Am I such a greedy person? Moreover, ice cream is only suitable to eat a little bit. Eating too much is not good for the stomach. Just looking at Toozi's quick witted in an emergency, Lin Xiao was speechless and opened his mouth to make me bite.

"Ah, what are you doing, this is mine, you are not allowed to eat it!! There is my saliva on it!!"

"You don't have bad breath, so why don't you give it to me? Eat, don’t worry, I won’t despise you."

"Ah!!! It’s disgusting, don’t do it!!! Don’t eat mine!!!"

Lin Xiao really The bite came over and was so shocked that she stretched out her hand to protect her ice cream and turned and ran.


Looking at Toozi turned and ran, Lin Xiao yelled and chased after him, scared him to run wildly.

"Ah!!! No, I won't give it to you!!!" Too Zi really thought Lin Xiao would grab his ice cream, and ran all the way with the ice cream to eat, not giving Lin Xiao a chance.

Compared with Lin Xiao and Toozi, Xiao Ju'er is a bit busy now, at least to comfort the fans, autograph photos can not escape, sometimes too famous is not necessarily a good thing.

Lin Xiao took Toozi and ran away, making Xiao Ju'er muttered in dissatisfaction in her heart: "It's really unjustified, I just left it and ran away."

It doesn't matter if Lin Xiao and Toozi are or not Thanks to justice, now Xiao Ju'er can only stabilize her fans first, but fortunately, this kind of thing is Xiao Ju'er's expertise.

After playing with Toozi Play Rough for a while, Lin Xiao found a hotel with a good environment to stay, and then sent a text message to Xiao Ju'er.

"hu~ ~~"

"You guys just left me in the cold drink shop like this. I was exhausted."

Back to the hotel After that, Xiao Ju'er complained dissatisfied, and solved the problem that a large number of fans made Xiao Ju'er tired, and the signatures made her wrists sore.

"If we don't leave, we will be drowned by your army of fans."

Lin Xiao laughed and said, "What to eat at night, just ask for it, I think It’s better for us to go out less in the city."

"I'm casual, so tired, I want to take a shower first."

Xiao Ju'er stretched her waist, she is slender. As she stretched her waist, her body was directly outlined in an S shape, which made Lin Xiao couldn't help but stay in a daze.

Xiao Ju'er found Lin Xiao's gaze turned and smiled, "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Lin Xiao was very serious and nodded, making Xiao Ju'er happy, that woman didn't want to Hear others complimenting yourself? "It's just that the meat is a bit less."

"You..." Xiao Ju'er, who was a little pleased because of Lin Xiao's compliment, almost died out of anger. This guy actually said that he had meat. few?

"Go and die, what look in your eyes."

"hahaha ........"

Xiao Ju'er was amused by herself So Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, I went to take a bath." Lin Xiao gave Lin Xiao a white look, Xiao Ju'er planned for three hours, oh no, not talking to Lin Xiao for at least three days, it was too annoying.

I am a well-known model! ! There are countless fans in Yixiu Region, even in other regions, but Lin Xiao actually said that he has a little less meat.

The meaning of the lack of meat, of course Xiao Ju'er understands what it means. Doesn't it mean that his career line is flat? That's disgusting.

Lin Xiao hahaha smiled, and suddenly stopped the laughter. The smile on his face was disappeared. He got up and walked to the window and opened the curtains. His expression became serious. There were two Venipedes lying in front of the window.

Venipede lives in the forest. Sometimes when it's not easy to find food, it will enter the city from the sewer all the way into the city. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is subdued by others.

But Lin Xiao can be sure that these two Venipede are not other people's little Pokémon because of their eyes.

Don’t look at Venipede. It looks like a bigger beetle. This guy is not to be trifled with. He has a bad personality and is easy to attack directly, and he also has Toxic.

"Two Venipedes scared you into a stunned mouth?"

Little Ju'er, who was planning to ignore Lin Xiao for three days, immediately seized this opportunity to fight Lin Xiao.

"Unfortunately, it's not two." Lin Xiao ignored Xiao Ju'er's tone and opened the window directly, "Ah!!!"


"Don't come near me!!"

"I'm poisoned!!! Save me!!!"

A cry of exclamation came in immediately, the hotel’s The soundproofing effect is very good. The outside sound can't be heard unless the window is opened. Lin Xiao opened the window and shocked Xiao Ju'er. What happened.

"Go down."

Lin Xiao raised his hand, two bean-sized purple balls of light moved towards the two Venipedes and flew away, and the two Venipedes were directly bounced and dropped. .

This is only the sixth floor. Venipede will not suffer any harm if it falls. Lin Xiao was a little surprised at the chaotic street. How long has this been, how can the entire Castelia City be occupied by Venipede? Yet?

At this time, the entire Castelia City is in chaos, but there are densely packed red and black spots everywhere. It is a Venipede that only enters the city, and now it almost occupies the entire city.

Many people on the street were half-dead, and those who were afraid of insects and those who had intensive phobia immediately gave out sharp Growl.

"This..." Lin Xiao didn't mean to be joking, Xiao Ju'er also felt something wrong and walked over and looked surprised: "How is it possible, there was no one just now!!! Where did it come from? That many Venipede?! Is there no warning?"

It took less than ten minutes for Xiao Ju'er to arrive at the hotel, but in less than ten minutes, the entire Castelia City was Venipede. Occupied.

This kind of little Pokémon is not a good stubble, not to mention that the venom is strong, and it will actively attack people.

But how did so many Venipede quietly occupy the entire Castelia City?

"It should be from the sewer. Venipede likes to stay in a dark place. It is normal to enter the sewer and appear in the city, but this is the first time for such a large scale."

Looking at the streets full of Venipede, many even climbed onto the house, there were densely packed Venipede everywhere, Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

"I hope that these Venipedes were not brought in by Scolipede, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable." Lin Xiao frowned deeply. ..

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