"Yes, our satellite system is detected in the mountains outside Castelia City, and there was a very strange signal being comes out, and that these signals lead to Venipede they all enter Castelia City of. "voice full of anxiety among the yew.

"Because no other adults in the vicinity, so please Lin Xiao adults you can only shot, stop Venipede who Castelia City of reducing casualties."

"hehe ~ no problem. "

Lin Xiao faintly smiled, the communication is closed, and so is their own words.

shut down communications, Lin Xiao directly out Poké Ball, the child looked at Cindy Lin Xiao, wondering how he would do all these Venipede disperse into the forest outside the city to go.

"You better stay right here."

thrown Poké Ball, Lin Xiao stand up directly out of the window, Cindy children surprised a moment, scared and said: "Are you crazy?! "

" wow !!! "

Poké Ball bounce shrill Growl on the streets ringing in the air, Zapdos out from the Poké Ball, firmly caught him .

"I'm sorry I'm not crazy, I'm the opposite of normal." Directed at children look stunned Cindy grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, Lin Xiao patted Zapdos head, the sky and direct Zapdos since, with Lin Xiao fly sky.

"it really is densely packed."

Zapdos sit back and flew up into the sky, Lin Xiao looked at the bottom of Castelia City found everywhere Venipede, so many the number originally expected even more than myself, "who cares, anyway, I shot well-known, not her own, the destruction of the city is better than a lot of people to die well?"

"out it Dialga !! "

Zapdos sit back and Lin Xiao directly threw a Poké Ball, and now Lin Xiao carry around a small Pokémon Zapdos and Dialga will be able to help some busy, as for the other small Pokémon still not out of mischief is better, a pair of one after another of the two would have no problems, but now Venipede throughout Castelia City is too much.

"roar! !!"

out from the Poké Ball, Dialga floating in the air looked up and uttered a roar against the sky, the roar moved towards all directions sweep away will be a lot of lying on the building Venipede are blown out of the ground.

roar so loudly that one can not help but tremble slightly eardrum, and even airflow around have become confused again.

mortgage Luka roar will have a lot of Venipede were startled into hiding.

"Dialga these Venipede all thrust back into the woods."

do not have to say too much, Dialga you know how to do.

"roar! !!"

nodded Dialga with a burst of roar, moved towards the bottom of the Castelia City fly, powerful Aura Force immediately began enveloped the entire city, you want to these Venipede the Boss immediately to find out.

Dialga proceed directly Lin Xiao pointed to the other side of the city, said: "Zapdos we go over there, will Venipede expel all over." Castelia City a forest against a bare rely on a barren hill, Lin Xiao directly let Zapdos with his own moved towards the direction of barren hills and flew prepare these Venipede have moved towards the thrust side of the forest.

with Lin Xiao, the other side of the fast fly Zapdos moved towards Castelia City fast to speed through a Zapdos Castelia City and not too much or how long to be arrival.

Zapdos with his own Castelia City flew to the other side, Lin Xiao looked Venipede below the densely packed, and shouted: "Zapdos, using strong Hurricane will blow all these Venipede go !!"

now Venipede has occupied the entire Castelia City, received on the building, the sewer, the shop everywhere. Case

does not hurt them they will be angered its thrust together will become much easier, as the last link needed to get Dialga.

"wow !!!"

screamed Zapdos two huge wings to start up quickly incited a surge of strong winds rolled immediately, will have a blow only Venipede to go on, and some of these Venipede at Rest, in some running around, and some slapstick, not wait for them to pay attention had been blown down.

"is such a change of direction, continue !!"

Now not random attack, Lin Xiao had to let Zapdos will only climb a building up of all who Venipede gave the blow down.

"ah !!!"

With Venipede keep falling off the building and some of the buildings to high, and some people will not accidentally crashed through the glass in the house scared of daylights tip Growl coming out is inevitable.

do not care about those sharp Growl, now only themselves to disperse these Venipede, these people should be wise to hide instead of hiding behind the glass peep, if the tip leads to Venipede Growl scared satiety centipede attack It is their own bad luck.

Lin Xiao do not have the time nor the ability to be an all out of the house only Venipede neighborhood.

Fortunately, this small Pokémon are social, as long as the group ran, the other will be after him.

"ao !!!"

"bang! !!"

City Center violent explosion rang, Dialga attacked, he now Boss to do is get rid of these Venipede, then deterrence, so that these Venipede afraid of the wind, moved towards the side run, the only way to get these Venipede have to go inside the forest, as the attack caused damage, Lin Xiao only say sorry.

"quickly quickly !! Zapdos here, here there is a group !!!"

started to disperse is the most troublesome, too many high-rise buildings in the city will need these Dounong down, and then moved towards the side of thrust, the only way Venipede who will oust all.

in the command Lin Xiao, Zapdos began using strong Hurricane those lying on the building Venipede all blow down.

Some Trainer see Lin Xiao moves knew he was dealing with these Venipede and it will have to be thrown Poké Ball, learn Lin Xiao these Venipede Dunong down.


"dong! !!"

center of the city many people in her head lose one's head out of fear of run, Dialga huge body walking in the city. ..

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