
Mi Lu didn't expect Lin Xiao to say that. I was stunned for a moment, and my voice could not help but increase. "Is it still a child?"

So Mi Lu felt a little bit unbelievable. From the matchup at this time, Deino's strength is very good. After being defeated, even if she has fewer chances to fight because of fantasy fighting, Mi Lu still has confidence in her own strength. Swoobat can be regarded as a member of her General, but her main little Pokémon is actually trained with a little child. Before long, Deino, who was inexperienced in combat, was tied.

This makes Mi Lu feel a little unacceptable, it feels very mysterious, and it feels very shocking.

I played the main battle strength Pokémon, but others, just a little fellow who had just gotten it, which made Mi Lu’s newly swollen heart directly frozen by a basin of cold water. Living.

"Well, it's really still a child, especially Dragon Type Pokémon's growth cycle is very slow, but the little fellow seems to start to change." Lin Xiao looked at the happy Deino said with a smile: "In fact, you don’t need to be frustrated. Little Pokémon’s strength is unlimited. No matter what little Pokémon it is, it can become very strong. You also know that some Elite and champion Pokémon are actually very common, but they still become The strongest."

"To be honest, you will challenge me tonight. I am surprised. I feel that you should be far away from me. I want to have a word with you, Gym Trainer’s responsibilities are not for making money. This thing about Alibaba’s strength is very mysterious, but very straightforward. In the final analysis, it depends on personal efforts."

"Just It's like like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back. If you continue to fight like this, I think maybe the Rookie Trainer who just started traveling in a few years will be better than you!"

Raising her hand, Lin Xiao looked at Mi Lu whose face changed drastically, knowing that these words were hurtful, but Lin Xiao still said it, so he came to apologize to Mi Lu tonight, and challenged herself to prove that she was still I will change my mind, and I can still do the same as other Gym Trainers. The purpose is not to make money but to perform my duties.

"I'm sorry..." Mi Lu's face was a little ugly, her head down, she didn't dare to look at Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao's words were like a steel needle Normal fiercely stuck in. On her heart.

"You don’t have to say sorry to me, because from afar, you and I have no relatives for no reason. What you do is your own business. As long as it doesn’t hinder me, I will treat it as if I didn’t see it. If you are a little closer, you are not my subordinate, your top boss is Cattleya." Lin Xiao shook his head, and continued: "You may not know it, because of what Zapdos was angry with that day, so Cattle and I Ya has an agreement, that is to let the Elite and the champion of the two regions join forces to start a battle in a few months."

"haha, speaking of which Cattleya also blames me for bullying you, say I am so stingy as a big man, bullying a little girl, and scolded me for this."

Speaking of Lin Xiao, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah?!" Mi Lu stared wide-eyed, didn't expect because of the series of things she caused, she looked at Lin Xiao who was laughing at herself, Mi Lu was a little sorry, "That Lin Xiao Master, Cattleya really scolded you?"

"It doesn't seem to be a glorious thing to be scolded, do you think I would make fun of this kind of thing?" Lin Xiao shrugged. A look of helplessness.

"hehe ~~hehe ~~" Mi Lu didn't know what to say except for laughing.

"You can come to me to show that your heart has been touched, and that you will make changes. Of course, I am very optimistic about you."

Raise your hand and habitually pinch Holding his chin, Lin Xiao lost said with a smile: "I said these things may make you feel a little troubled, may hurt people, or even hurt people, but I still say it. As for what changes will be made, it depends You are, in fact, you can develop in two ways. You think you have a lot of things, but I seem to be totally troubled by you."

"Why?" Mi Lu looked suspiciously. He didn't understand what this meant. He would become like fantasy fighting. In addition to playing airplanes, the bigger reason was the busyness of the Air Cargo Department.

"Is the Mistralton City Air Cargo Department your family's industry?" Lin Xiao asked directly.

"Yes." Although I don't understand the meaning of Lin Xiao's words, Mi Lu is still nodded.

The air cargo department is her family’s industry, and the family has its own child, so her parents have long since delegated authority to her personally, which is to lay the foundation for the future, otherwise she will start slowly when Mi Lu grows up. It would be troublesome to take over without knowing anything.

Lin Xiao had guessed this a long time ago, although it was not stated in the information.

"How many staff are there in the Air Cargo Department?"

"Yes... Um." Mi Lu replied subconsciously, but she was swallowed back after she said it. Because she already knew what Lin Xiao was going to say.

"No matter what company it is, you need to hire employees, and different employees need to do different things, depending on their ability."

"But you don’t think , Your identity is the last person in charge instead of a small clerk who spends all his time in this area, isn’t it?"

The management company that Lin Xiao doesn’t understand still knows that it’s necessary to delegate authority. Decentralization, you can't hold it tightly in your hand, you need to check and do it yourself.

In this case, what do you hire staff to do?

Mi Lu’s behavior reminded Lin Xiao of a certain great man in previous life, Zhuge Liang, who Liu Bei had visited the cottage.

In the evaluation of people, Zhuge Liang is a monster, all-rounder, he can do everything that a counselor can do and he is very good, but unfortunately he died very early, even his too old The opponent Sima Yi could live a long time, but he died early.

Many people only saw his glamorous side, but did not see that he took all the affairs of the Shu Kingdom in his hands and refused to delegate power. In the end, he was exhausted rather than being pissed off. of. ..

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