Lin Xiao won’t kill Melissa. If he wants to kill, it’s very simple in terms of his ability, but Lin Xiao doesn’t want to do it. What she wants is Melissa has nothing. Whether it is money or foreign objects, including little Pokémon, she has nothing left. The rest of her life will be spent in Struggle. That is the biggest Punishment, death ends all one's troubles.

If someone like Melissa suddenly loses everything they have, it feels like falling down and on the street, it will definitely make people want to go crazy.

In fact, Lin Xiao wants this result.

The game was postponed for a day to continue, allowing those interested audiences and contestants to relax. Apart from occupying the arena and not being allowed to participate in the game, Lin Xiao did not make much excitement. Many people in Sinnoh Region feel at ease.

Occupying the venue is a trivial matter, the most is to postpone the conference a little bit, but if Lin Xiao gets angry and straightens the field and makes a big fuss... then Sinnoh Region will become incomparable. lively.

"Dear audience friends, the annual Lily of the Valley Conference officially started today. Yesterday, some accidents caused the conference to be postponed for one day, but I think it won’t kill everyone. Be enthusiastic! Then let us witness the moment of miracles. I don’t know who will win the final champion?"

The narrator said while mobilizing the audience’s minds." Now please pay attention to all the contestants. The following is your opponent. The first round will be played in a three-on-three match. Those who have won three rounds will be able to enter the finals. Please see."

The big screen in the home arena lit up, everyone turned their heads and looked around. The long list of matches started from the top and moved towards the bottom. Lin Xiao took a casual glance to know his opponent and the competition area. After that, he chose to leave, and did not stay to watch the next nonsense opening ceremony.

The conference will be held in four areas, a home field and three branch fields, and his own game will be held in the main competition area, which is what Lin Xiao hopes.

Leaving the venue, Lin Xiao returned to the camp. Although the contestants can live in the contestants’ village for free, Lin Xiao did not choose to go there. Instead, they continued camping with May and everyone did not look for a hotel to stay in. .

Back in the camp, Lin Xiao went directly into the tent and wondered what little Pokémon should be used, but the three of May did not bother him.

The long-awaited Conference will officially open tomorrow, but the process of the competition is very slow and it will take six or seven days to end.

There are too many people in the competition. It’s good to end one battle a day. This is the result of the four competitions that have been fighting from morning to night. After the subsequent links, although there are fewer competitions, because Each game is a heavyweight head-to-head, and the time will be shortened a lot, but it is also slower because of the importance of the game.

Fortunately, the games in Kanto Region are much lighter. Those regions and venue choices in Kanto Region made Lin Xiao a bit big at the beginning. There are all kinds of games to fight, and none of them can be played. However, the most speechless thing is the selection of all levels, and at the end there are semi-finals, finals and finals.

Lily of the Valley Conference is not so troublesome. After the first session is selected, only the finals and finals will be left. What do you need 16 into eight, 8 into 4 you are so troublesome to take your time.

In the finals, as long as one person wins all three battles, he can basically qualify for the Lock On Finals. However, there are as many accidental points as possible. One more game. The winner continues to participate in the game and loses. People are eliminated.

This night is destined to be very restless. Many contestants have insomnia, including Ash, who was excited all night. On the 2nd day, they stared at a pair of panda eyes and came to the camp and asked Lin Xiao to join the competition.

"Lin Xiao big brother, come on! We are waiting for you to bring back all Conference trophies from Regions."

"You will see, we are going in first "

The entire group had eaten and came to the venue. Lin Xiao and Ash walked into the contestant aisle together. Misty, May and the others went directly to the audience to cheer Lin Xiao and cheer.

I don’t know if Lin Xiao’s battle was arranged by the Conference party in the First Stage! !

The game has several points of clock to start. The scene has become a pot of porridge. Lin Xiao and Ash walked into the player rest area. There was no one beside them. The other trainers would rather stand. On the aisle, Trainer in Sinnoh Region now has a sense of fear for Lin Xiao.

Fortunately, there are not all contestants standing in the corridor in the lounge.

"Please prepare Lin Xiao and enter the arena for the game."

There was no conversation between Lin Xiao and Ash, and Lin Xiao got up soon after being prompted by the loudspeaker. moved towards the passage.

"Dear spectators, the game is about to begin. Now we invite two contestants with warm applause. First of all, the blue one is the contestant Kobayashi from Fang Hearthome City."


Following the introduction of the narrator, everyone applauded warmly. Amidst the applause of everyone, Lin Xiao’s opponent Xiaolin walked into the arena just His expression is a little depressed, anyone who does Lin Xiao's opponent will feel very depressed.

"The other player is Lin Xiao from Kanto Region, please applaud!!!"

The commentator yelled, but after Lin Xiao’s name appeared, the scene There was little applause. It was the applause from people from other regions. The audience in Sinnoh's region couldn't help being silent. They are now a little afraid of Lin Xiao, but it doesn't mean that they welcome him.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak, this is the current attitude of people in Sinnoh Region towards Lin Xiao, that's why they chose this way to fight.

Uh...the reaction of the audience on the spot stunned the commentator directly. The eloquent one was suddenly speechless, and he didn't know how to arouse everyone's atmosphere.

If you are an average person, you will definitely feel guilty and uncomfortable when you encounter this situation, but Lin Xiao will not. He is very clear about the attitude of the people in Sinnoh Region to him, but he does not care about it silently Walked into the arena.

Lin Xiao walked into the arena and looked around the audience. He didn't make some stupid provocations. Wouldn't it be enough to just step on it? Is provocation interesting? ..

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