If they offend who himself desperate to ruin everything, and that Lin Xiao title is not a hun shi Little Overlord, but the world number one villain! !

Not to mention how other people see, is home Oak Professor Oak and Oak Syracuse will not agree.

"I superficial, and think they know everything that is true, I'm sorry you angry." I do not know meters reveal how to think for Zapdos exposed apologetic smile apology, very sincere, without the slightest pretense .

Zapdos looked puzzled m dew, dew rice unclear how suddenly apologized, before the thing is not over yet?

"In fact, you want more, before Zapdos is angry, be angry after it means that everything is over, and today it wants to fight just want to tell you, it's very strong, not like you said, with two little fellow can easily defeat it. "

m dew may not know the meaning of Zapdos, Lin Xiao smiled and explained to her, the intention to tell Zapdos she.

m dew surprised a moment looking at the Zapdos a little surprised, she did not expect Zapdos would be so easy to put down.

"small Pokémon and humans are not the same, compared to humans, small Pokémon more easily offended, but after angry can rapidly restore normal, compared to humans, they are like a child, like, in fact, my heart very good. "

" we hold a grudge for normal people, but for small Pokémon unless it is what you've done too much damage something, otherwise it will not be too concerned about. "

"look out." Lu meters with a wry smile and shook his head, I thought Zapdos is still angry that they are so, who knows this guy just want to prove yourself? And not only because the previous things do get angry, I feel a bit like much.

"It seems really I think too much."

"Lin Xiao Master, thank you very much today said those words to me, it makes me feel back to the past thought for a moment some guilt, even because other things will fight freely confused to the point where "

looked at Lin Xiao, rice Lu took a deep breath, seriously said:." after you leave today, I think many, I think I should make a change, so that more people can not be disappointed, in fact, after you leave, like you have Trainer from Kanto Pallet Town is also my duty to fight too idealistic utopian place. "

"Oh? it is called Ash?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"You know?" Mi Lu stared wide-eyed, did not expect Lin Xiao will speak directly to each other's names.

"Well recognized." Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, "is set out together with me from Pallet Town travel Trainer, a tendon is a small head, but very passionate guy, this guy though things insecure, say some of the truth is a reason. "

" the so-called fantasy battle is a bit disrespectful to the Alliance and Trainer, because Alliance established Gym is because you want to detect the strength of those Trainer, see if they have the ability to get Badge, and Trainer to challenge the need to take this opportunity to check whether their strength progress. "

" the dream has a direct fight these processes are omitted, feels like playing games Normal, in the minds freely imagine there have been the result, if it works, then it would not be hard to travel up. "

" Ash that guy is on my say so. "Lu meters helpless smile, look very tangled, is Lin Xiao said so even, so also a common Trainer education, which results difficult to accept ah.

"to see." Lin Xiao smiled and nodded.

"yes ah, so I think I should make a change." M dew nodded with a smile, he took out a Poké Ball took a deep breath, "Lin Xiao Master then we start the final fight of it , even though I know my little Pokémon no matter how strong the strength of will to win are impossible, but I will continue to fight in the end. "

" is you come out of it, chief Swan !!! "

meters exposed in today's battle among the small Pokémon are sent to her before the battle fantasy sent to the three without any changes.

"Chief Swan." Lin Xiao looked somewhat different ye reveal a meter, actually at this time sent Swan Water Type chief added Flying Type, you know Flying Type Pokémon was little restraint electrical system, Not to mention there is a swan chief of Water Type Attribute.

If you suffer from electrical lines Unique Ability of the attack, which brought damage is doubled! !

That's not one plus one equals two so simple.

gnaw different meters Lin Xiao Lu eyes see clearly, she knew Lin Xiao did not know their own Chief Swan will come out fighting, as chief swan Battle Zapdos be blunt words, as long as the Thunderbolt Unique Ability class hit, even if only once it is estimated will lose combat capability.

But she let out his chief swan fight, there is a saying is right, the road is their choice, even if it is kneeling need to continue to go! !

At this time, the meter has been exposed to change his mind was made up, for her failure is not difficult to accept, even such a failure in her view is good, there are a few people worthy of Lin Xiao dispatched Zapdos this main small Pokémon to fight it?

is the value Lin Xiao from the side of their terms.

battle to quickly go too quickly, less than thirty seconds over.

put away their hair turned into a clean Shiraha chief of Black Swan, m dew bow sincere thanks to Lin Xiao, "today trouble you, Lin Xiao Master, so I will not bother you, I will make a change. "

has a Water Type Attribute chief swan under a powerful Thunder Zapdos are directly hit lose combat capability, compared to the air for its ability to dodge than the thunder pheasant a lot worse, the gap between the most important thing and Zapdos too. The gap between

strength is not so easy to be washed-out.

looked away rice Lu, Lin Xiao inexplicable heart there have been some strange ideas, for a long time until the rice is exposed in the figure disappeared under the lights, Lin Xiao withdrew his eyes, shake shaking his head, "you comfortable, right? come back."

Collapse Zapdos, when the road Lin Xiao moved towards being back to the hotel. ..

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