Only for a moment, the yellow sand is all over the ground, and the terrible body is covered with yellow sand, mud, and rock formations. Using the soil and rock formations, and yellow sand, the armor of a copper wall Iron Defense was formed, and it was draped on the terrifying body.

"hahaha, let's hit it now, I would like to see how capable you are to break through my copper wall Iron Defense, alas, your little Pokémon of Water Type, you actually want to Defeated my changeable Pokémon, are you? Drink too much? I want to see how you defeated my multi-line Pokémon? Huh, little ant?" Coco said proudly. Then came her impudent smile.

"Hehe, isn’t it just a multi-line Pokémon? There is something at the worst. I think you’ve been bragging for so long, huh, does it make sense? Tell you, you’re just a multi-line Pokémon. Is the god rare treasure of Attribute? You can switch between Attributes at will, but after all, are you still a Level 1 Pokémon? As a Level 1 god rare treasure, what can you show off? Know in front of you What level is this little Pokémon standing here? He is a Level 2 physical treasure!"

"Do you know what the rare treasure of Level 2 god means? Tell you, you just A Level 1 god rare treasure shell, a primary rank god rare treasure shell, no matter how many years you live, and no matter how many tactics and strategies you have, in your soul, in the most basic cells of your body , You’re just a low-level creature, understand?"

"The cultivation of the rare treasure is very laborious. Some managers have spent their entire lives, but only from Level 1 to Level 2. , And you have been poor for most of your life, but you are still a Level 1 god rare treasure shell. You can still maintain such an optimistic attitude after accepting such a point. This is something that everyone does not have. I am indeed better than If you are not up to you, you are great, and you will give up in the next!" Lin Xiao said.

"What are you talking about? I'm just a Level 1 body, baby? Hahahaha, you look down on me too much? Tell you, actually, there is an important Attribute in my body, That is hiding, I can hide all traces of me, just from the Attribute of the body baby, or, my Level, these all are can be hidden, but you can’t see it, but I am definitely not a low-level god Rare treasure Bei, if you think so, I advise you to give up!" Coco said.

"What's the matter? Isn't it right? I don't see it like that. Is there anything special about him? But he is just an ordinary god, rare treasure, except for a little recover The progress of one's youthful vigor, there are no other advantages, is it that I misunderstood it? I have never missed it for so many years. Is it because I missed it today?" Lin Xiao thought.

"What's the matter? Lin Xiao? Don't you say that he is just a rare treasure of the lowest god? How could it be like this? It doesn't look like what he said is fake, could it be Did you make a mistake? Did you read it wrong? Did we really meet a powerful character today?" Xiaoxue said anxiously.

"I don’t know anymore, but looking like this, he doesn’t seem to lie. Is it true that I’ve misunderstood? I’ve missed you, but unlike you, from his body , What I saw is indeed the state of a Level 1 baby. Is there any hidden secret in it?" Lin Xiao said.

"Why don't you take a closer look, maybe you just got dazzled, and you made a mistake by accident. This one does have a lot of physical contact, and some things are really incredible. For example, Pokémon with double Attributes, and Pokémon with Attributes that can summon each other, these are things we have never seen before!" Xiaoxue said.

"Yes, this does have a lot of weirdness, otherwise, let me take a closer look, maybe I really read it wrong!" Lin Xiao said.

Then Lin Xiao used his latest technology, which was given to him by Professor Oak. Basic information detector, a circular virtual spectacle lens appeared in the lower right corner of his eyes. Through this spectacle lens, he can see the other party's basic information, including his Level, Attribute, and battle strength. Wait, even some Pokémon can spy on his Ability and countermeasures. This is the latest invention of Professor Oak.

Then Lin Xiao used this latest technology. After that, the basic information of cocoa was detected. But it is strange. The above actually shows that the basic information of the other party's Pokémon cannot be displayed. How is this going? Does it really make him right? His Ability is real, he can hide his basic information, no matter what.

Lin Xiao thought it was a problem with the detector, and then restarted it. But it still doesn't work. Oh, he put his own tester at his little water dragon. Found that the basic information was revealed. ..

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