"Your game is really not Normal's weird thing." Lin Xiao suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh, took out the Poké Ball and threw it to Toko, and used Aura Force Tell Dialga to take it honestly. If Touzi has any needs, please satisfy her and cooperate well. This is to prevent Dialga from running out of the way and getting into trouble when needed.

And Lin Xiao, as a passerby watching a play, is not good to go straight up to tell him, so I'd better say it first, better, lest the fellow Dialga doesn't cooperate well.

"Well, thank you Lin Xiao big brother, but the wonderful game is not my rule, hehe." Touzi immediately borrowed the Poké Ball, which was the first person to borrow the item, holding it happily Poké Ball moved towards Poké Ball moved towards the point where the task was submitted.

"The thing I need to borrow is the psychedelic little Pokémon. This is the little Pokémon. I have completed the task."

I went to the place where I paid the task, and I saw that I was the only one It seemed even happier to submit the task by myself. I am very glad that Lin Xiao was able to come with him. Even though he did not attend, he was still watching, so that he could be the first to complete the task.

Thinking about Toozi, I turned my head happily moved towards Lin Xiao waved vigorously, Lin Xiao laughed and waved in response, Xiao Ju'er smiled helplessly and shook his head. I really don’t understand Toozi, what's the meaning of this kind of celebration The significance of participating, it’s better to go shopping, so that you can eat a lot of good things, and you can also buy some new perfumes and clothes. Uh

For Xiao Ju'er, shopping is comparable to participating here. What kind of celebration is more important, and this kind of celebration is the most boring.

"Okay, let me take a look." The staff smiled and took the Poké Ball, and put it aside to check the information of the little Pokémon on the machine prepared in advance. They were stunned. In fact, there was no request. So strict, it only needs to be some rare little Pokémon. There is no such thing as a legendary little Pokémon. In fact, strictly speaking, the psychedelic little Pokémon marked above is all nonsense.

As long as it is relatively rare for the small Pokémon in Yixiu Region, Ash’s Pikachu can be considered as a pass, and Lin Xiao’s hand has many such small Pokémons, whether it is Yalei or Dialga or even Zapdos. , Tyranitar, two-headed dragon and Axew can all be counted in it.

The staff did not expect Toozi to get such a guy. Is Dialga dazzled or the little Pokémon inside is real?

"Excuse me, is Dialga not working? If it is not working, Kanto and Johto, the god of the sea, Lugia? Or Zapdos, I can borrow it."

See the staff stunned , Stared wide-eyed, Toozi felt a little guilty in her heart, fearing that others would not be able to complete the task, so she was a little bit so worried and asked cautiously.



The staff connected and sent two, and thought they had heard it wrong. These little Pokémons are really How can it be so exaggerated? I looked very nervous and said with a bitter smile: "In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. It only needs to be a relatively rare little Pokémon. It’s not a must. Little Pokémon, well, you have passed. Please keep Dialga and remember to return it to others."

The staff don’t know where Dialga comes from, but he should not take care of these. What matters is to check whether the contestant has actually borrowed the task item.

The purpose of checking the little Pokémon’s information is to prevent contestants from messing around and pretending to be other little Pokémon.

"Yeah!!! It's great, I am the first place!!!"

The staff nodded with a smile means that I got the first place and I am so excited. I jumped up and ran to Lin Xiao holding the Poké Ball, and returned the Poké Ball to Lin Xiao, "Thank you, Lin Xiao big brother, I am the first one to complete it!!! First!!!"

No matter what you do, she rarely gets the first place, which made her very happy this time.

"Okay, let's go back soon." Others are still borrowing things everywhere, and Toozi directly got the first place in this link. Lin Xiao patted her on the head, warned repeatedly: "Next There are other links, so don’t lose it. Do you know that Xiao Juer and I will always support you?"

"Right, Xiao Juer."

Lin Xiao asked After a sentence, I found that there was no response, and when I looked back, my face full of black lines suddenly shifted, Xiao Ju'er's gaze shifted unconsciously. After all, watching a group of young children panicking and borrowing things is meaningless, so Xiao Ju'er's eyes I moved to the ice cream stall on the side, and it seemed that I wanted to try the taste.

So I didn't hear Lin Xiao's words.

"Hey!!!" Lin Xiao kicked her speechlessly, Xiao Ju'er came back to his senses, and said blankly: "What's the matter?" He blinked puzzledly, not understanding Lin Xiao Why does He Toozi look at himself like this.

"hehe ~~hehe ~~~" Toozi can only express his feelings with laughter that represents a lot of meaning.

Lin Xiao was speechless, let Toozi go over and make preparations, looking at Xiao Ju'er, who still didn’t understand anything, helplessly said: "I said you, can’t you be more serious? Eat if you want Ah, I also said thoroughly that we will always support her, but you didn't hear anything."

Sighed, Lin Xiao found that Xiao Ju'er was really amused.

"Ah?!" Xiao Ju'er raised her eyebrows, and said, "Then why don't you remind me?"

Just take care of me! !

Lin Xiao rolled the eyes, "It’s your own inability to concentrate watching the ice cream, okay, I didn’t remind you? If you want to eat it, buy it, don’t do that."

Lin Xiao felt very strange, Xiao Ju'er had never been so enthusiastic about ice cream before, even though this celebration competition seemed so naive, it wouldn't make you so boring to stare at ice cream in a daze.

"Isn't this boring?" Xiao Ju'er was lightly coughed, with a sorry smile, but still asked: "Are you going to eat? I'll buy it."

"Buy it "What else can Lin Xiao say? It just happens that the sun is out and the temperature is gradually rising. It should be good to eat some ice cream at this time.

Xiao Juer immediately went to buy two ice creams, and Lin Xiao sat with Lin Xiao eating ice cream and watched a group of contestants borrow something anxiously. ..

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