Lin Xiao didn’t even ask for the price and said directly: "Bring me a Pokémon egg from the rattan snake."

I was ready to continue the introduction, but Gao Fei was taken aback. "Guest, do you need a Pokémon egg with a rattan snake?" With uncertainty on his face, the selling girl explained: "Because the rattan snake It is very popular in Ben Region, so the price will be more expensive than other Normal Pokémon."

No matter which Region, there are people who specialize in breeding Pokémon, and of course there is an Alliance’s own control center. Privately, the products from Alliance will definitely not be sold in these up-markets. These all are privately-breed and the price will be a bit more expensive. After all, they need to pay a lot of taxes.

"I know that the price is not a problem. Give me one, but I have to determine the quality of the eggs."

Pokémon eggs are also eggs. Of course dead eggs will appear. Lin Xiao doesn't want to spend it. Buy a dead egg that can't hatch at a big price.

"Oh oh! Okay, please wait a moment."

The little girl was taken aback, and immediately showed a professional and gentle smile, and went down to get the vine at Gao Fei sweetly smiled. Pokémon eggs of the vine snake.

Pokémon egg cabinets are all prepared, and the little girl who sells things soon took out an egg and put it on a machine. The machine immediately showed the type of egg and the situation inside the egg. , Everything only needs to wait for a period of time, the Pokémon egg will hatch.

"shua card."

Throw the card on the table, and the girl who sells things immediately packaged Gao Fei. Without immediate swiping of the card, he got Gao Fei’s point. Praise.

"By the way, what is this?"

Waiting to wrap the Pokémon eggs, Lin Xiao looked at a Pokémon egg with golden stripes and asked. He really didn’t know him. This kind of Pokémon egg, although Lin Xiao has been reading books, people will never forget if they are not recorded on a computer or a notebook. Lin Xiao is only an individual who certainly does not recognize.

The little girl who is packing the Pokémon eggs lifts the head said with a smile: "Guest, that is the Pokémon egg from Emolga. It is a kind of good and cute little Pokémon. You need to buy it One?"

"Emolga guide?" Lin Xiao's mind came up with the guide Emolga material, but it was very cute, and it was also a little Pokémon that made opponent difficult to entangle.

Lin Xiao thought for a while and said: "Then give me one, this one does not need to be packaged."

Said Gao Fei picked up Emolga’s Pokémon egg and checked it on the machine. After a while, the Pokémon egg was placed in the backpack.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The little girl who sells things slightly smiled, and immediately wrapped up the Pokémon egg of Fujiteng Snake and handed it to Lin Xiao. I picked up the card and swiped it, and soon a sum of money was withdrawn from Lin Xiao’s card. For an average person, buying Pokémon eggs is not worth too expensive. For Lin Xiao, what meaning and value can’t be considered? good.

"Please walk slowly."

After giving the money, Lin Xiao picked up the Present box, left here, and walked on the court to wonder if he still needs to buy Some other things.


Suddenly the Poké Ball around Lin Xiao's waist bounced off, and Sandile ran out of the Poké Ball himself, under Lin Xiao's stunned eyes He ran to the shelf where the glasses were sold, picked up a pair of sunglasses, and then retracted himself into the Poké Ball.


Watching Sandile ran out by himself, took a pair of sunglasses and ran back, the person who sold the sunglasses and Lin Xiao both stunned.

"This guy." Sandile's behavior was so troubled that Lin Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh, if you want sunglasses, you just say directly, what is this, it is simply indistinguishable from robbery.

Sandile took someone else's sunglasses and ran away, but it was all right and was stared at by others.

Looking at the big size that sells sunglasses, staring at herself with a bad face said with a bitter smile: "Sorry, my little Pokémon likes that pair of sunglasses very much. I didn't expect it to be like this, I'm sorry. , How much money."

I gave the money speechlessly. Lin Xiao planned to wait until he left Nacrene City to give Sandile a lesson. This guy hasn’t started to evolve yet. Rogue habits come and he needs education. Don't let him develop a bad habit.

"Have you bought the things you want?"

Depressed, Lin Xiao gave away the money for the sunglasses, and just happened to come across Toozi who went back to buy private and secret items.

"Here is it for you, remember, I will be warm in the bed in the future, otherwise I will count the interest." Handing the Present box to Toozi Lin Xiao couldn't help but joking.

"Warm the quilt and warm the quilt."

Toozi, whose attention was drawn to the past, didn't care about Lin Xiao at all, and quickly opened the box, "Wow!!!"

Looking at the white and green Pokémon egg in the box, Toozi screamed with excitement in both eyes. He threw the box away, picked up the Pokémon egg and didn't let go.

The corner of his eye twitched, Lin Xiao speechless saying: "Okay don't do this, no one will grab it from you, but you have to raise it well."

Shook his head Lin. Xiao left the mall first, Toozi immediately followed with the Pokémon egg, and said happily: "Thank you."


laughed, Lin Xiao moved towards Nacrene directly Walk outside the City.

Toozi happily hugged the Pokémon eggs and followed Lin Xiao on the road, constantly wiping the Pokémon eggs with a towel, making Lin Xiao feel Alexander. Wiping Pokémon eggs is normal, but you don’t think so Is it too much?

Fortunately, Pokémon's egg shell is very hard. Don't worry about rubbing it down directly.

Leaving Nacrene City and walking in the forest Lin Xiao said with a smile: "In fact, there are little Pokémon like vines, vines and snakes in this forest, but it's a pity that your strength can't be subdued."

"I can't help it, but I will work hard!!"

Touzi clenched his fist, firmly clenched his fist, "I will definitely give Pokémon the strength I grew up."

As the time spent traveling with Lin Xiao got longer, Too Zi began to understand the importance of strength and began to work hard.

It's a pity that her little pig has a long way to go to become stronger.


Suddenly a strong white light came out of the backpack, making Lin Xiao stunned. This, shouldn't it be Emolga's guide? Pokémon eggs will start hatching right after they are bought, and this speed is really fast. ..

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