I saw this white haired old man with a slightly swollen figure. The beard is very long and has dragged to the ground. The height is only about 1.6 meters. The hair and beard are all silver white. There is quite a lovely demeanor in it.

Lin Xiao, do some of them come to this place? Lin Xiao, the place where their entire group is at this moment is really called a trough. Their entire group led them to the Danger Land Valley in a field, and they also took them to find this place where Xiaoxue was hidden, but now, they have not found it. See.

But helpless, I ran into a white-haired old man on the road, forced to listen to the white haired old man and tell his story.

"youngster, don’t be too impetuous, everything should be done step by step, steadfastly, don’t be irritable, think ascending to the skies with a single leap, no matter who it is, this It's also impossible, so you can only achieve a major event if you put your mind down and stabilize it!" The old man said to Lin Xiao earnestly.

"Well, great grandfather, I know, you can keep talking!" Lin Xiao replied.

"This place is called Danger Land Valley. It is the most secret valley in Rainbow Island. I have lived here for seventy-eighty years. In it, I have always had my mission. I I'm actually waiting for someone here, and then, tell him something that should be inherited, and I have completed my mission. I have been waiting for this person, but I have been unable to find him. Today I finally waited for him. "The old man said.

"Great grandfather, who is this person? Why didn't I see him?" Lin Xiao asked puzzled.

"Ha ha aha, this person is you, what else do you need to find? The person I said is you, I have been waiting for you for seventy-eighty years, today you It's finally here. The person I'm waiting for is Lin Xiao," the old man said.

"No, it’s such a coincidence. I think you must be the one who has the same given name and family name with me. What are you waiting for? There is no use waiting for me. , I must have admitted the wrong person, sorry, I am leaving now!" Lin Xiao said with a helplessly face.

"You stand still, I said, you are waiting for you, Lin Xiao, you, I have been waiting for you for eighty years, if you leave today, I have to wait for eighty At the end of the year, I waited to death, do you have the heart to let an old man wait for you for eighty years?" the old man said.

“But great grandfather, I’m really not the Lin Xiao you’re looking for. I’m just an ordinary manor owner. I don’t have anything, and it’s a coincidence that I came here. Coincidentally, that's why I came here. I didn't want to come to this ghost place, so I think you must have admitted the wrong person. You can find someone else!!!" Lin Xiao said nervously.

"Shut up, I'm looking for you. Don't quibble. The Lin Xiao I'm looking for has a mole behind her left ear. Look, do you have any? ?" The old man said.

Lin Xiao reached out and touched his left ear, there was a bulging thing behind it.

"Wow, Zhu Zhen, you really have a mole behind your ear. It seems that you are right. Great grandfather is looking for you, Master, you are the one destined , Oh!" Demon King said.

"Uh...it’s not such a coincidence, is it really me? Mom, what the hell is waiting for me? Seventy-eighty was waiting for me years ago. Isn’t everything happening now Is it predestined? It is already arranged by others. Isn't the fate of all this in my own control?" Lin Xiao thought puzzled.

"Lin Xiao, I think you still don’t know who I am. Actually, I am one of the creators of this world. I know that you came here. Now I just want to ask about you. Do you want to go back to real life? I can help you if you want to go back now!!" the old man said.

"Is it true? I want to go back in my dreams, great grandfather, do you really have a way to help me return to reality?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

"That’s natural, if you want to, of course I have a way to help you take it back, but now there is one thing in front of you, if you want to go back, I can take it back for you, that’s You have promised to go to save the Sundae!! How can this matter? The opportunity is only this time, you can choose by yourself!" said the old man.

"This...what can I do now!" Lin Xiao thought.

In fact, Lin Xiao has no bottom in his heart. He wants to go back, but he does not want to abandon his good friends. After all, he is full of trust from many people, and his partners need him. To save him, he could not and could not leave them all, abandon them all, and return to reality on his own.

But this opportunity is only once again. Once lost, you may stay in this world forever. I will never go back to real life. This is also something that makes him very entangled. ..

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