"Why is this happening!!"

Looking at the things that were boiled by herself, the girl was so frustrated that she fell on the grass and rolled.

"It shouldn’t be!! It’s clear that there is nothing wrong with the steps, but why are they confused?"

The girl is very depressed, and the steps of cooking the noodles should not be wrong. , But it is still blurred, why? Why on earth! !

"I'm really mad at me." After rolling for a long time, the girl got up from the ground, puffed up her face and stared at the still dark face in front of her, and suddenly felt that she had no appetite for something like this to eat NS?

"Ahhh!!!" Going crazy! !

Yelling a few times, the girl sat weakly on the ground and clutched her belly, not knowing how to solve her lunch next.

Only when she went out for the first time, she realized that traveling was not so easy. Solving the food problem first would be a headache.

"Well?!" What does it taste like? Suddenly the girl got up and sucked her nose vigorously, showing an intoxicated expression, "It smells so good! The smell comes from this side." Fragrance smelling the food, the girl picked up her backpack without thinking, moved towards Lin Xiao Go in the direction you are.

"I thought Shirona would travel with her, but who knew she would eat alone."

At the beginning, Shirona said she would accompany her to travel with her, but she later said that she couldn’t come. Many, work is a bit busy, Lin Xiao is a bit speechless.

Lin Xiao laughed looking at Fragrance's food on the table. He was used to the excitement and suddenly he really couldn't adapt to it alone.

"Well, you can eat alone!"

Pick up the bowl and chopsticks, Lin Xiao ate,

"You are not alone "

Suddenly there was a female voice behind him, making Lin Xiao look back in a daze, "Yi?!"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but yelled out, but soon found out I confessed my mistake.

Not far from herself, a young girl who looks like Yayi is 9 minutes similar to her, is constantly sucking her nose, staring at her food, and it says I want to eat a few big words on her face. !

The girl and Mei are very similar, and they are about the same age. The most important thing is that this appearance and dress are really not Normal! ! At first glance, Lin Xiao almost thought she was Yai, but unfortunately there are still different things. Now Yai is no longer in Yixiu Region, and went to Kalos with Toxic Island Maeko. He said that he would get a few million Pokémon and make Lin. Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Hello, I am Toozi, can I have dinner with you?"

The girl showed a hungry and pitiful expression, "I can give you money, give you money Okay? I don't know how to cook, but there is nowhere to buy and eat." The girl named Toozi hurried to find her wallet.

"Hey, where's the wallet, where's the wallet!!!"

"It's over!! Where did the wallet go!!!"

Suddenly exaggerated Lin Xiao's yelling sounded, and Lin Xiao jumped, and looked at this young girl Toozi who looks very similar to Yayi. Her personality is a bit frightened and flustered.

"wu wu wu ~~~"

After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find the wallet, and finally Toozi showed an expression that was about to cry, with a smile on his face, and looked back depressed moved towards It seems that I don’t have any money. I should go back and eat the burnt noodles. How could I be so unlucky? I lost my wallet, what should I do in the future?

wu wu ~! ! ! Toozi feels like he is going crazy. It's really unlucky for people to drink water and get stuck between their teeth!

Toozi's anxious expression made Lin Xiao almost laughed, watching her sad and disappointed to leave, Lin Xiao said amusedly: "Hey! That Toozi. "

"Don't comfort me, I'm sorry to bother you." Toozi, who was not in a beautiful mood, turned and bowed slightly to Lin Xiao, and was about to leave.

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Aren't you going to eat? I'll ask you to eat, because I just can't finish eating too much."

"Oh~ ~"

The depressed Toozi complied and continued to move forward, suddenly stunned and turned back to look at Lin Xiao, and said in surprise: "You asked me to eat? No money?"

Lin Xiao laughed, nodded and said: "No money, free."

"Gudu~~" Looking at Lin Xiao’s cooking, Toozi swallowed saliva and said, with a sorry smile, he hurried forward. Just when Lin Xiao was about to help her get the dishes, Too Zi suddenly made a move that made him stunned and grabbed the dishes he had eaten. He ate quickly and didn’t care if he would eat Lin Xiao again. What about saliva.

Uh...Lin Xiao looked at the wolf who was devouring it, Lin Xiao looked at his hand and felt a little dumbfounded. This is too exaggerated. How long has it been since I had eaten?

Lin Xiao regretted it because he didn't wait for him to start his own meal before all of it entered Toozi's stomach.


After eating, Toozi hiccups in an unimaginative manner, and then realizes that he has said that others have eaten all the food, and his face blushes embarrassingly. Said: "Sorry, I accidentally ate it."

"Ah!!! It's okay." Lin Xiao who came back to his senses shook his head, but still asked, "How long have you not eaten? "Hmm~~" Toozi lifts the head after thinking for a while, and said unsurely: "It was noon yesterday. I can't remember a bit. At that time, my sandwich was caught by Pokémon. I robbed it and I was angry so I didn't eat it. I cooked the noodles at noon today but it was all battered."

I didn't eat it at noon yesterday. Are you sure?

Doesn’t it mean that Touzi has not eaten since noon yesterday? ! Lin Xiao stared wide-eyed, weird, I can't even remember when I ate. The most speechless thing is the phrase of cooking the noodles and making it goofy, making Lin Xiao sweat profusely.

"It's okay, I'll just cook it separately."

Laughed, Lin Xiao continued to cook now. After all the food was eaten by Toozi alone, he could only cook separately. Fortunately, Toozi just hasn’t eaten in a day, so he can’t be hungry. It would be a little scary to eat so much in one meal.

"Are you here to travel? But your age is a bit..." I wanted to say that Lin Xiao is a bit older, but when I think about it impolitely, Toozi stopped in time NS.

Lin Xiao, who was cooking, turned around and explained: "I traveled all the way from other regions, so my age is a bit older." The explanation returned, but Lin Xiao was also curious, does Too Zi know himself? ..

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