People who have not seen the sea with their own eyes will naturally not understand the surging forward with great momentum of the sea, and people who have not seen the snow with their own eyes will naturally not be able to appreciate the real Snow and Ice World. As for the stadium, those are all artificial, there are huge differences in them, and they can't be compared at all.

So for Xiaoju'er and Toozi who have seen Snow and Ice World, their feeling is cold, but they will not feel novel. If they can, they don't want to wander in such Snow and Ice World.

Fortunately, the range of one kilometer is not large. In less than 20 minutes, under the guidance of Lin Xiao, the three of them left the most freezing place and came to the outside. The temperature rose a lot. Let Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi relaxed, now they don't feel so cold after throwing away the blanket.

"Finally it's warmer."

Folding the blankets, Xiao Ju'er's face looks a lot better, but Toozi still curls into a ball and doesn't want to talk.

"Lin Xiao!!!"

Ash and the others who were wearing thick clothes outside saw Lin Xiao and ran over happily.

"Ash, slow down!!" Cilan yelled hurriedly. If you run around in such weather, you can easily fall down. Although it is already on the periphery, Ground still has a thick layer. The thick ice makes it easy for people to fall when walking on it.


As soon as Cilan's words fell silent, I saw Ash staggered, his feet were unstable, and he planted a big somersault while holding Pikachu fiercely.

"Uh..." Lin Xiao and the three of them watched as they fell to the ground speechlessly. Ash, who was screaming in pain, felt speechless, and Cilan was holding his face helplessly. , I don't know what to say. As for Iris, I don't have the mind to pay attention to Ash. At this time, she looks even more unbearable than Iris.

"Ash, can't you be a little more stable?" Lin Xiao raised Ash's hand and looked at him speechlessly. Ash was holding Pikachu and grinning, with a few scars on his face. Very sorry.

"Iris, are you okay?"

Lin Xiao looked back and found that Iris's situation seemed a bit bad. Although Xiao Ju'er and Toozi were not lightly cold, they could still persist. , And it’s outside the laboratory. It’s cold on the other side. The temperature has risen a lot, as can be seen from the folded blanket, but Iris can’t. She trembles with the cold even when she touches the ice attribute Pokémon.

Now the temperature has directly become negative, and Iris who is afraid of the cold curls up into a ball of clothes and curtains, obviously did not bring her much temperature.

"No, it's okay, I just feel very cold, very cold." Iris held his arms and trembled constantly.

"Your condition is very bad, I think you'd better go to a place with air-conditioning immediately to warm up your body." Lin Xiao looked at Iris with a serious expression, "Ash, Cilan, you immediately take Iris went to Pokémon Center to warm up. Jenny and I have something to talk about."

Lin Xiao didn’t want to ask Jenny for anything in return, but had to clarify some issues with Jenny, such as those ice cubes and heavy snow. There is no way to clear them, only to wait for them to melt slowly.

"Okay, we'll be over." Cilan also knows that this can't be a joke. If the person who is afraid of cold freezes for a long time, it will not be good for the body, so immediately put Iris on his back. Iris is a little sorry. , The pale face appeared blush, sorry said: "Thank you Cilan."

"We are partners, don’t say thank you." Cilan smiled and shook his head, Ash also forgot his pain. Pulling Cilan's clothes to prevent Cilan from falling down, the three of them moved towards Pokémon Center together.

I hope this girl is okay, Lin Xiao watched Ash and the three leave, sighed.

"Lin Xiao Master."

In fact, when Lin Xiao came, Jenny came immediately, and Lin Xiao didn't take the initiative to find himself.

"This time, on behalf of everyone in the town, I would like to say thank you to Lin Xiao Master. Thank you very much for your action." Jenny thanked Lin Xiao very seriously.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: "You don't need to say thank you to me, it's just a convenient thing for me, but although I can solve the trouble caused by Ferroseed, I can't help it. Clear, only wait for him to melt slowly."

"Ice and snow can melt slowly, as long as the spread of moss is stopped." Jenny smiled nodded.

"Then I want to leave, my two partners were not lightly cold." After explaining the problem to Jenny, Lin Xiao took Xiao Ju'er and Toozi and left, moving towards Pokémon Center and Go. Although the temperature here is relatively high, it is not much higher. In Xiaoju'er and Toozi's situation, it is best to go to the Pokémon Center to warm up or go to the hotel.

However, the hotel I stayed at yesterday has already been withdrawn. Lin Xiao still decided to go to Pokémon Center and take a look at Iris by the way.

"Toozi, come up here, Lin Xiao big brother and carry you." Xiao Ju'er's condition is much better, but Toozi is not good enough. Lin Xiao is carrying Toozi on his back and moved towards Pokémon Center and walks towards Pokémon Center with one hand to stop him. Holding Xiao Ju'er with one hand, lest Xiao Ju'er accidentally fall into a big somersault like Ash.

"Lin Xiao big brother, thank you." Touzi lay on Lin Xiao's door, sweet in her heart.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Stupid little girl, why are you thanking? Cilan is right. We are all partners. Thank you. Help. Are you what I should do right? And I am Men, it’s normal for men to take care of women, isn’t it normal?"

Xiao Juer laughed very much with Lin Xiao’s words. As a man, if he doesn’t take care of women, is this man really interesting?

The three people helped them all the way and soon came to Pokémon Center.

At this time, the Pokémon Center was almost overcrowded. Fortunately, the snow and ice did not affect the power problem. The Pokémon Center was warm. After Xiao Ju'er and Touzi came in, they quickly returned to normal. It is also red and moisturized.

"Lin Xiao!!!"

The three came to Pokémon Center. Ash, who had arrived earlier, ran over happily. Lin Xiao asked: "How is the situation with Iris? ?"..

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