"Hello." Lin Xiao smiled and nodded with the other party, but didn't want to scare the other party. Everyone stepped back, a frightened expression appeared on his face, a little scared nodded, "You, hello."

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head without paying attention. He said before that he met the Trainer who came to challenge yesterday, but he did not sit down for ten minutes before he came.

Knowing that the other party was a little afraid of himself, Lin Xiao laughed and closed his eyes to rest. At this time, the sun had just risen, so bask in the sun was also good.

As for what other people think, Lin Xiao doesn't care, and he doesn't care, he can't stop what other people want, and he won't take these things seriously.

The Trainer saw that Lin Xiao didn't care about his own extremes, relaxed, and hurriedly ran to the crowd and stood up. As for the doubtful eyes cast by others, he had to treat him as if he hadn't seen it.

Time slowly passed, and trainers who came to challenge Gym gradually became more.

Soon when the number of personnel was about to reach fifteen, Mi Lu appeared, making Lin Xiao a little strange. If you know Mi Lu’s habit, she will only come over at noon, which means that everyone You need to stand here and wait.

"Hi, everyone."

Today's Mi Lu dress remains the same as yesterday. The only difference is that there is no such wonderful and handsome appearance as yesterday, and the plane is gone. , Mi Lu came here, and the smile on her face didn't come from the same as yesterday, but was a bit far-fetched.

Especially after seeing Lin Xiao sitting on the side, his face changed, but he quickly returned to normal, because Cattleya told her that Lin Xiao did nothing too much. , Still follow the procedure, challenge Gym, make an appointment first.

Despite Cattleya’s guarantee, Mi Lu was still a little nervous, worried that Lin Xiao and herself will settle accounts. You must know that what you did yesterday is equivalent to throwing Lin Xiao’s face into the trash can. NS.

When I think of myself telling a Grandmaster Rank Trainer that your strength is impossible to defeat me, even if you have a small Pokémon like Zapdos, Mi Lu has this way of digging a hole to hide yourself The thought of getting up is too shameful! ! !

I will definitely become a laughing stock if you spread it like this! ! !

With a slightly far-fetched smile on her face, Mi Lu came to the Gym to greet everyone. If she can, she really wants to take a break instead of continuing to accept the Gym Challenge. Cattleya's order came, and even if she was reluctant, she couldn't help but brace oneself.

"Since there are so many people, let the battle begin, come out, my wings."

Without waiting for fifteen people, Mi Lu announced the challenge. At the beginning, it wasn't that I didn't want to wait, but I was afraid that Lin Xiao would go crazy again. Yesterday's events are still vivid.

So Mi Lu did not wait until noon to come over early. This was absolutely impossible before, but now it really happened.

“I’m number one, then I’ll start first.” People who come to challenge Gym will basically investigate Gym’s information first, but there are also people who don’t know. Fortunately, when making an appointment, the staff will Explain so that everyone understands that this is a fantasy battle, which is different from the usual battle.

"Lin Xiao Master!!!"

I have to say that the speed of fantasy fighting is fast. In less than ten minutes, the battle of the five people in front of Lin Xiao is over, on the 6th. It was Lin Xiao's number today. Seeing that the battle had reached him, Lin Xiao stepped forward.

Don’t want Mi Lu to step back two steps with a little fear, and hurriedly bowed to say hello, making everyone except the challenger who came yesterday looked astonished, Master?

"It's just as good as yesterday, you don't need to be afraid." Although the mouth is so comforting, Lin Xiao's tone and expression didn't comfort Mi Lu at all.

"Uh, yes." Mi Lu was awkwardly nodded. Seeing that Lin Xiao was not angry, she was slightly sighed, and vowed to pay attention to what happened in the Alliance in the future, so as not to have such embarrassment again.

"Come out then, my friends."

Lin Xiao didn’t say much. It’s useless to say more at this time. Just start right away. My goal is to get Badge instead of Come to scare Mi Lu.

Lin Xiao threw the Poké Ball directly and released the little Pokémon he was participating in the battle. It is a bit exaggerated to say that participating in the war is actually the little Pokémon visited. Three little Pokémon came out of the Poké Ball, immediately The people around him dropped their jaws, because the little Pokémon sent by Lin Xiao was a bit scary.

The first one, Yale, the second Dialga, and the third Zapdos. Among them, Zapdos came out of the Poké Ball and looked at Mi Lu unhappily. It seemed to say, if you dare I am not the only one who is as angry as yesterday.

Actually, Zapdos would not dare to do it without Lin Xiao’s signal, but Yalei and Dialga were annoyed, even if Lin Xiao stopped it, they would vent a bit before returning. You can let these two little Pokémon vent everything afterwards. All ruined.

"Gudu~~~" Mi Lu last night fiercely tutored Lin Xiao's information, knowing what kind of Pokémon Lin Xiao’s little Pokémon are, no longer as confused as before, so I saw After that, the little Pokémon sent by Lin Xiao was scared back a few steps, forced a smile and said: "Lin Xiao Master, you have been able to get the Badge, so there is no need to fight."

No one Speaking, no one protested that Mi Lu's words were incorrect. Many people didn't know what little Pokémon Yale and Dialga were, but from the imposing manner of hiding the sky and covering the earth, many things could be guessed.

"Oh? Don't fight anymore?" This surprised Lin Xiao, "The feeling is good, I can save trouble." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"This is Badge." Mi Lu nervously took out the Badge and handed it to Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao was not polite. He picked up the Badge and walked directly, waved his hand, and let the three little Pokémon move freely. You can go have fun.


Dialga roared, taking Yale and Zaptos, so that everyone only saw the space slightly twisted, and then the three little Pokémon disappeared in He entered the dimensional space directly, and passed through the dimensional space faster than Flying.

The little Pokémon went to play on their own. Lin Xiao took the Badge and put it away and left directly. When he walked to Mi Lu's side, he paused, "In fact, you can change it."..

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