Looking at Lin Xiao taking care of Lapras, Charmander and Da Mi's eyes showed be eager to have a try.

After finishing the work, Lin Xiao lit a cigarette, took a couple of puffs and looked at the two small dragons without annoyance, and said, "You guys will be honest, otherwise I will send it back. Don’t think about it later. Travel with me and stay at home obediently!!"

This kind of thing must be suppressed early, otherwise it will be troublesome to wait for the little fellows to come with Gust.

"Lapras didn't suffer any injuries, right?" Sundae asked worriedly looking at Lapras who was resting.

"There is no injury," Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "But there may be some internal injuries left by extreme training, which need to be treated at the Pokémon Center. It seems that we can't start today. "

"Right to rest and train Pokémon!" Sundae whispered comforted.

Lin Xiao nodded, preparing to train for Pokémon, at this moment Sundae suddenly yelled.

"That's right!!"

Sundae patted his forehead with chagrin, "I forgot! Uncle, wait a minute, there is good news!"

After that, the Sundae hurried into the tent, leaving Lin Xiao puzzled, what good news?

Soon, Sundae took out his handheld computer from the tent and shouted to Lin Xiao: "This is the good news I said. This morning, Syracuse Uncle has once again become Kanto's Dragon Type Elite. !"

"I can’t think that the Syracuse Uncle, named after Uncle, will be out again. Both of them are experts using the Dragon Type Pokémon, and they have been friends since childhood. I really look forward to them. The collision." Sundae looked forward to, and in his heart kept imagining the scene of the battle between the two.

Lin Xiao rolled the eyes, knocked on the sundae’s forehead, said ill-humoredly: "Do you think it's a little child who plays as he pleases?"

"Smelly uncle!!! Don't hit me on the head!!!" Sundae grumbled dissatisfiedly with a bulging face.

Ignoring Sundae’s complaint, Lin Xiao took out the computer and asked, "So which Elite got off the job? Is it Juzi?"

In Lin Xiao’s In the impression of Kanto Elite, it is undoubtedly the most probable to remove the Elite position. After all, he has occupied the position of Elite for so many years, and he is also relatively old.

Rubbing his forehead, Sundae pursed his mouth and said, "No, it’s not that Du has removed Kanto’s Elite and let Syracuse Uncle take the post, and Du Uncle is now only the champion of Johto. And this year’s Johto’s new Elite has already taken up the post, and among them is the one you said. The four Elites didn't know Lin Xiao except Ah Ju.

But why did Du take off the position of Elite instead of Chrysanthemum? Lin Xiao was very puzzled about this. He took out his mobile phone and pressed Oak Syracuse’s phone number and dialed out. Out of courtesy, greetings and congratulations are necessary, not to mention that he is almost a family now, without the blessings of his family. What is that like?

Oak Syracuse, who was with Chrysanthemum and the others, took out his cell phone and took a look, then smiled and connected to the phone said with a smile: "I thought you brat didn’t know when he was traveling. Gary doesn’t seem to know the news yet. I don’t know where he has been."

Lin Xiao smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "How could I not know about such a big thing? Congratulations to Uncle for sitting on Elite again. Seat."

"hehe ~What kind of polite things do my family say, as long as you brat have this heart." From the voice, I can tell that Oak Syracuse is very happy now.

After exchanging a few words with Lin Xiao, Oak Syracuse hung up, smiled and said to several people: "It's Lin Xiao, after this kid saw the news, he called me to bless me."

Sheba and Juzi smiled slightly, and did not speak.

Only Kona was slightly frowned, some hesitant to talk, and finally he didn't say anything.

In a certain city in Kanto, Shirona, the female champion, took a pen to record the address of Lin Xiao and said to the phone: "I see. Thank you. I will ask you to eat ice cream sundae another day."

A hearty female voice came on the other end of the phone, "You can enjoy yourself slowly. I really don’t understand that you haven’t eaten enough ice cream after eating for more than 20 years... .But you can’t say that the address was given by me? Alliance is not allowed to inquire about Trainer’s information privately, especially Lin Xiao’s is also classified as confidential. If it is known by Alliance, my job will be lost."

Shirona smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "Don't worry, we have known each other for eighteen years. When have you seen my big mouth, so be it, next time I will definitely treat you to ice cream."

Shirona hung up the phone, the smile on her face disappeared, and she changed to a cold face.

"Are you heading to Navel Island?" Looking at the paper in her hand, Shirona fiercely said fiercely: "Dare to disgust me and make me unable to eat for a few days! This time must you look good!!" Thinking of countless ways to torture Lin Xiao, the thin paper was rubbed out in Shirona's hands, as if the paper was Lin Xiao.

On the unnamed island, Lin Xiao, who had just hung up the phone, shuddered suddenly, put the phone away suspiciously, and Lin Xiao looked around.

The sun is very good! There was no wind blowing, so why did it suddenly shudder? Could something bad happen recently?

Lin Xiao, who couldn't come to a conclusion after thinking for a long time, had to leave it behind and prepare to train Pokémon.

After a period of hard work, Da Mi successfully mastered the key to the release of Dragon Rage. Now there is basically no emptying of the gun, but the condensing time is still very long.

Charmander’s Steel Iron Tail Bar also learned a lot, I believe it will take a long time to learn.

Magikarp saw everyone training, and he was tossing hard in the small pit, but he didn't get any results other than muddling the water.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, Lapras had already woke up, had taken medicine, and slept for a while. Lapras' spirits recovered a lot.

Lin Xiao was very happy when Lapras woke up, holding Lapras’ neck, Lin Xiao said distressedly: “Lapras, I can’t do this next time, know? There are many ways to increase strength, we can Take your time."

Lapras also knew that he had done a bit too much this time, so sorry used his head to rub Lin Xiao's face vigorously, indicating that he would not do it in the future.

Lapras is okay, the little Pokémons are all around, chirp chirp twitter twitter keeps chatting, Lin Xiao smiles and saves time for them to exchange feelings, even Xiaoxiao and Meowth who are not very united Add it in, everyone, you noisy me, is it so lively?

Looking at the little Pokémons, Lin Xiao slightly smiled and said: "It’s very warm, isn’t it?"

The good feelings and communication of the little Pokémons make the sundae’s eyes involuntarily Red rose, leaning on Lin Xiao's shoulder, nodded hard. ..

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