Where there are people, there are fights. This is inevitable. Intrigue is also one of human instincts. Just like Pokémon and wild beasts competing for territory, Snatch food is also an instinct. , It’s just that the former is darker and the latter is bloodier.

It’s just that Lin Xiao couldn’t think that he could cause that many things just by submitting a document for trial.

There was no response after handing over the information. Lin Xiao didn't care and just went to Rest. I believe that even if no one works overtime at night, there will be news tomorrow.

And Lin Xiao didn't know that other people were not working overtime, but that he was scared.

A high-level meeting started quickly, and the other side also arranged enough people to come to the town to make contact with Lin Xiao, hoping to leave a good impression on Lin Xiao’s psychology .

2nd day Lin Xiao got up early and saw that the information submitted by himself has been passed, and others will contact him.

It doesn't matter if you don't contact, just change one, there is nothing at worst.

As long as you give more money, people do it.

Although the money in this world is not as useful as the previous world, money can make the ghosts still unable to escape.

It's just that many powerful people basically don't value these things.

Get up, wash, and then start to make breakfast, then wake up Toozi and Xiao Ju'er, and the three of them gather to eat.

"ding dong ~~"

"ding dong ~~~"

At this time, the doorbell rang, Lin Xiao lifts the head said with a smile "It might be Ash. I told him where we live yesterday. Toozi will go to open the door."

"Oh!" , Lin Xiao speechless saying: "Will you wipe your mouth? It's all greasy!!"

"hehe, it's okay." Toozi's small tongue was spit out, her face flushed and she smiled. Hehe's hand wiped Lin Xiao and Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but roll their eyes together. This was enough, and the paper was too lazy to get it. I use my hands directly! ! Can’t you pay attention? Girl should be reserved! ! !

"Ash, you guys are so slow, really, you won't get lost again, will you?" Toozi complained, opening the door, but didn't want Ash outside the door, but a weird reinforcement Tuan, why is it called strengthening group? I can tell by looking at the other party’s posture. A group of people dressed in suits are very formal. Seeing the door opened, the middle age person who took the lead immediately showed a gentle smile, "Excuse me, Lin Xiao Master is staying. Are you here?"

"Eh." Toozi was taken aback, and pointed to the room subconsciously, "Yes, what's the matter with you?"

middle age person said with a smile: "Please also ask this beautiful lady to give us an announcement. Ji said that people from the Yini family came to visit. By the way, discuss with Lin Xiao Master about the incubation of Pokémon eggs."

"Oh, good Yes, I'll talk to him. "Although it is not appropriate to let others stand at the door, I have already invited but the other party is unwilling to come in, and I can't help it.

"Who is it?" Seeing that Toozi came back alone, Lin Xiao thought he was from the hotel.

"I'm looking for you. I said someone from the Ini family came to visit. I also need to discuss with you what your guide Emolga Pokémon has to deal with." Touzi shrugged her shoulders and honestly said she did it all by herself. I'm a little dizzy and still can't figure out what's going on.

"The Yini family?!"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, and then he remembered that they seemed to be the backstage of the breeding house he was looking for. It was a relatively large Kanto Region. It’s just because they don’t have a strong background in the Alliance, it’s more difficult to make a big development.

"I see, let them in, I'll pass right away."

Lin Xiao nodded speeds up the meal, and Toozi turns around to let others in.

The talents who got Lin Xiao’s nodded came in, making Toozi feel very speechless. Is the Lin Xiao big brother so scary? Looking at your restrained appearance, people who don’t know think Lin Xiao big brother It's Cannibal Demon King.

Shrugging his shoulders, Too Zi shook his head. He decided to stop thinking about it, and continue to eat. Later, he will accompany Lin Xiao to the Fighting Conference.

Many Trainers fighting together will definitely be very lively.

"Lin Xiao Master!!!"

Seeing Lin Xiao eat something to come, some restless people sitting in the living room immediately got up and bowed to say hello, lowering their posture very low.

"Everyone sees the outside, let's sit down." Lin Xiao smiled and greeted everyone to sit together, but felt puzzled in his heart. Isn't it just a Pokémon egg problem? As for so many people coming over, is it because Own?

"Thank you."

The middle age person who took the lead took the lead to thank you, and then sat down, took out a record book, opened the mouth and said: "First of all, thank you Lin Xiao Master chooses our family’s feeding house. Although we are not the largest, I promise to serve. The attitude is definitely the best!!"

"I know all of these, so I chose you. "Lin Xiao waved his hand to indicate that the other party didn't need to continue talking. In fact, all of them are similar. It is enough to be able to achieve that the Alliance has a large number of score shops in each Region. This is enough to prove this. Lin Xiao does not want to learn too much about these things.

"Yes." The middle age person Yinicun Yun nodded with a smile, and sat down with a smile on the notebook, but kept his eyes on Lin Xiao's body.

Lin Xiao is not an idiot. If the other party does this just because of his identity, it’s not necessary. Everyone has their own things to do. Even though it’s the best time to advertise, you don’t have to do this. step.

Lin Xiao took out a cigarette and lit one. Now, the number of cigarettes he smokes has gradually decreased. He only smokes one occasionally, not as frequently as before.

"Okay, I'm not a fool. Just tell me what you are here. I'll have something to do later."

"Yes." Yini Cunyun, knows Lin Xiao I have expressed my opinion. If something is going to happen, don’t do that or I’m going to leave. I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you guys.

"This is the case." Yinicun Yun summed it up, and then opened the mouth and said: "Actually, I am here on behalf of the family this time, for you, Lin Xiao."

"Talk about it."

Lin Xiao raised his hand and motioned for him to continue.

Yinicun Yun was overjoyed. At least Lin Xiao didn't interrupt herself, it means there is still a chance. If Lin Xiao can win over, the family will be able to rise to the top. ..

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