shower, you let me blow a little bit and leave right away, okay?" Xiaoxue said.

"Okay, hurry up, I'm here to wait for you, when you are ready, call me, and then let's go together, move faster and be numb, I'll be here waiting for you Alright!" Billy said.

"Well, wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!!!" Xiaoxue said.

About ten minutes later. One, the slim, slim girl slowly walked out of it. Find some playful ball heads and wear a red evening gown. It makes people feel like squirting blood!

"Okay, Xueer, let's go, you Sabrina elder sister, you can just wait, wait so long for you before you go, be careful and get scolded! Hahahaha, besides, you brat wears this Sexy, better-looking than her, be careful, she is jealous!" Billy said.

"che, I know the temper of my Sabrina elder sister, but he won’t be jealous. I can be an elder sister, the best elder sister in the world, he will only embrace me , I’ve never been angry. He saw that I became beautiful, and he would bless me so that she wouldn’t be jealous. Besides, my Sabrina elder sister is also very beautiful. Say!" Xiaoxue said.

"Okay, OK, OK, then I won't say it, you say it as if I deliberately wanted to separate you two, he he he, I won't say it, I will see you later Now, let’s talk to your elder sister. Tonight, resolve all the contradictions and just let it go. In fact, there are not many major events, right? That's it!" Billy said.

"haha, Billy brother, thank you, of course I know. Today is to resolve conflicts in the past, and I won’t mention the previous things anymore. After doing this glass of wine, the past Passed." Xiaoxue said.

"What are you talking about? All said, we are a family, how can the family say thank you? Since I entered the door, you have counted your weight. How much is it? Isn't this out of sight? What's wrong? Isn't it? I can't be your family in proportion? Huh?" Billy asked jokingly.

"Brother Billy, what are you talking about? How is it possible? It's too late for my family to ask you to do it. How can I not let it? I'm not too happy about me. Didn't you control it all at once, in order to express my gratitude to you, this is not exciting, I am incoherent, isn't it!" Xiaoxue said.

"hahaha, I knew that my little snow girl still loves me, how could I not be a family? Yes, okay, let’s go find your Sabrina elder sister together now, He thinks that the meal is ready, and he just waits for the two of us to go, hahaha," Billy said.

While speaking two people, already. Came to the door of Sabrina's house. Billy reached out and knocked on the door. Then there was a dead silence.

"What's the matter? No one? Don't mind brother, just now, did you ask him? Why is there no one again? In an instant? Where did my Sabrina elder sister go? Isn't there anymore in this all of a sudden?" Xiaoxue said.

Others looked up in horror, looked around, and then said puzzledly: "I don't know. When I first got up, Sabrina was still drinking in it. Then, I should bang the door and go in. , I saw him drinking inside, so I called him up, but he was drunk at the time, I told him, I left, he asked me to call you, and then she cooked, no What will happen?"

"Sabrina elder sister, Sabrina elder sister?" Xiaoxue knocked on the door desperately. Shouted while knocking.

Just at this time, with a click, the door opened, and Sabrina stood at the door and stared at Xiaoxue blankly.

Xiaoxue was knocking on the door with emotion just now.

"Hey, what are you doing? We don’t need the door. What's the money? Can you keep it light? Anyway, it’s also a piece of furniture. You have such a heavy handwriting. What if it breaks later? Do? Look at your five big and three rough looks, you think it really broke!" Sabrina said with a look of disgust.

"hahaha." Xiaoxue smiled happily. Although Sabrina is still praising him now. But he was still very happy. Because Sabrina is willing to praise him, it means that she has already forgiven her younger sister in her heart. I don't want to care about him anymore.

Because they used to joke like that. The two foodies mocked each other's weight. They were both fatty over 200 kilograms, five big and three thick. ..

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