Looking at the detonated gem set off a violent storm, Lin Xiao sneered. What kind of creation is this world? It is directly a big hole in the dimensional space. That's it.

The space storm swept over, and the sushi lifts the head golden rays of light gushing out from its body, enveloping the space storm, sending it into the dimensional space, and tearing the space apart Surrounded, everything slowly returned to calm, the tear in the space was slowly filled back, and sushi stopped.

Sushi that carries all sections is almost invincible. Any little Pokémon who wants to rebel in front of it is powerless. Even the million-evolved Rayquaza can only watch with bulging eyes, formidable power. The powerful Unique Ability gives you immunity, it is stronger than the basic attack than you, and it is more fierce than the physical strength, and it is impossible to compare.

"Cyrus, you are arrested!!!"

Shirona coldly snorted, Garchomp rushed directly up, kicking Cyrus to the ground with one foot, stepping on like a prawn Normal Cyrus curled up and screamed, lest this guy make any trouble again.

If you can Garchomp, you can’t wait to trample on this soul and hurt yourself, but it can’t do that.

I didn’t go to see Cyrus on the ground, Lin Xiao looked towards Shirona, "How come out suddenly, don’t notify me."

He became a little messy because of the battle. Silk sorted it out, Shirona said with a smile: "I came here because of a report that Team Galactic had a big move, but who would have thought that this guy could actually imprison Paluchiya and Dialga, and let them attack an accidental Garchomp was hurt a little bit, but fortunately you came in time."

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, looking at Cyrus, who was slammed by Garchomp, and said: "Paruchiya, Dialga, you return to yourself Go where you live."



I glanced at sushi in awe, Pa Lu Qiya and Dialga were nodded to Lin Xiao, disappeared into the space, leaving only one endgame.

"Beat you this bastard!!"

Ash, with a lot of injuries on his body, stepped forward angrily and beat Cyrus several times fiercely, and tied him up.

"Thank you."

Shirona smiled nodded, Ash laughed, and hugged a few little Pokémons that acted as hubs and left quickly. A few little Pokémons needed healing, their energy A lot of shortfalls.

Several little Pokémon also belong to the legendary little Pokémon in Sinnoh Region, but they rarely appear, and this time they were still caught by Team Galactic.

Ash hurriedly left, Shirona stepped forward and hugged Lin Xiao and said in a low voice: "I'm going back first, take this guy back to deal with it."

"Well, Go ahead, don't make yourself too busy." Looking at Shirona's haggard face, Lin Xiao felt distressed. He didn't want Shirona but smiled mischievously, "I'm losing weight."

Lin Xiao Speechless, "You will lose weight if you lose weight. You have to keep the fat and fat you have raised. Do you know?" nodded lying on Garchomp’s back said with a smile: "It’s almost over. I’m waiting to travel to Yixiu Region with you. Don’t take me away!"

Making a joke, Shirona laughed and told Garchomp to grab Cyrus and flew towards the outside of the mountain.

Looking at Garchomp disappearing into the sky with Shirona, Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head. Didn’t expect to meet Shirona here, but Team Galactic did eat the ambition of the leopard, some others The organization wanted to use the power of the legendary little Pokémon, and it was only with help. Cyrus was more sturdy and directly imprisoned the two little Pokémon, and then extracted the energy from their bodies. The courage is really not Normal.

The matter is over, Lin Xiao came to the town with sushi.

"It’s okay, don’t worry, it’s just that the guys from Team Galactic are stumbling around. It has been resolved."

"Let’s find a place to rest and leave tomorrow. "

Lin Xiao didn't tell them what happened. As for the treatment of the three little Pokémons, Uxie. Mesprit, Ash will deal with it. There is Pokémon Center and Team Galactic in the town. After experiencing today's things, it will basically be broken up, and there is no need to worry that some of the remaining small shrimps will come out and jump.

An organization like the boss being arrested will either select another boss or face dissolution.

But the probability of the latter is relatively great. Cyrus's actions today are too shocked and chose to abandon everything to proceed. How many people like this Boss would be willing to follow him?

Today’s matter is more involved. Lin Xiao did not say, nor did the three daughters inquire. Besides, the three of them don’t have that time. It’s already not far from the start of the gorgeous celebration, and the three of them don’t care. On those messy things, even though Dawn is the only one who can participate, May and Lily still work hard to help her, even if they go and see it, it’s not bad.

People who are coordinating Trainer like gorgeous celebrations just like Pokémon Trainer likes Pokémon tournament. Even if they don’t collect eight Badge, they will still go to the conference venue to watch the game.

I found a hotel in the town, and the four of them stayed.

"Dongdong dong! Lin Xiao Lin Xiao!!!"

On 2nd day, Lin Xiao, who was genius doing nothing to sleep, was awakened by a knock on the door.

The three daughters of Dawn came to the training hotel room early, leaving Lin Xiao alone.

"This guy!!" Listening to Ash's yelling and the constant knocking on the door, Lin Xiao grumbled angrily, got up and opened the door, looking at the door with excitement. Ash asked silently: "What's wrong with Ash? And how did you know that I live here?"

"May told me, I will show you something."

Ash smiled and closed the door, his expression was very excited, he took out the Poké Ball, and Lin Xiao was taken aback. This was the Master Ball he gave to Ash. In total, Ash gave two of them but he never used it, didn't use it. 't expect to use it this time, so what little Pokémon will be in it?

"Come out, Gible!!!"

Yelled happy, Ash threw the Poké Ball, and a chubby little fellow came out of the Poké Ball. ..

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