All four people in the field watched the vines evolve.

The white light is very dazzling, and it quickly filled the entire arena. It came very quickly and went very quickly. It was just a short ten seconds for the evolution of the vine snake It has ended.

A well-developed green vine snake appeared in front of everyone, proudly and proudly raising his little head.

"Is it one meter tall? It's about 30 centimeters more than the normal one."

After a long time, the little Pokémon immediately evolves Lin Xiao will start watching immediately Change your own little Pokémon and see if the evolution is successful, if it is still exactly the same as the ordinary little Pokémon, it will be a bit of a failure.

In evolution, only the body of the vine snake is much larger than that of the vine snake, the tail has not changed, and a beautiful leafage grows on the head, and the short hands have also evolved into the leafage. The shape of the neck, which looks like a Normal collar, is also a lot longer on the sides. The biggest change is the eyes.

If the vines snakes of the past were only shrewd and arrogant in their eyes, now the vines snakes have another meaning that is charming. charming. If you read it correctly, it’s charming. charming. In fact, this The word Normal can only be used on a small humanoid Pokémon like Gardevoir, but if you don’t look at the body and only look at the eyes, you can see these things in the eyes of the Qingteng snake.

After evolution, the eyes have changed from a round shape to a long shape, but they are very similar to the red phoenix eyes of humans and have their own characteristics.

However, it also depends on the gender of Pokémon. The eyes of male vine snakes do not change much, but the female and sex vine snakes change a lot.

Just go out in a situation like the green vine snake, there are definitely a lot of emotional little Pokémon will like it, even if it is across species, they will also like it.

It's just that the price of liking it is very high. Don't think the little fellow is very beautiful, but the in the bones Tsundere Attribute has not disappeared due to evolution, but has become more and more intense.

This kind of little Pokémon, especially the Ivy Snake who has super confidence in himself, doesn't like the Normal little Pokémon. It is even more difficult to pursue it.

Not to mention that Lin Xiao doesn't like some little Pokémon spinning around him, his eyes are peachy and his mouth is full of saliva.

Someone used one sentence to describe the three stages of female and sexual vine snakes.

They are arrogant little loli, charming woman and glamorous queen!

After evolving into Serperior, the personality will also change, very cold, plus the moving eyes and beautiful appearance is like a cold queen Normal, always giving people and little Pokémon a kind of aloof The illusion of and remote.

"What a beautiful vine snake!!!"

Watching the vine vine snake evolve into a beautiful vine snake, both Aloe Vera and her husband couldn’t help it. Amazed.

"It's really beautiful."

Looking at his Qingteng snake, Lin Xiao slightly smiled, and he didn't waste that many time.

Little Pokémon has different food configurations because of the different evolutionary directions. In order to make his vine snake into a beautiful guy, Lin Xiao did a lot of hard work on fiercely. It eats The small Pokémon food and the noodle treasure are specially made, and there are a large number of Pokéblock, which are specially made, and some other things are mixed in it.

After breeding and evolving in this way, the appearance of the siberian vine snake and Serperior will become a bit more colorful, charming, bright, and more beautiful.

Don't underestimate Lin Xiao. It's just a small addition. This thing is a very expensive average person. I can't even think about it. Only Lin Xiao can be a prodigal to toss.

If you change to an average person, even if the little Pokémon will become more beautiful because of this, you will be frightened away by the amazing price of those things.

For example, Ash, now Ash feeds vines and vine snakes, but he must not dare to toss him like Lin Xiao. It is not enough to buy some ingredients with his own pocket money.

But if you pay, you will gain. Obviously, the gains are great. Looking at the beautiful Qingteng Snake, Lin Xiao feels relieved. The money is not in vain, but he still needs to work hard. It needs to evolve to become Serperior, that is, the glamorous queen, and the money that needs to be consumed is not a small amount.

However, Lin Xiao doesn't care enough about money, so he thinks that many are doing.

Lin Xiao, Aloe, and her husband, Too Zi couldn't help but praise. Qingteng Snake looked at his body with satisfaction and was very satisfied.

"Wow!! I really want to want it!!!"

Looking at the beautiful Ivy Snake, Tooko's eyes are undoubtedly peachy, girl Who doesn't like the pretty little Pokémon?

Especially the clever and individual Pokémon like Fujitosake.

"I'm very curious, how did you breed such a beautiful green vine snake, did you start with food?"

This makes Aloe Vera almost can’t help it. I want to conquer a vine snake to raise it.

Many little Pokémon can start with food to make the little Pokémon's hair shiny. This is no secret. Aloe vera directly guessed that it was a food problem.

"Well, yes."

Lin Xiao looked at the Qingteng Snake, slightly smiled, and explained: "It starts from the food, whether it is the normal little Pokémon food There are still other Pokéblocks, face treasures, I have added some things, so after the evolution of the Qingteng snake, the appearance is very beautiful, the effect is very good, but the price is a bit expensive."

"In order to achieve this effect, it I made special foods for me.”

There are only a few Pokémon in Lin Xiao’s hands that receive such treatment. In addition to the Qingteng Snake, there are Mitsumi Li and Suicune with outstanding appearance. Pokémon, other little Pokémon have special matching things, but it's not like this.

"Is it a green fruit?"

Aloe is guarding the largest library in the Yixiu Region. Naturally, I know a lot of things. I thought about it and was shocked.

Those things are eaten by wealthy people, and they are basically reluctant to eat them. They need to be controlled. Of all the regions, Kanto is the only place that is rich in production, and the output is poor. The average person can't buy it even if there is money. Fortunately, Lin Xiao was so prodigious that it was too late to use that kind of golden fruit to equip the little Pokémon in the food.

This is not a prodigal behavior?

Aloe immediately laughed at the idea of ​​breed vines.

Her salary is not Lin Xiao that many. ..

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