"This impossible my Axew is not so courageous!"

Iris thought that Lin Xiao was joking with himself, and answered with a smile at the moment. Lin Xiao had no choice but to take out the Poké Ball and throw it out, "Then come out and meet everyone, Dialga."

Dialga? !

When Lin Xiao called out the name of Pokémon, Ash was surprised while Iris and Cilan were a little stunned. Divine Heart is already thinking whether it is Dialga, the god of time in Sinnoh Region, right?


Little Pokémon hasn't appeared yet, but a tyrannical breath has spread. Dialga's personality is very similar to Rayquaza, but I don’t know what convergence is. , Strong strength means strong strength. Why should you converge your own strength?

Along with the powerful breath, there was a low roar, which made everyone except Lin Xiao feel a little uncomfortable. Except Lin Xiao, everyone else felt a strong pressure assaults the senses, the breath of Dialga was moved towards all directions, which caused everyone except Lin Xiao to be enveloped by this aura.

Several people suddenly felt a powerful oppression pressing on them, making it hard for them to breathe.


Iris’ Axew did not come to Lin Xiao’s expectation, was so scared that he got into Iris’ hair and hid, it’s not too much to hide. The body was still trembling slightly, which made Lin Xiao feel that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and I said it would scare this little fellow.

You still don’t believe it, is it fun now?

The psychology of the little fellow is estimated that there will be shadows for a period of time, especially Axew is the same size as an ant in front of Dialga, a little bit of breath can make the little fellow holding head hide.


Dialga's huge body appeared on Ground, making Ground slightly trembled, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Alright Dialga will take away the breath Everyone will not be able to bear it."

"ao ~~"

With a cry of dissatisfaction, Dialga condensed his breath, Lin Xiao smiled and patted it He lowered his head and gave him a pot of food. Fortunately, although this big grumpy guy is huge, his appetite is not very strong. It is enough to eat a little casually. Even a little Pokémon like this would not eat for a long time. Food will not feel hungry, eating more or for being full, full of appetite.

"Wow!! So handsome!! It's exactly the same as Dialga in Sinnoh Region, but it's a lot bigger."

Ash, who came back to his senses for a long time, was very happy. Shouted, and gestured, feeling that Lin Xiao's Dialga is much larger than the body in Sinnoh Region.

It’s really Dragon Type. The little Pokémon really scared Axew into hiding. Looking at the huge Dialga, Iris was surprised and a little scared. She didn’t see her from the Land of Dragons. After this level of Dragon Type Pokémon, compared with Dialga, those Pokémon above are not at a level at all.

Cilan looked at Dialga stupidly and felt bitter speechless. Fortunately, Lin Xiao was very satiated when he challenged Gym and didn't use this guy, otherwise he wouldn't have to fight.

Iris’ Axew was scared and hid. The Tepig who had been following Lin Xiao inexplicably hid in the tent and dare not come out. The aura before Dialga was too amazing.

"So amazing!!"

For a long time, Iris had a look of envy in his eyes and couldn't help but praise. I was curious how Lin Xiao managed to subdue such a little Pokémon. I know it's not easy to subdue this little Pokémon.

But Iris was very clever and didn't ask Lin Xiao how and where he did it.

"It's scary!!"

Iris feels great, and Touzi feels terrified!

Dialga's breath just now made her almost out of breath, which is uncomfortable.

"Can you help me do some training?" Suddenly Iris turned his head and looked at Lin Xiao expectantly, hoping that he could help himself to train his Axew.


Lin Xiao was taken aback.

"En en." Iris hurriedly nodded, Lin Xiao said with a bitter smile: "I really don't know how to train Axew this kind of Dragon Type Pokémon. After all, I have no experience before." Lin Xiao said. It's not nonsense that although the Dragon Type Pokémon he owns can occasionally make Iris burst into tears, he really doesn't know how to train Axew. Each Pokémon's training method is different, so you can't mess around.

"But what stage are you training? Maybe some of my past experience will help you." Now there are not many children like Iris, Lin Xiao intends to help a little bit.

"Uh..." Iris's expression suddenly became a bit awkward, and his black face turned red involuntarily, and said embarrassingly: "Everything hasn't started yet... ....."

Well, Lin Xiao was speechless, patted his forehead and said, "In this way, you can let Axew start to exercise his physical strength, no matter what little Pokémon's physical strength is, the most important thing is Although the Dragon Type Pokémon’s physical strength is relatively strong, it cannot give up training in this area. By the way, has Axew entered some simple battles?"

"Not yet..... ..."

Iris still shook his head, Lin Xiao was helpless, it seems that he still thinks too much.

Thinking about it, Lin Xiao suggested: "Would you like Axew to do some simple battles first?"


After thinking about Iris, I decided to try what Lin Xiao said, but her psychology is not clear, because her Axew is a bit strange...

Axew was scared by Dialga to hide. Going into Iris' hair, now Iris finally understands why Lin Xiao didn't want to release his Dragon Type Pokémon before.

It's a pity that Axew refused to come out and Iris was able to persuade him for a while, so that Axew overcame the fear of Dialga and came out of Iris' hair. It was just that Dialga's expressions all were a bit afraid.

"Axew now we are going to fight!! Must show courage to overcome difficulties, know?"

Axew came out, Iris started to encourage it, but Dialga was little on the side fellow is very restrained. ..

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