"hu~ ~~"

Vanillish immediately began to use a wide range of Blizzard upon receiving the instruction from Trainer, and there was a blow from the cold Gym The cold wind made the air even colder.

Blood blossoms the size of goose feathers kept falling, covering the entire arena.

In order to be able to limit the speed of the Qingteng Snake, it is really willing to pay for the Qingteng Snake to fight in an unsuitable environment. It is a pity that it is useless to do so. Lin Xiao looked very hard. Using Blizzard's Vanillish slightly smiled, Haqiku was stunned, and he didn't understand what Lin Xiao was smiling at this time.

Isn't Blizzard used on a large scale to affect his vine snake?

I usually encounter some fast little Pokémon, Hachiku can not help but do this, and the effect is also good.

But I didn't want Lin Xiao to worry at all, and smiled. In this way, Hachiku became vigilant and felt that there was a conspiracy.

"Sometimes fighting can't just look at speed. You can think about reducing the opponent's speed, and the opponent will have its own way to face it. Sometimes you can't think about things too decisively, just like now. "

Lin Xiao didn't look at Vanillish, who was using a wide range of Blizzard, and pointed to his sine vine snake and said, "Your idea is very good. It is such a large range to limit the speed of the sine vine snake. Among the little Pokémon I have seen, the speed is not much faster than it, and the Grass Type little Pokémon is not custard is true, but as long as it is not frozen."

"What do you mean? "

Hachiku was taken aback, but Lin Xiao used his actions to prove what he wanted to do.

Raising his hand, Lin Xiao pointed to Vanillish and said: "Qingteng snake fights down and uses the unique Ability of the fan."

"Not good!!!"

Hachiku realized Lin Xiao’s so-called not being frozen. He usually likes to do this for Captain Grass Type Pokémon. It doesn’t mean it can be useful every time. Qingteng Snake is an exception. Pokémon is mostly female. It is not easy to interrupt Vanillish's Blizzard if you normally attack the vine snake.

The available Unique Ability looks simple, but it is very practical.

For example, fans. People.

When your little Pokémon can't escape or is male. Sexual little Pokémon, then you need to pay attention and be careful.

It is not easy for Qingteng to interrupt Vanillish's Unique Ability, but is it easy for Vanillish, who is using a wide range of Blizzard, to stop?

It is difficult, difficult, maybe impossible at all. Lin Xiao is not clear to others, at least Vanillish of Haqiku can’t do it. His Vanillish Level is not that high, and it seems that he has no training in this area. , Otherwise it’s not shock to discover that the problem is not right, but to immediately stop Vanillish.

It is enough that he was shocked but did not stop his Vanillish.

There was heavy snow all around, which made Qingteng Snake glance at Vanillish displeasedly, and immediately used Mi. Ren Unique Ability. Fox Mei's eyes blinked, and many hearts immediately floated out, like It was a chain moved towards Duo Contra, and Blizzard didn't have any blocking effect on those hearts.

Still working hard to use Blizzard's Vanillish, the body took a physical meal, causing Blizzard to stop, "Um~~~" Vanillish's Unique Ability was interrupted, not to mention, turned around and looked at Qingteng Snake's eyes Braving a peach heart, with saliva in his mouth, his face looks like an idiot.

"Yeah!!! It's a success!!!"

Sit on the sidelines watching the battle, Xiao Ju'er jumped up happily, as if the person fighting was her, she was helpless He took Xiao Ju'er and sat down so that she wouldn't get too excited.

"As a result, you saw this." Lin Xiao smiled and pointed to Vanillish, who no longer knew his surname, said with a smile: "Then the Qingteng snake ends the fight, Ye Hurricane!! !"

Lin Xiao doesn't have to tell the Qingteng Snake how much power to use. As long as he hears the end of the battle, the Qingteng Snake knows that he is using the strongest Unique Ability to end the battle at once.

Received Lin Xiao's instruction, Qingteng Snake was nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, and countless Leafage suddenly appeared around him, quickly circling around him, forming a huge Twister, moved towards Vanillish volume go.


Vanillish, who was hit directly by Ye Hurricane without any preparation, screamed and was involved in Ye Hurricane.

"dong! !"

Soon the attack brought by Ye Hurricane disappeared, Vanillish hit the wall fiercely like a rock, knocking the wall out of a big hole, The whole body was stuck in the big hole, and both eyes lost the combat capability in circles.

"This is so fast."

Now even Xiao Ju'er and Too Zi are scared. Lin Xiao rarely encounters this situation in battle, and Normal will give more to each other Opportunity, but now if you catch the opportunity directly, let opponent get rid of it, leaving no chance at all.

Really strong, but the referee’s Hatch library dísciple stared wide-eyed, I can’t believe that the powerful Teacher in my own eyes suddenly went to the combat capability. There are still two minutes left before the battle begins. ! This is too fast, is the Teacher careless? Or the opponent's strength is too strong.

Is this the battle rhythm of Grandmaster Rank?

Hachiku felt very powerless. He didn’t expect that he would be defeated so soon. Although it was only the First Stage, he thought that the so-called Grandmaster Rank was actually not much different from other Elite champions. Now it seems that I was too naive.

If Haqiku said this sentence, Lin Xiao would laugh.

Is there really no difference? Countless people can be killed in one stage.

"Vanillish loses the combat capability, and the Qingteng snake wins!!!"

The battle is over. After the shock of the dísciple of Hachiku, he immediately announced the result of the game and watched Lin Xiao's expressions all changed.

"Come back, Vanillish, you have worked very hard."

Hatchiku sighed, took out the Poké Ball, took his Vanillish back, and took out another Poké Ball, Throw, "Then it's yours next, come out, Cryogonal."


Lin Xiao was surprised, this kind of little Pokémon is rare outside , Kyurem appears in the most places, and it is very annoying to gather together, and the sounds collide and make people crazy.

Didn't expect that Hatch library will use Cryogonal, which is not included in the previous survey information.

It should have been just breed not long. ..

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