Incubating little Pokémon, Lin Xiao has not done this kind of thing. Many of the little Pokémon in his hands started with Pokémon eggs, even little Kyurem. But Lin Xiao felt that the Pokémon eggs that lead Emolga did not hatch as slow as Normal.

"Or, send it to the breeding house."

Lin Xiao looked helpless, Xiao Juer suggested that Pokémon eggs should be put down in the breeding house and let others help hatch. , So I ended up easily.

"Feeding house?"

Lin Xiao looked at the Pokémon egg in his hand, and hesitated. To be honest, his little Pokémon has never had the experience of asking others to take care of him. Of course Reshiram is an exception. The other Pokémon grew up with him.

But Lin Xiao's first reaction was to refuse.

But when thinking about some of the benefits of putting Pokémon in the breeding house, Lin Xiao hesitated.

Undoubtedly, putting Pokémon eggs in the breeding house and looking for someone to help them take care of and hatch them is very easy, and you only need to pay a small amount of money to get it done.

Overwhelming majority people will choose to send Pokémon eggs to Help for incubation, but there are also many people who always take care of them like Lin Xiao.

For this Pokémon egg several times when it was dangerous, Lin Xiao was afraid of something wrong. Fortunately, it has always been safe. Although the Pokémon egg is not so easy to break, I’m not afraid of ten thousand but also in case. It is depressing when some little Pokémon who likes to eat Pokémon eggs take away the eggs.

In order to live a lot of little Pokémon are hunting each other in cycles, and it is even said that they are Pokémon eggs.

"And I can't take care of it when I bring it around, right?"

Seeing Lin Xiao hesitated, Xiao Ju'er continued.

It’s not that she wants to get the Pokémon eggs away, but it’s more convenient to send them directly to the breeding house. After they are sent, a series of tests will be done. Others are also impossible to replace your little Pokémon. Lose.

It is very convenient in comparison, only a small amount of money is needed.

Will Lin Xiao lack such a little money? Obviously not.

Lin Xiao is just a little reluctant.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Lin Xiao finally decided to listen to Xiao Ju'er and send the Pokémon eggs to the breeding house for others to help breed, even the little Pokémon was let to be helped by others after hatching. Many people will choose to do this after the infancy period and then take it back, because it only takes a small amount of money to let others do these troublesome things for you.

Think about Lin Xiao and feel that what Xiao Ju'er said makes sense, so nodded agreed and decided to send the Pokémon eggs to the breeding house, but he needed to go to the next town, where the Fighting Conference was held and Ash and the others will be able to bring it past.

Many reputable breeding houses have their own branches in many places. You just need to bring them there, and then when you want to receive the Pokémon, others will send it to you directly.

Wipe the Pokémon eggs clean, Lin Xiao puts the Pokémon eggs, Lin Xiao puts on his backpack, "Then it’s so decided, let’s go straight to the next town and wait for Ash and the others to arrive. , This guy thinks it should be the last moment."

Although it doesn’t take much time to watch, but in order to prevent Ash from really showing off, causing Toozi’s dissatisfaction, which leads to quarrels and Toozi’s sadness, Lin Xiao simply ignored it and left. When Ash came over after attending the celebration, it should have been flat. It seems that only about becoming a Pokémon Master Ash has been working hard. Other things Ash has been hot for a few minutes. I like it. Blow, but when time passes, it can be forgotten naturally.

In order not to cause harmony in the team, Lin Xiao had to choose to do so.

The three continue to go on the road, trying to go to the next town before the night, waiting for Ash and the others, Ash and the others will be delayed for a little time, but it is estimated that they will arrive within today, after all, tomorrow is the registration and participation If you are late for the tournament time, it will be basically out of play. Registration starts in the morning and the competition starts in the afternoon.

Because it is not officially held, there will not be many participants.

So one day is enough.

"Let’s find a place to check in first. The Fighting Conference will be held in the stadium. Just find a hotel around it to make things easier." Lin Xiao expected the time to be correct, after nine o’clock in the evening. The three arrived at their destination.

Because the Fighting Conference will be held in the stadium, Lin Xiao decided to find a hotel nearby. As for the Pokémon Center, forget it. Because of the Fighting Conference, many people came here. There are those who watch the game, and there are people who participate, which will directly cause the Pokémon Center to fill up. Lin Xiao doesn't want to be crowded with others.

"Ah, I'm so hungry."

All the way to the stadium, Xiao Ju'er and Toozi started humming before the hotel was found.

"Wait until you find the hotel and get some food."

Lin Xiao is almost ten o'clock after looking at it. Lin Xiao is actually hungry, but he can’t be a big man. Are you moaning like two women?

"Forget it, just choose any one."

Looking at the weakened two, Lin Xiao was speechless, and simply found a hotel to check in. It was only during lunch time. It's eleven o'clock, it's almost ten o'clock now, it's strange not to be hungry.

The registration was completed soon, Lin Xiao took the room card to find the room and opened the door to enter.

Too Zi and Xiao Ju'er did not take the lead in grabbing the bathroom as usual, but looked back at Lin Xiao instead.

Because it is too late, I guess there is nothing left to eat in the hotel. It is better to do it yourself. So after entering the room, there will be such a scene. In the past, the two women who liked to grab the bathroom were the first I didn't do this once, but stared at myself, hoping that I could cook quickly.

"Go take a shower! You can eat after washing!!"

Lin Xiao pointed to the bathroom and began to give orders.

"Okay." Too Zi and Xiao Ju'er twitched his lips. Although they didn't want to move, they could only take a change of clothes and washing tools to take a shower. Both of them were afraid of Lin Xiao's eyes. It would be a tragedy to sit down and rest without cooking. Where do you go to eat at night?

Many times Lin Xiao will let them, but once they get serious, Xiao Ju'er and Toozi will unconsciously be a little afraid. It is probably the reason why Lin Xiao's serious expressions are serious when they get serious. ..

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