"Yes." Yati said with a smile: "Ash came to the challenge a few days ago, but unfortunately Venipede happened before it even started, and it rained heavily for three consecutive days. , So it was delayed. He came to challenge yesterday and has already won the Badge."

It seems that Ash is ahead of him this time, Lin Xiao did not care too much, and Yati Walked into the Gym together.

The outside looks spectacular, but when you get inside, you will find that Gym is actually the most spectacular place. It is simply a large botanical garden.

It is normal for Yati to love Bug Type Pokémon to make Gym like this, but Lin Xiao is curious, if people like Dragon Type Pokémon who love Dragon Type Pokémon will do Gym Trainer, what will Gym become? Look like?


Walking into the Gym, Yati snapped her fingers, and an open space in the Gym slowly opened to both sides, and an underground site immediately slowly The rise of, Lin Xiao took an unexpected look at Yati, this kind of handwriting is not small, it is estimated that tossing this Gym stadium will cost a lot of money.

The appearance of the arena means that the challenge is about to begin. The referee walked in with two flags and waved it. Loudly said: "Then Castelia Gym Gym Trainer and Lin Xiao challenger from Kanto Region use Badge as The betting battle officially begins. The rule of the game is to use three little Pokémons. When one of the little Pokémons loses the combat capability, then the other side wins. Only the challenger can replace the little Pokémon on the way. The little Pokémon used."

"Since I am a Gym Trainer, I will move first, come out!!" Yati took out the Poké Ball and threw the Poké Ball vigorously and shouted: "Then It's you, my baby, come out."

"Stone House!!"

Poké Ball bounced in the air, and the first little Pokémon used by Yati appeared immediately , It's Dwebble.

Little Pokémon of Bug Type and Rock Type.

Xiao Ju'er and Toozi sat aside, watching the game.

Both of them are thinking of dealing with such a little Pokémon. I don't know what type Lin Xiao will choose to use.

Are the stones on the back different?

Lin Xiao looked at Yati’s Dwebble, and after thinking about it, he immediately guessed that the back of this Dwebble is different. There is definitely a problem. The stone on the back of Normal Dwebble is black and gray. , But this Dwebble actually carries a little white, and it seems that such a little weight does not affect it at all.

Lin Xiao immediately guessed that these are definitely some strange stones.

Some stones are harder in geology, while others are lighter. The difference of various stones will affect the battle changes of Dwebble.

"You have to be careful, my Dwebble is different, it is very fast!"

Looking at my full-fledged Dwebble, Yati is somewhat I am proud and generously tell Lin Xiao the strengths of his Dwebble.

"Is it fast? That means the stone on the back is lighter but very strong."

Lin Xiao muttered lightly and took out the Poké Ball. Throwing and shouting: "Then Tepig is you, come out to fight!!"

Now Tepig is on the verge of evolving, as long as the battle will be able to evolve soon, as for Yati’s kind reminder Lin Xiao wouldn't care, he was reminding but didn't he put some psychological pressure on himself?

Don’t think that Yati will kindly remind others that his Dwebble is very fast. This is actually a psychological tactic that allows the challenger to constantly move towards Dwebble to guess the speed, which may easily lead to mental instability. concentrated.

The consequences of the lack of concentration during the battle are obvious. Lin Xiao is not a trainer from Normal who just got the little Pokémon and started traveling.

A kind reminder is not worth half a dime in his opinion.

"Then that!!!"

Tepig came out of Poké Ball and happily took a circle on the ground, very excited.

It hasn't fought for a long time. This is the scene that Tepig is looking forward to. Lin Xiao dispatched him to fight.

"Then Dwebble vs. Tepig, the battle has officially started!!!" Both of them sent their own Pokémon, and the referee immediately announced the start of the game.

To deal with Bug Type and Rock Type’s Dwebble, Lin Xiao’s Pokémon now is more suitable for Tepig. As for Zaptos, Lin Xiao does not intend to let him play,

" I’m at home, so I’m welcome, Dwebble uses scissors cross punch!!"


After receiving Trainer's instructions, Dwebble yelled Tepig who moved towards Lin Xiao rushed over.

Sure enough, so fast!

"shua ~" Dwebble pulled out an afterimage in the arena, and it disappeared. Lin Xiao couldn't help feeling astonished. The speed of this Dwebble really exceeded his imagination, "Tepig dodge is here. !!!"

"Then that!!!"

Received Lin Xiao's instruction, Tepig jumped up directly, wanting dodge Dwebble to attack but the speed was a little slower. I was directly hit by Dwebble.

"Then that!!!"

Tepig yelled and was knocked out and fell into the arena, splashing a little dust. Xiao Ju'er's eyes widened and stood up, Lin Xiao actually fell immediately?

"Very good Dwebble, his stones should be made from some kind of lighter geological stones?"

Looking at the speed of Dwebble coming like wind and going like shadows, Lin Xiao couldn't help exaggerating.

Yati smiled slightly and was very satisfied looking at her Dwebble.

Unfortunately, even if the speed is fast, it is not a panacea, let alone the stone on Dwebble's back is just dug out and got into it. At that time, Dwebble was at its most vulnerable.

"Tepig! Use Tackle!!!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Xiao directly used Tackle. The fast little Pokémon usually has insufficient physical strength, Yati is impossible. Let his Dwebble attack fiercely all the time.

Not to mention that Dwebble still carries a piece of Rock on its back compared to other little Pokémon. Even if the geology is lighter, it still carries Rock on its back, which will continue to consume its physical strength. ..

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