Despite the explanation, Jenny felt a bit hot on her face, because she found Lin Xiao looking at her with that kind of speechless eyes.

Jenny feels right, Lin Xiao just looked at her with that kind of speechless eyes, Roxie, this lunatic, because of hobby heavy metal, there is nothing wrong with this situation, hobby is different, you can't restrict others Can't play heavy metal, right?

But as the maintainers of a city, you can’t supervise and clean up the garbage every day?

It looks like a dead end. People who know it are clearly the entrance of Liyong City Gym. People who don’t know think it is a garbage dump. Look at the garbage, smell the smell, and hover around. The big-headed fly on the garbage, Lin Xiao has been completely defeated.

"I think this should be cleaned up, right?"

Pointing to the alley behind him, Lin Xiao looked at Jenny.

"Yes, I will, I will notify Roxie to deal with it immediately. I will never throw rubbish in the alley in the future. All rubbish needs to be treated together and sent to the rubbish dump. The alley is cleaned up and Gym is marked with a clear sign, so that Trainer who comes to challenge will not find Gym."

Jenny hates Roxie in her heart. If it wasn't that lunatic, what would you do? It would be so embarrassing. Although it wasn't a good thing by herself, Jenny felt a hot face, especially when Lin Xiao watched him and wished to find a place to hide. It was too embarrassing.

Many times a Gym represents the face of the city, but now......

Is it trash and dirty, full of smell and densely packed Does the hovering fly represent the face of Liyong City?

"En." Nodded, Lin Xiao throws Poké Ball and looks at the dirty alley, helplessly said: "Kyurem, help get rid of these pesky flies."

Kyurem couldn't help rolling the eyes and let himself deal with the smell and flies?

However, Kyurem is indeed a more suitable candidate. The alley freezes in an instant, and those flies that are afraid of the cold have all turned into corpses. The garbage is covered with a thick layer of ice on the walls. , The same is true on Ground, the smelly smell disappears quickly, but in this way, it is not easy for Roxie to clean the alley.

"Let's go, let's go in, Officer Jenny, trouble you." After thanking Jenny, Lin Xiao took Xiao Ju'er and Toozi and walked towards the entrance of the Gym.

Jenny looked embarrassed, turned and left, but had made up his mind. After Lin Xiao challenged Gym, he would warn Roxie that he turned it over. There is no such mess, and it’s not that shameful in the end. Yourself and her! !

must just put it in order.

Jenny reminded Roxie Oblivious before, plus no one complained. After a long time, Jenny didn’t bother to talk about it, but now Lin Xiao has paid attention to this issue, can he treat it casually?

When I think of the look in Lin Xiao’s eyes, Jenny is angry with gnash the teeth, but she can’t move the fire towards Lin Xiao, otherwise she will be finished, so Jenny can only aim the finger at Roxie.

You can imagine how wonderful Roxie's expression will be after receiving Jenny's warning.

"hehe, Lin Xiao big brother, I feel that Roxie is going to be unlucky this time. Have you seen that Miss Junsha's face went black before, laughed and killed me."

Jenny left, Toko couldn't help laughing.

"hmph, this is what I deserve, Roxie really needs to be reorganized, what does this look like?" Xiaoju'er coldly snorted, the same Gym Trainer, but two people’s Gyms are almost one in comparison It was the Imperial Palace and the other was a garbage dump, not to mention that Xiao Ju'er had a cleanliness addiction. Looking at the scene in the alley, she frowned deeply.

Lin Xiao walked in front and listened to what the two said. He couldn't help but smile, "It really needs to be rectified, will I actually tell you that I did it on purpose?"

Lin Xiao There was a smirk on his face. Whether there is rubbish or not has nothing to do with Lin Xiao himself, but the Gym that Roxie got makes him detour over and over again. Lin Xiao is suddenly upset, and it just so happens that the alley has to be cleaned up. There is no intersection in Gym. Signs, there are rubbish everywhere, what does this look like?

That's why Lin Xiao did that, just to show Jenny on purpose, so that Jenny could beat Roxie.

When Roxie knows everything, he will probably hate herself, but Lin Xiao doesn't care at all. There are more people who hate herself. You make me unhappy, and I make you unhappy.

Generally speaking, Roxie is considered innocent to win the bid, but she is a Gym Trainer. If such a problem arises, it is her responsibility to blame others. Gym has not erected any iconic things, which makes people look for If you are not on the way, you will challenge a fart, let alone the situation outside. Lin Xiao doesn't know how Roxie got here. Lin Xiao himself can't stand it anyway.

Why not just use Jenny's hand to hit her?

Walking into the deepest part of the alley, a basement intersection appeared in front of him, Lin Xiao walked down the stairs, worried that Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi suddenly came to the dark because they were standing under the strong light and couldn’t see clearly. , Planning to turn on the light, but after Lin Xiao pressed it twice to turn on the light, he was speechless.

The switch is broken and will not be repaired, so her knowledge of Roxie has gone a step further.

"Let’s go, it’s nothing weird, just wait for you to teach her a lesson." Xiao Ju'er sniffed, she hated dark places, but the gym entrance light was broken No one repaired it, and I don't know what Roxie has to do with his heavy metal all day long.

"Xiao Ju'er elder sister is right, Lin Xiao big brother, come on, I am very optimistic about you."

Xiao Ju'er's words immediately got Too Zi's approval.

"I know." Lin Xiao shook his head, opened the door, and walked in. A heavy metal music assaults the senses, shaking the eardrum and the heart constantly. It is estimated that people with heart disease come here to heart. The probability of the onset of illness will continue to double and increase.

"It's noisy!!"

Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi are immediately frowned and feel uncomfortable. Not to mention that they are Lin Xiao who feel uneasy. He has very good hearing and eyesight. Qiang, the person who suffers the most in this kind of place is him, and his ears keep ringing in Bzz Bzz. ..

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