faintly smiled, Lin Xiao continued to drink the coffee in the cup. Instead of caring about a trip, he might as well drink his own coffee. By the way, think about waiting for something to eat at noon. This Xiao Xiami doesn't need too much attention, as long as he doesn't provoke him, provided that Trip dares!

Lin Xiao guessed that now Trip met him like a mouse and a cat, just thinking about how to hide away, the money owed before has not yet been paid up, if you dare to continue to provoke Lin Xiao That is looking for abuse.

Lin Xiao guessed right. Ash and the others lined up until noon. For more than two hours, the people who stood in the sun had been humming and chattering. They were amused sitting in the ice cream shop. Lin Xiao and the others couldn't help laughing.

"hmph, who told them not to come here earlier, they must be oversatisfied with the celebration yesterday, now you know it."

Toozi hummed and told Lin Xiao And Xiao Ju'er didn't know whether to cry or laugh, are you taking pleasure in other people's misfortune? Yesterday’s celebration competition was the little Pokémon you chose yourself. Isn’t it appropriate? If you change one, maybe you are one of the proud ones.

Fortunately, I lost the game because of my own reasons, and now I laugh at others in turn, this is no one.

"Okay, don't think about how to laugh at others, what we think about is something to eat later!"

Lin Xiao smiled and waved his hands, saying: "Ash, they should be able to With my friends, we won’t come over. We need to solve for lunch by ourselves. What do you want to eat!"

"I'm free." Xiao Ju'er is not picky. To be precise, this girl doesn't know. There should be something to eat.

"Then omelet rice is good!!"

Xiao Ju'er has no comments, Too Zi immediately expressed his opinion, Lin Xiao was speechless, rubbing his forehead, "You are here Can you keep your eyes on the restaurant that sells omelet on the other side of the street!! It’s a pre-plan, but I didn’t have a chance to say it, right?"

I usually relax, except for some interesting things that can attract a lot of people. It’s just that Lin Xiao didn’t expect this girl to stare at the omelet while eating ice cream!

I just didn’t say it. After asking me what I could eat, Toozi immediately settled on the omelet, because I have been staring at it for a long time before, and now I want to try it directly.

"hehe!!!" Didn't expect that Lin Xiao found out that she secretly took a peek. Toozi was very sorry and laughed. She scratched her head and put the spoon down. Her ice cream was almost eaten. .

Of course, one box of ice cream cannot be eaten for more than two hours, if it is three boxes! !

Don't doubt that Toozi has the ability to eat that many things, and then you can continue to eat without any problems. The bottomless pit is probably formed like this.

"Okay, let's go to eat omelet rice."

Lin Xiao doesn't have a good idea and just listened to it. Anyway, Xiao Ju'er is right about what to eat. She didn't care very much, and asking about her appetite was a question of nothing.

After deciding what to eat, Ash will not come over, Lin Xiao got up and paid the money and took Toozi and Xiaojuer to the opposite restaurant, as if Toozi had been staring for a long time. How does omelet rice taste?

Because there are many people around the stadium and there are many people who came to participate and watch the game today, so the business of the hotel is very good.

The three of them are lucky, and there just happened to be an empty table when they came here.

After sitting down, Toozi couldn’t wait to shout, "Lady Boss, here are three omelet rice!!!"

Fortunately, Toozi also knows that he only ordered three, no Just as usual, I called a lot of people over, which made my scalp numb.

Three copies of omelet rice were delivered soon. Compared with the others, Lin Xiao, the three of them were lucky to have a place to cook directly. Many people could only buy omelet rice and stand at the door to eat.

"Wow!! It's so fragrant!!"

The omelet rice is here, and the three of them picked up the chopsticks and ate it. Xiao Juer, who has no appetite, ate some curiously, nodded and said: "Well, it’s not bad, no wonder you have been staring for so long."

Lin Xiao also ate some and commented: "It’s really good. Yes, although it is not the best omelet rice I have ever eaten, it is already very good."

Lin Xiao walked through that many Region, and the delicacies he had eaten were simply incalculable. He is considered a veteran. His pertinent evaluation is enough to prove that the omelet rice tastes really good.

"Of course, I don't look at who chose the place." Toozi was eating and he didn't forget to scream, so Lin Xiao couldn't help but want to pick up the spoon and knock her. Head.

"The boss will have two more!"

One omelet rice with Lin Xiao's appetite is naturally not enough, Xiao Ju'er one is enough, and Too Zi will help her by the way. One serving is ready.

"hehe, thank you Lin Xiao big brother."

Lin Xiao kindly ordered one for himself and thanked Toozi very happy.

Xiao Ju'er rolled her eyes and felt that she should stay away from these two people. After she really started to eat, she became ugly. How did she eat so many things?

Especially Tooko, I ate three boxes of ice cream before! ! !

Also eat two omelet rice! ! !

Sure enough, it’s a bottomless pit, and it’s the type that doesn’t eat fat. Compared with Xiao Juer, who needs to manage her figure, Toko eats unscrupulously. Anyway, she won’t get fat. Just eat casually. , Why do you want to abuse yourself?

This gives Xiao Ju'er a kind of murderous mind.

Under Xiao Ju'er's incomparable Grudge eyes, Toozi happily finished the second omelet meal, and then the three of them left the hotel and went to a stadium not far away.

Lin Xiao directly took the entry form and entered through the passage of the three contestants, while Xiao Ju'er and Touzi entered through the gate with the tickets.

Lin Xiao didn’t see the three of Ash, so he should have gone in first. With Ash’s character at this time, he would rather be hungry for a while and then go in first, and Cilan is there, so he wouldn’t go hungry. of.

Under the guidance of the staff, Lin Xiao entered the stadium and came to the resting place of the contestants. He saw a scene that made him speechless.

Ash group of five or six people are sitting around on the ground eating rice balls. ..

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