"Well, trouble." Lin Xiao smiled nodded, and sat in the reception room with Too Zi Xiao Ju'er and waited.

The assistant of Professor Ma Snubbull left the reception room and went to bring Lin Xiao with the things left by the Professor.

"Lin Xiao big brother, those mosses are really amazing, but unfortunately there are not many in number, otherwise I will add some strength to my little Pokémon." Toozi hehe smiled and stuck out her tongue. Just now she However, I heard from the assistant and Lin Xiao that there are only two types of moss currently available. The first is the moss that enhances the Fire Element Pokémon Unique Ability, and the second is the moss that enhances the defense of the Grass Type Pokémon.

No matter what kind of moss it is, Toozi can deprive Lin Xiao of a little bit from Lin Xiao's hand and use it for his little Pokémon.

En~Lin Xiao big brother, he will definitely not be stingy, he will definitely give it to me, that's it.

Lin Xiao rolled the eyes speechlessly, "You girl is very good at picking up money~ Are you so sure that I will give you some? You know these moss are hard to get, but I will My old face is posted up. If I give it to you, wouldn’t I suffer too much?"

"Um......." Toozi who is falling into his own dream didn't expect Lin Xiao It's actually different from what I thought, showing a look like I won't give you moss if it is no good, stared wide-eyed to Toozi's astonishment, her mouth is slightly open, she doesn't know what to say, this is the same as her usual The impression does not match at all.

In my impression, Lin Xiao would not care about these things at all. The plot did not develop like this. Could it be that something went wrong?


Lin Xiao suddenly turned to look at Toozi, a sly flash in his eyes, "But if you give me some benefits, I can consider giving it to you. Some, make your little Pokémon stronger."


Too Zi was speechless, looking at Lin Xiao with a serious face. I don’t know how to continue, good? What benefit can she give Lin Xiao?

Money, Lin Xiao is not lacking, the item Lin Xiao used by Pokémon is not lacking, and even other things, Lin Xiao will not lack, so Too Zi suddenly became very frustrated, and said aggrieved: "But, But people don’t know Lin Xiao, everyone, what do you need? Or, should I buy it with money? Xiao remain unmoved, shook his head, and said regretfully: "That's no way. I can only use the moss for my Emboar and Ivy Snake. Your little Pokémon, especially the piglet, can only watch with bulging eyes. I’m sorry."

"So what should I do~~ I don’t have what you need, Lin Xiao big brother, you bully." Touzi is about to cry, she doesn’t understand even if she wants to break her head. What benefits can Lin Xiao get from himself?

Xiao Ju'er sat aside and watched Lin Xiao laughed and did not speak. This would kill time. It was a good choice.

At this time, Toozi has already substituted herself in. Xiao Ju'er knows that Lin Xiao is just joking and will not really embarrass Toozi, so she didn’t plan to remind Toozi that as long as Lin Xiao gets moss, she won’t be missing. Instead, she chose to watch the theater, but an audience.

"Ah!!! I know!!"

When Lin Xiao and Xiao Ju'er were looking at a joke and wondering what Too would do, Suddenly Too cried out in surprise 、Looking at Lin Xiao with weird eyes, two small hands suddenly hugged him, blocking some of his well-developed areas, his face slightly red, "That, Lin Xiao big brother, can we change other conditions? , I’m still young, it’s not appropriate."

"pu~~" Lin Xiao’s tea was directly spit up far away, and he almost didn’t spray it directly on Toozi’s face, even the corner of his mouth was too late for the tea Wipe, Lin Xiao looked at Toozi in astonishment, choked speechless.

"hahaha ......."

Xiao Ju'er was stunned, then laughed out loud, fell on the sofa, tears of laughter came out, Looking at Lin Xiao taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, you tease, you continue, now other people's little girls want to be crooked, right?

Looking at Lin Xiao’s stunned expression, Xiao Ju'er couldn’t help but want to laugh, but she also admired Thorough imagination. She actually imagined that Lin Xiao wanted to occupy her side and had to In other words, the idea of ​​cute goods is always amazing.

"cough cough!!!"

Lin Xiao coughed, wiped off the water from the corners of his mouth, and looked at Toozi angeredly, "What's in your head?"

"It was simply defeated by you."

Lin Xiao felt that this teasing construction was a business decision. He shot himself in the foot with a rock.

"Defeat by me?" Too Zi scratched his head, as if he didn't quite understand what Lin Xiao said about unfathomable mystery.

Xiao Ju'er smiled and propped up her waist, and reluctantly pulled Toozi over and leaned in her arms said with a smile: "You are a little confused, you think about it, you Lin Xiao big brother , As long as there are benefits, will I leave you alone."

"Um~No." Toozi thought for a while and replied firmly.

“That’s fine, he’s just teasing you, and your little confusion is too easy to get into emotions, but the person who doesn’t know the answer thinks it’s Lin Xiao who is forcing you to be his wife That’s it."


Toozi didn't expect this way, his cheeks turned red in an instant, and it was because I was thinking too much. Let me just say it, Lin Xiao big brother, how could I be so stingy to want to benefit from myself? It turned out to be that way.

But the more I think about it, the more sorry I become. I actually...

"Stop, stop!" Lin Xiao raised his hand to surrender, so as not to wait for it again. Some amazing words came out, "I will divide you some moss later, so don't think about it. You can't just say this kind of thing in the future, do you know?"

"Know it." Toozi Sorry, he spit out a small tongue, a big rock in his heart fell back, and his piggy strength can be improved a little bit.


Just when the farce came to an end, a loud noise suddenly appeared in the laboratory, causing the entire laboratory to vibrate, Lin Xiao frowned, suspicious Said: "Is there something wrong with the experiment?"


Suddenly, the alarm sounded and everyone in the laboratory was startled. ..

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