If conditions permit, who would think of squeezing with others, especially in hot weather, it’s terrible, you must know the communication ship to Liyong City Just like a bus, there are all kinds of people in myriad. If there are one or two people with body odor and strong sweat, they will definitely make you wish one were dead.

Of course Lin Xiao doesn't want to squeeze with these people, so it is inevitable to rent a boat. He just wants to make fun of him. He doesn't really want to squeeze with others.

"very good!!!"

Lin Xiao made a decision to rent a boat, Too Zi jumped up happily, even Xiao Ju'er was smiling all over her face, Lin Xiao couldn't bear it herself. Such an environment, let alone two girls, can only tolerate it when there are no conditions. When possible, no one would like to crowd a boat with all kinds of strange smells. (It is estimated that friends who have taken a long-distance train have tried it. Some people take off their boots, some people sweat, and the smell of various foods is piled up. That taste~~~)

"Don’t worry. Happy, we have to go to the small town in front of us if we want to rent a boat. In addition to renting a boat, there are some interesting things in this small town. We can go and take a look."

"What is it?"

Toozi curiously leaned forward.

"A very magical thing. I have been studying it before and now I have some results. I want to see if there is an item suitable for my little Pokémon." Lin Xiao mysterious smiled. I temporarily sold a hurdle, and did not intend to say everything, "I can only tell you that it is a very magical thing, which is good for Pokémon. I will not talk about the other things. I will wait until the destination. You will understand."

"How is this?" Too Zi looked depressed and unhappy, but Lin Xiao could not force Lin Xiao to say without saying that she had to suppress all curiosity. To the bottom of my heart.

Lin Xiao took the two of them out of the city and moved towards a small town not far away. What he said was in a laboratory in this small town, and he wanted to take a ride to Liyong City The ship must also come to the Harbor of this small town. The reason to go to the Laboratory is purely because of the way.

"It seems that there is no chance today."

When he came to the town, Lin Xiao looked at the sun sighed in the west, he really came to the door, even in the middle of the night. People in the laboratory would also welcome, but Lin Xiao didn't want to disturb others at night.

"Let’s find a place to stay for the night, and wait until tomorrow morning. It’s not good to disturb others."

Xiao Ju'er knows that Lin Xiao’s status is still the same even at this time. I will be hospitalized by the Laboratory, but it seems impolite to disturb others when everyone is ready to take a break, so I suggested Lin Xiao to go there again tomorrow morning.

"I think so too." Lin Xiao slightly smiled, blinking at Xiao Ju'er, making Xiao Ju'er speechless. That's what you think. Say it earlier. It makes me seem to be Just like a bad guy, stop you and not let you pass.

Too Zi doesn't know what Lin Xiao said is a good thing, but Xiao Ju'er knows it very well. Most people will pay attention to this thing.

Little Ju'er is no exception. If there is a Pokémon from the electrical department who is suitable for use, she will also go to the Laboratory to buy it.

"hehe ~~~"

Lin Xiao smiled and walked in the opposite direction of Laboratory, found a good looking hotel, walked in and opened a suite. The three of them came to the suite. Lin Xiao looked at the kitchen, took out various ingredients from the backpack, and began to prepare dinner.

"You are so sure that the Laboratory already has suitable moss. "

Little Ju'er, who helped Lin Xiao wash the vegetables, drove Toozi to the living room to watch TV by herself, and looked over curiously.

"I'm not sure about the other types, but there should be no shortage of Fire Element." Lin Xiao, who was cutting vegetables, paused and thought for a while to say with a smile: "It doesn't matter if there are none. Just take a look at it. Anyway, the boat going to Liyong City needs to sit in the Harbor here. If there is one, it is the best."

"But... ....." Lin Xiao put down the kitchen knife and looked at Xiao Ju'er, and asked with a smile: "I'm curious, why does your big Celebrity pay attention to these things?"

"Am I a fool? "Little Ju'er was speechless for a moment. How could she not pay attention to something that could enhance Pokémon's abilities? That training does not want her Pokémon to become stronger and stronger?

"Well~~" Lin Xiao lowered his head and looked at Xiao Ju'er's pretty face, couldn't help but smile, the angry Xiao Ju'er blushed, and wanted to throw the food in her hand. Go to his face.

"It’s not like it, but it’s not easy for an average person to get these moss."

"che, who doesn’t know you Lin Xiao Master, it’s Alliance Number One Person, even if you don’t give it Others want to keep it for you too." Lin Xiao's ridicule caused Xiao Ju'er to directly fight back.

Now Lin Xiao’s turn is speechless, "Laboratory is not run by my house, and it seems like others will give me whatever I want."

"hmph hum, I know Just fine, I look forward to your disappointed expression tomorrow." Pick Xiumei, Xiao Juer put down the cleaned dishes, and left the kitchen to watch TV with Toozi, interrupting ignore Lin Xiao, this guy talking to True Qi.

Lin Xiao smiled silently as he watched Xiao Ju'er leave with an annoyance, and picked up the kitchen knife to continue cutting vegetables.

Fragrance of the food soon came out of the kitchen, so that the already hungry Tooko and Xiao Juer couldn't help but swallow.

I didn’t let them down, Lin Xiao quickly came out of the kitchen with the prepared dishes, "It’s ready for dinner, Xiaoju'er, please bring the soup, if you want, please bring the cooked rice , Be careful."

Putting down the dishes, Lin Xiao began to direct the two women watching TV.

"Received!! Sir!!"

With a mischievous smile, Xiao Ju'er walked into the kitchen with a smile, and Xiao Ju'er followed.

The three people gathered around the table and began to enjoy the dinner. They ate a beautiful meal and started to rest. After walking so far, both Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi felt a little tired. After eating, they just took a shower. Starting Rest, Lin Xiao was a little late, and he had some things to deal with. ..

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